!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_wave ! External fields from wave model (ln_wave=T) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! sn_cdg = 'cdg_wave', 1 , 'drag_coeff', .true. , .false., 'daily' , '' , '' , '' sn_usd = 'sdw_wave', 1 , 'u_sd2d' , .true. , .false., 'daily' , '' , '' , '' sn_vsd = 'sdw_wave', 1 , 'v_sd2d' , .true. , .false., 'daily' , '' , '' , '' sn_wn = 'sdw_wave', 1 , 'wave_num' , .true. , .false., 'daily' , '' , '' , '' ! cn_dir_cdg = './' ! root directory for the location of drag coefficient files ln_cdgw = .false. ! Neutral drag coefficient read from wave model ln_sdw = .false. ! Computation of 3D stokes drift /