Usage: ./ -u $USER -m $ARCH [OPTIONS] ./install_new_branch -u $USER -m $ARCH [OPTIONS] ./ Launch trusting test on $ARCH machine from $USER installation ./install_new_branch Install new branch in $USER installation for trusting test on $ARCH machine Examples: `./ -u romr005 -m X64_CURIE -p -b nemo_v3_6_STABLE` `./install_new_branch -u romr005 -m X64_ADA -w $HOME/NEMO ` Mandatory Default settings to source in ./config, templates (arch_template.cfg & user_template.cfg) -m,--machine Architecture environment (compilation & computation settings) -u,--user User "" (NEMO & XIOS installation) Options (modify default settings) SVN -b,--branch Branch name in working directory ('trunk'|'nemo_v3_6_stable'|...) -v,--version Action on working copy ('status' by default) '{'YYYY-MM-DD'}' Update to revision available at this date [0-9]* "" "" "" number HEAD|up|update "" "" last revision st|status Show differences with repository -w,--workdir Installation directory for testing branches Inputs -a,--archive Forcing input files archive to extract, if void it will copy all files from given folder (see next line) -f,--forcdir Path to your personal folder of forcing inputs Testing configuration -n,--new_conf Testing configuration folder created in ./CONFIG -r,--ref_conf Reference " " for trusting test Compiling & computation -j,--job Number of processes for compiling -t,--time Timeout for computation (s) Trusting output -d,--debug Verbose output for debugging purpose (`set -vx`) -e,--email Email trusting digest report to following addresses only on failure -h,--help Print this help & exit -p,--prod Production mode (append trusting logfile)