!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !! NEMO/OPA : Configuration namelist used to overwrite namelist_ref !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namrun ! parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cn_exp = "ORCA2_SAS" ! experience name nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step nn_itend = 100 ! last time step (std 5475) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcfg ! parameters of the configuration !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cp_cfg = "orca" ! name of the configuration jp_cfg = 2 ! resolution of the configuration jpidta = 182 ! 1st lateral dimension ( >= jpi ) jpjdta = 149 ! 2nd " " ( >= jpj ) jpkdta = 31 ! number of levels ( >= jpk ) jpiglo = 182 ! 1st dimension of global domain --> i =jpidta jpjglo = 149 ! 2nd - - --> j =jpjdta jpizoom = 1 ! left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom jpjzoom = 1 ! in data domain indices jperio = 4 ! lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namzgr ! vertical coordinate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ln_zco = .true. ! z-coordinate - full steps ln_linssh = .true. ! linear free surface / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jphgr_msh = 0 ! type of horizontal mesh ppglam0 = 999999.0 ! longitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) ppgphi0 = 999999.0 ! latitude of first raw and column T-point (jphgr_msh = 1) ppe1_deg = 999999.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) ppe2_deg = 999999.0 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) ppe1_m = 999999.0 ! zonal grid-spacing (degrees) ppe2_m = 999999.0 ! meridional grid-spacing (degrees) ppsur = -4762.96143546300 ! ORCA r4, r2 and r05 coefficients ppa0 = 255.58049070440 ! (default coefficients) ppa1 = 245.58132232490 ! ppkth = 21.43336197938 ! ppacr = 3.0 ! ppdzmin = 999999. ! Minimum vertical spacing pphmax = 999999. ! Maximum depth ldbletanh = .FALSE. ! Use/do not use double tanf function for vertical coordinates ppa2 = 999999. ! Double tanh function parameters ppkth2 = 999999. ! ppacr2 = 999999. ! / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcrs ! Grid coarsening for dynamics output and/or ! passive tracer coarsened online simulations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namctl ! Control prints & Benchmark !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc ! Surface Boundary Condition (surface module) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_sas ! analytical surface boundary condition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_core ! namsbc_core CORE bulk formulae !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_ssr ! surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namsbc_alb ! albedo parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namlbc ! lateral momentum boundary condition !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nameos ! ocean physical parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &nammpp ! Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- /