# EKMAN IBM Intel Sandy Bridge at INGV # NCDF_INC netcdf include file # NCDF_LIB netcdf library # XIOS_ROOT root directory containing lib for XIOS # MPI_INTEL directory for intel mpi library # FC Fortran compiler command # FCFLAGS Fortran compiler flags # FFLAGS Fortran 77 compiler flags # LD linker # LDFLAGS linker flags, e.g. -L if you have libraries in a # FPPFLAGS pre-processing flags # AR assembler # ARFLAGS assembler flags # MK make # USER_INC additional include files for the compiler, e.g. -I # USER_LIB additional libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l %NCDF_INC -I/srv/lib/netcdf-x/include %NCDF_LIB -L/srv/lib/netcdf-x/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lcurl -lstdc++ %XIOS_ROOT /home/delrosso/XIOS_482/XIOS %MPI_INTEL -I/srv/intel/impi/ %CPP cpp %FC mpiifort %FCFLAGS -r8 -O1 -g -traceback -fp-model precise %FFLAGS %FCFLAGS %LD mpiifort %LDFLAGS %FPPFLAGS -P -C -traditional %AR ar %ARFLAGS rs %MK gmake %USER_INC -I%XIOS_ROOT/inc %NCDF_INC %MPI_INTEL -I/srv/lib/zlib-last/include %USER_LIB -L%XIOS_ROOT/lib -lxios %NCDF_LIB -L/srv/lib/zlib-last/lib -lz