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#1134 (Large drift & Non-conservation of tracers) – NEMO

Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1134 closed Bug (invalid)

Large drift & Non-conservation of tracers

Reported by: mouchet Owned by: vichi
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: TOP Version: v3.4
Severity: Keywords: conservation
Cc: Anne.Mouchet@…, Olivier.Marti@…


Tests of tracer conservation in NEMO (V3.4 Off line mode, MY_TRC ) failed.
I have no idea of the origin of the problem, whose magnitude highly depends on tracer gradients and fluxes.

I performed the tests with 6 tracers differing by their initial state; further 2 of them undergo exchange at the air-sea interface. In the latter case the gross flux is constrained to be nul.
Nevertheless the drift is significant for all these tracers, but the one initialized with a constant value (tracer 1).

It seems advection is a possible culprit. I tested several schemes, none lead to satisfactory results.

I attach the file containing details on how i proceeded as well as the drift results.

Commit History (0)

(No commits)

Attachments (10)

DRIFT.pdf (70.8 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
cpp_ORCA2_OFF_MY_TRC.fcm (127 bytes) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
namelist (70.4 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
namelist_top (8.4 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
namelist_watistop (4.5 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
par_my_trc.F90 (5.3 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
trcini_my_trc.F90 (4.2 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
trcnam_my_trc.F90 (3.8 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
trcsbc.F90 (6.6 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.
trcsms_my_trc.F90 (5.0 KB) - added by mouchet 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

comment:1 follow-up: Changed 11 years ago by vichi

  • Owner changed from NEMO team to vichi
  • Status changed from new to assigned

can you also attach the namelists you used to run the 50 years run experiment?
And also please specify the configuration you run: ORCA2_LIM or GYRE?
Did you also try to run on-line?

Advection schemes with flux-limiter (MPDATA) are not conservative. Only by using a pure upstream or centred scheme you should achieve conservation. The problem is that when you have a source/sink term, also the positivity of the MPDATA schemes goes wrong and therefore one may have negative concentrations depending on the time step.
If you use a tracer initialized with values closer to 0 (like a nutrient concentration) you should see a larger trend in percentage.
I think we cannot aim to have a conservation that is order the precision of the machine. Gurvan or Christian, any comment on that?

I will redo your tests as well so we can better frame the problem.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 11 years ago by mouchet


Two days ago I had replied to nemo_st@… with all the information but it seems it got lost.
I'am not used yet to this system.

The configuration i use is: ORCA2_OFF_MY_TRC
You'll find attached to this message all namelists and F90 files i did use for these tests. I also join a copy of the cpp_keys file.

A clarification about the tests: tracer 1 is homogeneous; tracers 2 to 4 have H and V gradients; tracers 5 & 6 have surface (global mean = 0) source/sink terms. All emp (ev/prec/runoff) terms are zero.


Replying to vichi:

can you also attach the namelists you used to run the 50 years run experiment?
And also please specify the configuration you run: ORCA2_LIM or GYRE?
Did you also try to run on-line?

Advection schemes with flux-limiter (MPDATA) are not conservative. Only by using a pure upstream or centred scheme you should achieve conservation. The problem is that when you have a source/sink term, also the positivity of the MPDATA schemes goes wrong and therefore one may have negative concentrations depending on the time step.
If you use a tracer initialized with values closer to 0 (like a nutrient concentration) you should see a larger trend in percentage.
I think we cannot aim to have a conservation that is order the precision of the machine. Gurvan or Christian, any comment on that?

I will redo your tests as well so we can better frame the problem.

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

Changed 11 years ago by mouchet

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by cetlod

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

In an ocean model, an exact conservation of tracers can only be obtained in non linear feee surface - variable volume of the ocean in response of mass exchange of atmosphere, land and sea-ice - This means that in NEMO it is only achieved if key_vvl is activated and nn_ice_embd = 1 or 2
In linear free surface case the conservation is only approximative with a global error of 10-3 ( see Leclair & Madec 2009, Roullet and Madec 2000) and 10-2 if one doesn't take into account the heat adn salt content associated to moving free surface.
Ib offline mode, the conservation issue is exactly the same

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by nicolasmartin

  • Cc Anne.Mouchet@… Olivier.Marti@… added; Anne.Mouchet@… removed
  • Keywords conservation added; Drift removed
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