#/bin/bash #! #PBS -N nemo_sette #PBS -l walltime=00:08:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -q shared #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=32 export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $PBS_O_WORKDIR) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR export XIO_HOME=/projects/ocean/nemo/xios/xios_1.0_r618_20150619/XIOS # echo " "; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 O_PER_NODE=32 X_PER_NODE=4 OCORES=NPROCS XCORES=NXIOPROCS if [ $OCORES -le 32 ] ; then O_PER_NODE=$OCORES; fi export SETTE_DIR=DEF_SETTE_DIR ############################################################### # # # load sette functions (only post_test_tidyup needed) # . ${SETTE_DIR}/all_functions.sh ############################################################### # # Don't remove neither change the following line # BODY # # Test specific settings. Do not hand edit these lines; the fcm_job.sh script will set these # (via sed operating on this template job file). Note that the number of compute nodes required # is also set by the fcm_job.sh on the PBS select header line above. # # These variables are needed by post_test_tidyup function in all_functions.sh # export INPUT_DIR=DEF_INPUT_DIR export CONFIG_DIR=DEF_CONFIG_DIR export NEMO_VALIDATION_DIR=DEF_NEMO_VALIDATION export NEW_CONF=DEF_NEW_CONF export CMP_NAM=DEF_CMP_NAM export TEST_NAME=DEF_TEST_NAME export EXE_DIR=DEF_EXE_DIR ulimit -c unlimited ulimit -s unlimited export FORT_FMT_RECL=132 # # end of set up ############################################################### # # change to the working directory # cd $EXE_DIR proc=1 while [ $proc -le 32 ] do echo Directory is `pwd` mpiexec -n 1 ./opa done # # END_BODY # Don't remove neither change the previous line exit