New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


18:21 ticket/1331_UKMO2_ice_shelves edited by mathiot
17:40 ticket/1331_UKMO2_ice_shelves edited by mathiot
17:24 2014WP/Met_Office edited by mathiot
16:38 Changeset [4663] by davestorkey
Make permitted length of weights filename consistent in FLD_N and FLD …
16:33 Ticket #1335 (inconsistent permitted lengths of weights filenames in fldread.F90) created by davestorkey
In the FLD structure in fldread.F90 the permitted length of the weights …
16:06 Changeset [4662] by clevy
Update reference manual pdf file
15:57 Ticket #1334 (Reference manual missing Figures/Fig_time_split.pdf file) created by clevy
In the DOC directory, one finds the tex files and associated figures …
15:51 Changeset [4661] by clevy
Update reference manual for namelists
15:13 Ticket #1302 (Missing error message in XMLIO) closed by timgraham
15:12 Changeset [4660] by timgraham
Fixes described in ticket #1302 to XMLIO Added in an error message in …
12:07 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
12:06 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
12:04 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
12:02 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
12:01 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
11:51 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni


19:18 Changeset [4659] by clem
cleaning namelist parameters in LIM3 for NEMO3.4
17:40 Ticket #1333 (UKMO 2014 workplan task 5 (Kara mixed layer diagnostic)) created by hadcv
An implementation of the density criterion mixed layer depth diagnostic of …
17:17 Ticket #1332 (UKMO 2014 workplan task 4 (CF-1.5 compliance)) created by hadcv
A twofold development relating to preparatory work for CMIP6. * …
16:31 ticket/1296 edited by timgraham


19:02 Changeset [4658] by mathiot
#1331 : add ISOMIP config in cfg.txt
18:37 Changeset [4657] by clevy
Creation of NEMO branch for the WP UKMO2 about the under ice shelf seas. …
17:30 Changeset [4656] by clem
cleaning LIM3 outputs for NEMO3.4
17:28 Changeset [4655] by clem
cleaning LIM3 outputs for NEMO3.4
16:38 Changeset [4654] by flavoni
correct small changes in namelist for ORCA2_LIM3
16:33 Changeset [4653] by flavoni
correct small changes in namelist for ORCA2_LIM3
13:20 ticket/1331_UKMO2_ice_shelves created by mathiot
creation of the wiki page
13:05 Ticket #1331 (New development branch for under ice shelf seas) created by mathiot
Creation of the branches/2014/dev_r4650_UKMO2_ice_shelves. This is a new …
12:10 Changeset [4652] by flavoni
add output in iodef.xml, and changed vfac in namelist ORCA2_LIM3
12:03 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
11:53 Changeset [4651] by flavoni
add output in iodef.xml, and changed vfac for ORCA2_LIM3
10:55 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:53 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:45 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:45 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:45 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:43 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:41 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table edited by flavoni
10:38 WorkingGroups/LIM/Run_Table created by flavoni
10:35 WorkingGroups/LIM edited by flavoni


10:27 2014WP/Met_Office edited by timgraham


18:32 Ticket #1330 (cn_ice_lim is not initialised) created by nemo_user
cn_ice_lim is not initialised in the namelist


18:21 ticket/1329 created by jwhile
18:20 Ticket #1329 (Variuous changes from NEMOVAR consortium members.) created by jwhile
This ticket will contain various changes made by the NEMOVAR consortium to …
18:00 ticket/1328 created by jwhile
16:38 Ticket #1328 (Bias correcting SST observations in OBS) created by jwhile
This code change will allow NEMO to read in fields of SST biases and …
15:49 ticket/1327 created by jwhile
14:55 Ticket #1327 (Generalised vertical interpolation in OBS for s-coordinates.) created by jwhile
Vertical interpolation in OBS needs to upgraded to deal with complex …
11:28 2014WP/Met_Office edited by timgraham
11:09 Ticket #1325 (Incorrect output restart filenames generated if files exist and ln_clobber ...) closed by acc
fixed: Fix submitted at revision 4650. Ticket closed.
11:08 Changeset [4650] by acc
#1325. Minor fix to iom.F90 to prevent incorrect filename generation and …
09:53 Ticket #1315 (bugs in sbcice_cice.F90 at NEMO 3.6 alpha) closed by davestorkey
fixed: Fixed in trunk at rev 4627.


