New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#1967 Noise on vertical velocities when using UBS momemtum advection scheme assigned gm Defect Unscheduled normal
#1984 Error in the online momentum trend diagnostic assigned gm Bug Unscheduled normal
#2016 ENHANCE-11 Trusting-SETTE cooperation (previously 2018WP) assigned nicolasmartin Task Unscheduled normal
#2036 SEAICE-05_crousset_coupled_interface assigned clem Task Unscheduled normal
#2044 ENHANCE-09_Gurvan-GEOMETRIC assigned gm Task Unscheduled normal
#2046 PUBLI-03_SFlavoni-advectionscheme-analysis assigned flavoni Task Unscheduled normal
#2052 ENHANCE-09(2018WP)_rbourdal_massfluxconvection assigned rbourdal Task Unscheduled normal
#2055 ENHANCE-14_cethe_PISCES_LBC assigned cetlod Task Unscheduled normal
#2162 Tiling for TRA and ZDF routines new mikebell Task Unscheduled normal
#2379 VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE new clevy Task Unscheduled normal
#2390 ticket for KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 WP2020 action new davestorkey Task Unscheduled normal
#2463 Updating the online quickstart guide new systeam Defect normal
#2612 VLD-02_Aimie_Moulin_Med_Wave_Coupling assigned amoulin Task Unscheduled normal
#2634 KNL-02_Jerome_RK3_stage1_tsplit new jchanut Task Unscheduled normal
#2643 DOMAINcfg: bugs re-introduced assigned systeam Bug normal
#2662 HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline DiagGPU new mcastril Task Unscheduled normal
#2668 SI3 + nn_hls>1 crashes with "-init=arrays,snan,huge" compil options new clem Bug normal
#2682 Failing SETTE tests with debug flags and `nn_hls = 1` new hadcv Bug 2021 WP normal
#2695 ISF & key_qco compatibility + BUG in hpg_isf new techene Defect normal
#2714 ln_nnogather option not working for nn_hls=2 assigned systeam Defect normal
#2715 RK3 time-stepping for TOP new techene Task normal
#2737 mass of the ice+ocean system depends on the init of ice assigned systeam Defect normal
#2754 closed seas: mass conservation issue new Bug normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.