This is a first release of SIREN. To create SIREN documentation, go to ./src and run doxygen ( version or upper) then open ../doc/index.html or run ../doc/latex/gmake and open refman.pdf templates of namelists could be find in templates directory. read documentation for more information. 1- program to create coordinate file : ./create_coord create_coord.nam Variables are extracted from the input coordinates coarse grid and interpolated to create fine coordinates files. 2- program to create bathymetry file: ./create_bathy create_bathy.nam Bathymetry could be extracted from fine grid Bathymetry file, or interpolated from coarse grid Bathymetry file. 3- program to merge bathymetry file at boundaries : ./merge_bathy merge_bathy.nam Coarse grid Bathymetry is interpolated on fine grid. Then fine Bathymetry and refined coarse bathymetry are merged at boundaries. 4- program to create restart file : ./create_restart create_restart.nam Variables are read from restart file, or standard output. Then theses variables are interpolated on fine grid. Finally table are split over new decomposition. 5- program to create boundary files (OBC) : ./create_boundary create_boundary.nam Variables are read from standard output. Then theses variables are interpolated on fine grid boundaries.