14:59 Ticket #1195 (dev_MERGE_2013: subscript out of array bounds in mpp_lbc_nfd_2d in ...) reopened by epico
The ticket is reopened because the proposed fix does not fully solve the …


15:42 Ticket #1326 (weird loop in tra_npc) created by avidard
In tranpc, there is something that does not seem right: DO jk …
11:28 Changeset [4649] by clem
finalizing LIM3 heat budget conservation + multiple minor bugs corrections
10:49 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings/2014_05_27 created by vancop
10:48 WorkingGroups/LIM/Meetings edited by vancop


16:15 Changeset [4648] by flavoni
add new experience for cas test Upwelling, for WP item CNRS-7


10:43 Ticket #1324 (Bug in mppini_2.h90 which can result in communication deadlock with the 8 ...) closed by mocavero
fixed: I agree the original iono calculation was right. Changing the iono …
08:54 Changeset [4647] by epico
bug fix for the definition of the iono values. see ticket #1324


18:02 Ticket #1325 (Incorrect output restart filenames generated if files exist and ln_clobber ...) created by acc
With ln_clobber set to .true. it should be possible to repeat runs and …
09:30 Ticket #1324 (Bug in mppini_2.h90 which can result in communication deadlock with the 8 ...) created by epico
This bug has been already reported in the ticket #1057. The fixes inserted …


10:58 Changeset [4646] by acc
Branch 2014/dev_r4642_WavesWG #1323. Minor fix to sbcblk_mfs.F90 to enable …


19:51 Ticket #1195 (dev_MERGE_2013: subscript out of array bounds in mpp_lbc_nfd_2d in ...) closed by epico
17:17 Changeset [4645] by epico
bug fixes for the north-fold optimization. see ticket #1195


16:31 ticket/1296 edited by timgraham
10:02 ticket/1296 edited by timgraham


18:29 Ticket #1216 (Temporary development branch for hosting surface wave components from ...) closed by acc
fixed: Closing ticket and suspending development on branch 2013/dev_ECWMF_waves …
18:25 ticket/1216_ECMWF_WAVES edited by acc
17:26 ticket/1296 edited by timgraham
17:26 ticket/1296 edited by timgraham
16:00 ticket/1323_WavesWG edited by acc
15:56 Changeset [4644] by acc
Branch 2014/dev_r4642_WavesWG #1323. Import of surface wave components …
14:33 ticket/1323_WavesWG edited by acc
14:32 ticket/1323_WavesWG created by acc
14:30 Changeset [4643] by acc
Create branch for the combined surface wave components from the Waves …
14:28 Ticket #1323 (New development branch for surface wave components) created by acc
Creation of the 2014/dev_r4642_WavesWG branch. This is a new development …
09:56 Changeset [4642] by cetlod
3.4 stable : minor corrections on card for libIGCM


11:48 Ticket #1322 (bug in PISCES when running a 1D config) closed by cetlod
11:48 Changeset [4641] by cetlod
trunk : bugfix to avoid division by zero in 1D PISCES, see ticket #1322
11:47 Ticket #1322 (bug in PISCES when running a 1D config) created by cetlod
Division by zero sometimes occurs when running a 1D vertical column with …
11:08 Ticket #1321 (bug in Offline when running a 1D vertical column) closed by cetlod
11:08 Changeset [4640] by cetlod
trunk : add 1D initialization part when running offline, see ticket #1321
11:06 Ticket #1321 (bug in Offline when running a 1D vertical column) created by cetlod
the 1D initialization part is missing when running passive tracers …
09:50 Ticket #1318 (out of bound for array hi_max in limistate.F90) closed by cbricaud
invalid: yes ! I didn' see it. thank you Clment


