pro std_ts_all, doplot = doplot, _extra=ex compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs @common @std_common PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' plot of all TIME SERIES' PRINT, '' PRINT, ' ############################################' PRINT, '' ; std_iodir_data = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_DATA'), title = 'path of data in NetCdf format') std_iodir_climato = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_CLIMATO'), title = 'path of climatological data') std_iodir_mask = isadirectory(getenv('DIR_MASK'), title = 'path of mask files (ex: subbasins)') ; meshmask std_file_mesh = isafile(getenv('FILE_MESH_MASK'), title = 'mesh_mask', iodir = std_iodir_mask) std_file_msksub = isafile(getenv('FILE_MASK_SUBDOMAIN'), title = 'sub-bassin masks', iodir = std_iodir_mask) ; load the grid load_orca, std_file_mesh ; reading variables masknp = read_ncdf('tmaskutil', file = std_file_mesh, /nostruct, /cont_nofill) ; climatologies std_file_Levitus_T = isafile(getenv('FILE_TEMP_3D'), title = 'Levitus_T', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_Levitus_S = isafile(getenv('FILE_SAL_3D'), title = 'Levitus_S', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_reynolds = isafile(getenv('FILE_SST'), title = 'Reynolds', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_oaflux = isafile(getenv('FILE_FLUX'), title = 'oaflux', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_mld = isafile(getenv('FILE_MLD'), title = 'Mixed layer depth', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_ice = isafile(getenv('FILE_ICE'), title = 'ICE', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_snow_arc = isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ARC'), title = 'SNOW_ARC', iodir = std_iodir_climato) std_file_snow_ant = isafile(getenv('FILE_SNOW_ANT'), title = 'SNOW_ANT', iodir = std_iodir_climato) date1 = long(getenv('DATE1')) & date2 = long(getenv('DATE2')) date1_2 = long(getenv('DATE1_2')) & date2_2 = long(getenv('DATE2_2')) allrec = 1 - keyword_set(long(getenv('READ_ONLY_FIRST_RECORD'))) ;######################################################################### ;###################### STANDARD PLOTS ################################ ;######################################################################### IF keyword_set(doplot) EQ 0 THEN doplot = 0 ; fixed color tabled lct, 64 cnt = 0 htmltxt = '' ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Mean Temperature' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_T, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Mean Salinity' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_S, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Mean SSH' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_SSH, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Mean Q net' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_Q, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Global Mean EMP' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_EMP, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Drake Transport' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_Drake, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Max AMOC' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_AMOC, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Sea-Ice Cover' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_ICE, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Sea-Ice Volume' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_ICE_Vol, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'ICE Velocity ' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_ICE_Vel, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; cnt = cnt+1 & blabla = 'Sea-Ice Volume Export at Fram Strait' IF doplot EQ cnt OR doplot EQ 0 THEN std_ts_ICE_FRAM, masknp, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex ; IF n_elements(htmltxt) GT 1 THEN putfile, psdir+'std_ts_html_body.txt', htmltxt[1:*] return END