============================================================== == HOW TO set up user’s configuration in NEMO version 4.0 : == ============================================================== This document describes how a configuration is set up in NEMO. In NEMO 4.0 two types of configurations can be build: global/regional and idealized. - create NEMOGCM/CONFIG/your_config - case 1: regional or global => ln_read_cfg = .true. in NEMOGCM/CONFIG/your_config/EXP00/namelist_cfg (i.e. read domain_cfg.nc) - case 2: idealized =>in NEMOGCM/CONFIG/your_config/EXP00/namelist_cfg : ln_read_cfg = .false. (need to define usrdef_hgr.F90 and usrdef_zgr.F90) ln_usr = .true. (need to define usrdef_sbc.F90) => copy NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/USR in NEMOGC/CONFIG/your_config/MY_SRC routines nedeed to set up domain, forcing fields and initial state Routines in NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/USR define analytically the domain, the initial state and the surface boundary conditions for the reference configuration GYRE. • usrdef_hgr.F90 and usrdef_zgr.F90 : define horizontal and vertical grid • usrdef_sbc.F90 : provides at each time-step the surface boundary condition, i.e. the momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes • usrdef_istate.F90 : defines initialization of the dynamics and tracers • usrdef_fmask.F90 : used just in ORCA CONFIGURATIONS for alteration of f-point land/ocean mask in some straits • usrdef_closea.F90 : used just in ORCA CONFIGURATIONS for specific treatments associated with closed seas • usrdef_nam.F90 : set the domain characteristics of a user configuration Other analytical examples are given in NEMOGCM/CONFIG/TEST_CASES. =========================================== == The domain_cfg.nc file must contain : == =========================================== int ORCA , ORCA_index : configuration name, configuration resolution int jpiglo, jpjglo , jpkglo : global domain sizes int jperio : lateral global domain b.c. int ln_zco, ln_zps, ln_sco : flags for z-coordinate, z-coordinate with partial steps and s-coordinate int ln_isfcav : flag for ice shelf cavities double glamt, glamu, glamv, glamf : geographic position double gphit, gphiu, gphiv, gphif : geographic position double iff, ff_f, ff_t : Coriolis parameter (if not on the sphere) double e1t, e1u, e1v, e1f : horizontal scale factors double e2t, e2u, e2v, e2f : horizontal scale factors double ie1e2u_v, e1e2u, e1e2v : U and V surfaces (if grid size reduction in some straits) double e3t_1d, e3w_1d : reference vertical scale factors at T and W points double e3t_0, e3u_0, e3v_0, e3f_0, e3w_0 : vertical scale factors 3D coordinate at T,U,V,F and W points double e3uw_0,e3vw_0 : vertical scale factors 3D coordinate at UW and VW points int bottom_level, top_level : last wet T-points, 1st wet T-points (for ice shelf cavities) ======================================= = HOW TO CREATE domain_cfg.nc file : == ======================================= Two options are possible : - users can create with his own tool the domain_cfg.nc with all mandatory fields. - tool is available in NEMOGCM/TOOLS/DOMAINcfg based on NEMO 3.6 version. See NEMOGCM/TOOLS/DOMAINcfg/README.