18:39 Changeset [4639] by acc
Branch 2013/dev_ECMWF_waves ticket #1216. Add limiter on zphio_flux …
16:17 Changeset [4638] by cetlod
3.4 stable : minor updates of card for libIGCM
16:09 Ticket #1320 (limistate.F90: i_fill is used out of the loop on i_fill) closed by cbricaud
16:08 Ticket #1320 (limistate.F90: i_fill is used out of the loop on i_fill) created by cbricaud
limistate.F90, lines 264 to 271
15:38 2014WP/Met_Office edited by deazer
15:34 Ticket #1319 (2014 Work Plan Met Office Task 10: 25hour Mean Diagnostic) created by deazer
Add simple 25 hour mean Diagnostic Allows a simple mean based on 25 …
15:23 Ticket #1318 (out of bound for array hi_max in limistate.F90) created by cbricaud
There are some loops starting at jl=1 and inside the loop hi_max(jl-1) is …
12:32 Changeset [4637] by flavoni
add missing fields for COMODO test case, see ticket 1317
12:29 Ticket #1317 (creation of 2014 development branch for WP item CNRS-7) created by flavoni
creation of 2014 development branch for WP item CNRS-7; COMODO test cases …
11:08 Changeset [4636] by cetlod
3.4 stable : minor correction on pisces card


23:10 Changeset [4635] by clem
22:46 Changeset [4634] by clem
major changes in heat budget
20:03 Changeset [4633] by cetlod
3.4 stable : update scripts for running NEMO using libIGCM (IPSL) library
15:48 Changeset [4632] by flavoni
remove useless executable from COMODO configurations
15:45 Changeset [4631] by flavoni
add Upwelling CONFIGURATION, for COMODO test cases
14:38 Changeset [4630] by flavoni
Create a specific branch for COMODO test case: Upwelling
14:38 Changeset [4629] by flavoni
14:35 Changeset [4628] by flavoni
Create a specific branch for COMODO test case: Upwelling
12:27 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS edited by clevy


11:36 2014WP/ticket/1316 created by jwhile
11:32 2014WP/Met_Office edited by jwhile
11:30 Ticket #1316 (Add 0.2K temperature mixed layer depthdiagnostic) created by jwhile
Add a new MLD diagnostic to NEMO. The diagnostic will be based on a 0.2K …


16:38 Ticket #1307 (Slow start-ups with v3.6 on some systems) closed by acc
fixed: Fixed at revision 4624. Note log message at this revision erroneously …
15:58 Changeset [4627] by davestorkey
Bug fixes for sbcice_cice.F90 at NEMO 3.6 alpha. See ticket #1315.
15:48 Ticket #1315 (bugs in sbcice_cice.F90 at NEMO 3.6 alpha) created by davestorkey
There are a couple of bugs in sbcice_cice.F90 at NEMO 3.6 alpha: 1. The …
13:28 2014WP/ticket/1311 edited by djlea
13:23 2014WP/ticket/1314 created by djlea
13:22 2014WP/ticket/1313 created by djlea
13:21 2014WP/ticket/1312 created by djlea
13:20 2014WP/ticket/1311 created by djlea
13:18 2014WP/Met_Office edited by djlea
13:12 Ticket #1314 (Implement assimilation interface SETTE test) created by djlea
Create a SETTE test configuration which includes observation operator and …
13:11 Ticket #1313 (Addition of Satellite Surface Salinity data and Microwave SST data) created by djlea
Allow comparison of satellite surface salinity and microwave SST data …
13:09 Ticket #1312 (Sea ice increments) created by djlea
Implement code used to apply seaice increments; this is used for data …
13:08 Ticket #1311 (Equatorial pressure correction) created by djlea
The pressure correction code exists to maintain balance in equatorial …
12:56 2014WP/ticket/1310 created by djlea
12:51 2014WP/Met_Office edited by djlea
12:47 Ticket #1310 (Allow specification of start hour) created by djlea
NEMO is hard-wired to always start a run at the start of the day (at 0z). …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.