!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! OPA namelist : model option and parameter input ! ------------- !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namrun parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! no job number ! cexper experience name for vairmer format ! ln_rstart boolean term for restart (true or false) ! nrstdt control of the restart timestep: ! = 0 restart, do not control nit000 in the restart file. ! = 1 restart, control nit000 in the restart file. Do not ! use the date in the restart file (use ndate0 in namelist) ! = 2 restart, control nit000 in the restart file, use the date ! in the restart file. ndate0 in the namelist is ignored. ! nit000 number of the first time step ! nitend number of the last time step ! ndate0 initial calendar date aammjj ! nleapy Leap year calendar (0/1) ! nprint level of print (0 no print) ! nstock frequency of restart file ! nwrite frequency of OUTPUT file ! nrunoff = 0 no, 1 runoff, 2 runoff+river mouth ups adv ! ln_ctl trend control print (expensive!) ! nictl max i indice to make the control SUM (very usefull to compare mono- ! njctl max j indice to make the control SUM (-versus multi processor runs) ! nbench Bench parameter (0/1): CAUTION it must be zero except for bench ! for which we don't care about physical meaning of the results ! ! CAUTION: for usual run scripts, logical value of ! ******* ln_rstart must be .true. or .false. ! and NOT .TRUE. or .FALSE. &namrun no = 0 cexper = "GYRE" ln_rstart = .false. nrstdt = 0 nit000 = 1 nitend = 4320 ndate0 = 010101 nleapy = 30 nprint = 0 nstock = 4320 nwrite = 60 nrunoff = 0 ln_ctl = .true. nictl = 10 njctl = 10 nbench = 0 / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nam_traadv advection scheme for tracer (option not control by CPP keys) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ln_traadv_cen2 2nd order centered scheme (default T) ! ln_traadv_tvd TVD scheme (default F) ! ln_traadv_muscl MUSCL scheme (default F) ! ln_traadv_muscl2 MUSCL2 scheme (default F) &nam_traadv ln_traadv_cen2 = .true. ln_traadv_tvd = .false. ln_traadv_muscl = .false. ln_traadv_muscl2 = .false. / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nam_traldf lateral diffusion scheme for tracer (option not control by CPP keys) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Type of the operator : ! ln_traldf_lap laplacian operator (default T) ! ln_traldf_bilap bilaplacian operator (default F) ! Direction of action : ! ln_traldf_level iso-level (default F) ! ln_traldf_hor horizontal (geopotential) (default F)^** ! ln_traldf_iso iso-neutral (default T)^* ! Coefficient ! aht0 horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers (m2/s) ! ahtb0 background eddy diffusivity for isopycnal diffusion (m2/s) ! aeiv0 eddy induced velocity coefficient (m2/s) ! ^* require key_ldfslp to compute the direction of the lateral diffusion ! ^** require key_ldfslp in s-coordinate &nam_traldf ln_traldf_lap = .true. ln_traldf_bilap = .false. ln_traldf_level = .false. ln_traldf_hor = .false. ln_traldf_iso = .true. aht0 = 1000. ahtb0 = 0. aeiv0 = 1000. / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nam_dynldf lateral diffusion on momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Type of the operator : ! ln_dynldf_lap laplacian operator (default T) ! ln_dynldf_bilap bilaplacian operator (default F) ! Direction of action : ! ln_dynldf_level iso-level (default F) ! ln_dynldf_hor horizontal (geopotential) (default F)^** ! ln_dynldf_iso iso-neutral (default T)^* ! Coefficient ! ahm0 horizontal eddy viscosity for the dynamics (m2/s) ! ahmb0 background eddy viscosity for isopycnal diffusion (m2/s) &nam_dynldf ln_dynldf_lap = .true. ln_dynldf_bilap = .false. ln_dynldf_level = .false. ln_dynldf_hor = .true. ln_dynldf_iso = .false. ahm0 = 100000. ahmb0 = 0. / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namflg algorithm flags (algorithm not control by CPP keys) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ln_dynhpg_imp hydrostatic pressure gradient: semi-implicit time scheme (T) ! centered time scheme (F) &namflg ln_dynhpg_imp = .false. / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nam_dynvor option of physics/algorithm (not control by CPP keys) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ln_dynvor_ens vorticity trends: enstrophy conserving scheme (default T) ! ln_dynvor_ene " " : energy conserving scheme (default F) ! ln_dynvor_mix " " : mixed scheme (default F) ! ln_dynvor_een " " : energy & enstrophy scheme (default F) &nam_dynvor ln_dynvor_ene = .FALSE. ln_dynvor_ens = .TRUE. ln_dynvor_mix = .FALSE. ln_dynvor_een = .FALSE. / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namtau surface wind stress !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ntau000 gently increase the stress over the first ntau_rst time-steps ! tau0x uniform value used as default surface heat flux ! tau0y uniform value used as default solar radiation flux &namtau ntau000 = 100 tau0x = 0.1e0 tau0y = 0.e0 / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namflx surface fluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! q0 uniform value used as default surface heat flux ! qsr0 uniform value used as default solar radiation flux ! emp0 uniform value used as default surface freswater budget (E-P) &namflx q0 = 0.e0 qsr0 = 150.e0 emp0 = 0.e0 / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namalb albedo parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cgren correction of the snow or ice albedo to take into account ! albice albedo of melting ice in the arctic and antarctic ! alphd coefficients for linear interpolation used to compute albedo ! between two extremes values (Pyane, 1972) ! alphc " " ! alphdi " " &namalb cgren = 0.06 albice = 0.5 alphd = 0.80 alphc = 0.65 alphdi = 0.72 / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! namdom space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ntopo = 0/1 ,compute/read the bathymetry file ! (mbathy, nb of T-ocean levels) ! e3zps_min the thickness of the partial step is set larger than the ! e3zps_rat the minimum of e3zps_min and e3zps_rat * e3t ! (N.B. 05cm2/s ) ! (=2 no damping in the mixed layer defined rho