!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namobc ! open boundaries parameters ("key_obc") !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nobc_dta = 0 ! = 0 the obc data are equal to the initial state ! = 1 the obc data are read in 'obc .dta' files rdpein = 1. ! ??? rdpwin = 1. ! ??? rdpnin = 30. ! ??? rdpsin = 1. ! ??? rdpeob = 1500. ! time relaxation (days) for the east open boundary rdpwob = 15. ! " " for the west open boundary rdpnob = 150. ! " " for the north open boundary rdpsob = 15. ! " " for the south open boundary zbsic1 = 140.e+6 ! barotropic stream function on first isolated coastline zbsic2 = 1.e+6 ! " " on second isolated coastline zbsic3 = 0. ! " " on thrid isolated coastline ln_obc_clim = .true. ! climatological obc data files (default T) ln_vol_cst = .true. ! total volume conserved /