/*! @mainpage Main Page @section descr Generic Description SIREN is a software to create regional configuration with [NEMO](http://www.nemo-ocean.eu).
Actually SIREN create input files needed for a basic NEMO configuration.
SIREN is composed of a set of 5 Fortran programs : - create_coord.f90 to create fine grid coordinate file from coarse grid coordinate file. - create_bathy.f90 to create fine grid bathymetry file over domain. - merge_bathy.f90 to merge fine grid bathymetry with coarse grid bathymetry at boundaries. - create_restart.f90 to create initial state file from coarse grid restart or standard outputs. - create_boundary.f90 to create boundary condition from coarse grid standard outputs. To install those programs see @ref md_docsrc_1_install. @note SIREN can not: - create global configuration - create configuarion around or close to north pole - change number of vertical level - change grid (horizontal or vertical) @section howto How to use @subsection howto_coord to create fine grid coordinate file see create_coord.f90 @subsection howto_bathy to create fine grid bathymetry see create_bathy.f90 @subsection howto_merge to merge fine grid bathymetry see merge_bathy.f90 @subsection howto_restart to create initial state file see create_restart.f90 @subsection howto_boundary to create boundary condition see create_boundary.f90
- @ref md_docsrc_1_install - @ref md_docsrc_3_codingRules - @ref md_docsrc_4_changeLog - @ref todo */