!----------------------------------------------------------------------- &namrun ! parameters of the run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- no = 0 ! job number cexper = "ORCA2" ! experience name for vairmer format ln_rstart = .false. ! boolean term for restart (true or false) nrstdt = 0 ! restart control = 0 restart, do not control nit000 in the restart file. ! = 1 restart, control nit000 in the restart file. Do not ! use the date in the restart file (use ndate0 in namelist) ! = 2 restart, control nit000 in the restart file, use the date ! in the restart file. ndate0 in the namelist is ignored. nit000 = 1 ! number of the first time step nitend = 5475 ! number of the first time step ndate0 = 010101 ! initial calendar date aammjj nleapy = 0 ! Leap year calendar (0/1) ninist = 0 ! initial state output flag (0/1) nstock = 5475 ! number of the first time step nwrite = 5475 ! frequency of OUTPUT file nrunoff = 2 ! = 0 no, 1 runoff, 2 runoff+river mouth ups adv /