Simple style rules for namelists -------------------------------- NEMO reference namelists should adhere to the following simple style rules: 1. Comments outside a namelist block start with !! in column 1 2. Each namelist block starts with 3 lines of the form: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namblockname ! short description of block !----------------------------------------------------------------------- with all ! and & 's starting in column 1 3. The closing / for each namelist block is in column 1 4. Comments within namelist blocks never start with !- . Use ! followed by space or != etc. These conventions make it possible to construct empty configuration namelists. For example, a namelist_cfg template can be produced from namelist_ref with the following grep command; e.g.: grep -E '^!-|^&|^/' namelist_ref > namelist_cfg.template head namelist_cfg.template !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namrun ! parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namcfg ! parameters of the configuration !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namdom ! time and space domain !----------------------------------------------------------------------- / . . If all configuration namelists are produced and maintained using this strategy then standard, side-by-side comaparators, such as vimdiff or xxdiff, can be used to compare and transfer lines from the reference namelist to a configuration namelist when setting up a new configuration. Tips and tricks --------------- 1. The following bash function is useful when checking which namelist blocks are in active use in a configuration namelist: function list_used_nl(){ grep -n -E '^&|^/' "$1" | sed -e 's/:/ /' \ | awk ' BEGIN { x = 0 } \ {if ( NR % 2 == 0 && $1 - x > 2 ) printf("%3d %s\n", $1 - x , n) ; \ else x = $1; n = $2}' \ | sort -k 2;} which (assuming the namelist adheres to the conventions) will list the number of entries in each non-empty namelist block. The list is sorted on the block name to ease comparisons. For example: list_used_nl ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES/EXP00/namelist_cfg 1 &nambbc 5 &nambbl 30 &namberg 10 &namcfg 4 &namctl 3 &namdom 1 &namdrg 5 &namdyn_adv 1 &namdyn_hpg 22 &namdyn_ldf 1 &namdyn_spg 5 &namdyn_vor 3 &nameos 1 &namhsb 4 &namrun 1 &namsbc 1 &namsbc_blk 3 &namtra_adv 1 &namtra_adv_mle 28 &namtra_ldf 10 &namtra_ldfeiv 25 &namzdf 3 &namzdf_iwm 2. vimdiff can give garish colours in some terminals. Usually this is because vim assumes, incorrectly, that the terminal only supports 8 colours. Try forcing 256 colours with: :set t_Co=256 to produce more pastel shades (add this to ~/.vimrc if successful). 3. Switching between vsplit panes in vim is a multi-key sequence. The tool is much easier to use if the sequence is mapped to a spare key. Here I use the § and ± key on my Mac keyboard (add to ~/.vimrc): map § ^Wl map ± ^Wh 4. With easy switching between panes, constructing namelists in vimdiff just requires the following commands in addition to normal editing: ]c - Go to next block of the diff dp - Push version of the block under cursor into the other pane do - Pull version of the block under cursor from the other pane