New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Timeline – NEMO



matching tags


19:54 PageTemplates/Workplan/Action edited by nicolasmartin
18:08 Changeset [6999] by kingr
Fix to typo in previous commmit.
16:30 Changeset [6998] by nicolasmartin
TeX files missing from last commit
16:26 Changeset [6997] by nicolasmartin
Duplication of changes in DOC directory for the trunk
15:45 Changeset [6996] by acc
Branch dev_r6393_NOC_WAD. Removed WAD_TEST_CASES/MY_SRC/traadv_fct.F90; …
15:40 Changeset [6995] by acc
Branch dev_r6393_NOC_WAD. Corrected reproducibility error in wet_dry.F90
15:07 Changeset [6994] by clem
clean online sea ice diagnostics
14:25 Changeset [6993] by nicolasmartin
Add missing files and modifications from previous commit
14:07 Changeset [6992] by nicolasmartin
Global reorganisation of DOC directory to ensure the export of NEMO …
12:08 Changeset [6991] by kingr
Adding Momme's bdy changes for zerograd and neumann conditions.
11:18 Changeset [6990] by kingr
Added code from nemo3.4 OBS branch to allow rejection of observations near …
09:43 Changeset [6989] by clem
use a namelist parameter to choose between the different advection schemes


18:45 Changeset [6988] by kingr
Added Pete/Enda?'s tidal diagnostic changes.
18:01 Changeset [6987] by kingr
A branch to add tidal harmonic analysis and boundary treatment changes …
17:46 Changeset [6986] by acc
Branch dev_r6393_NOC_WAD. Introduced some WAD test cases, tidied and …
16:58 Changeset [6985] by flavoni
update sette
16:57 Changeset [6984] by flavoni
update DOMAINcfg TOOL
16:26 Changeset [6983] by dford
An initial version of code to apply chlorophyll increments to FABM-ERSEM.
15:01 Changeset [6982] by flavoni
update SETTE, SAS, AMM12 and namelists to run simplif-2 branch
14:34 Changeset [6981] by nicolasmartin
Bugfixes for compilation issues : last commit for trcstp and gfortran …


21:29 Ticket #1780 (Add missing bibliography) created by vi7Slitt
Making NEMO_book.pdf showed undefined references. The file attached …
18:31 Changeset [6980] by kingr
Update to add ability to reject observations near open boundaries.
18:23 Changeset [6979] by cetlod
SIMPLIF_2_usrdef : make it work for standard Offline configuration
16:17 2016WP/CNRS_2016 edited by flavoni
16:12 Changeset [6978] by kingr
Create a branch to add option to reject observations neat the boundary of …
15:52 Changeset [6977] by flavoni
fix bug in variable name
15:28 Changeset [6976] by flavoni
fix bug in variable name
14:15 Changeset [6975] by flavoni
change for SIMPLIF-2
14:14 Changeset [6974] by flavoni
minor bugfixes
14:09 Changeset [6973] by flavoni
fix small bug
12:10 Changeset [6972] by clem
correct bulk heat transfers in case the new (Lupkes2012) drag …
11:57 2016WP/CNRS_2016 edited by flavoni
10:36 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
10:33 NEMO_Development_Strategy_Jun_2016_v0.4_JLS_and_MB.pdf attached to 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps by clevy
Suggestions from Julien Le Sommer and Mike Bell
09:52 Changeset [6971] by clem
update from 3.6 stable
09:36 Changeset [6970] by clem
update from 3.6 stable, ticket #1777
09:29 Changeset [6969] by cetlod
v3.6stable : bugfix in PISCES when running offline, see ticket #1173
08:39 Changeset [6968] by cetlod
trunk: minor bgufix on trcstp, see ticket #1173
08:35 Changeset [6967] by cetlod
v3.6stable: minor bgufix on trcstp, see ticket #1173


16:56 Changeset [6966] by aumont
various bug fixes and updates on carbon chemistry
16:27 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
15:34 Changeset [6965] by clem
put some diags that were erased by mistake
14:41 Changeset [6964] by clem
LIM3 rheology rewritten, see ticket #1778
14:40 Changeset [6963] by clem
diagnostics for conservation checks, see ticket #1777


16:47 Ticket #1779 (Compilation error when coupling with PISCES) closed by cetlod
16:46 Changeset [6962] by cetlod
trunk: Bugfix on PISCES to avoid compilation errors, see ticket #1779
16:45 Ticket #1779 (Compilation error when coupling with PISCES) created by cetlod
= There are several errors in different files under P4Z. One of the …
14:14 Glossary edited by nicolasmartin
12:04 Ticket #1778 (LIM3 ice rheology) created by clem
Ice rheology for LIM3 has been re-written because of several …
11:57 Ticket #1777 (diags of conservation) created by clem
= Context = We are experiencing issues with conservation of properties in …
11:45 Ticket #1776 (Issue with Prather scheme) created by fmasson
Hi everyone, = Context = I'm running nemo_3.6_stable, r6396, in ORCA1L75 …


11:10 WorkingGroups/HPC/Mins_2016_05_20 created by timgraham
10:05 WorkingGroups/HPC edited by mike.bell


11:53 Changeset [6961] by flavoni
remove useless routine
11:36 Changeset [6960] by flavoni
define initial value for pe1e2 to avoid error with some compilers
00:12 Changeset [6959] by cetlod
Minor bugs correction on PISCES


15:21 Changeset [6958] by timgraham
Added vertical integral of density * T and density * S
15:20 Changeset [6957] by flavoni
change Fcheck_archfile to compile tools with xiosÃ
12:18 Changeset [6956] by flavoni
update file tools
11:01 Changeset [6955] by flavoni
add README file for DOMAINcfg tool
10:50 Changeset [6954] by jamesharle
correcting misnamed variable in trcstp: nb_rec_per_day was declared as …


17:56 vi7Slitt_portrait.png attached to UserManagerPluginPictures by vi7Slitt
vi7Slitt's Avatar


16:27 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
16:06 Developers/SVN_QuickReference edited by flavoni
16:02 Changeset [6953] by flavoni
Delete defunct branch
16:02 Changeset [6952] by cetlod
Offline vvl: 1st implementation, see ticket #1775
15:46 Changeset [6951] by flavoni
merge simplif-2 branches (TOOLS and NEMO); update DOMAINcfg TOOL: create …
15:37 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
15:36 Changeset [6950] by jamesharle
update mppini_2.h90 to account for the bdy_msk (if used) to allow full …
15:34 Changeset [6949] by cetlod
Create development branch for Offline with vvl, see ticket #1775
15:31 Ticket #1775 (Offline with vvl) created by cetlod
Development branch based on 3.6 stable to implement the passive tracers …
14:56 Changeset [6948] by jamesharle
updated masking code in bdyini.F90 and dommsk.F90 to properly account for …
13:45 Changeset [6947] by flavoni
update DOMAINcfg TOOL: create files to be used in new …
13:34 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
12:41 Changeset [6946] by jamesharle
Address ticket #1618: bdy_msk not masking
12:34 Ticket #1773 (Restartabilty issues in TOP with vvl and/or diurnal cycle) closed by cetlod
12:33 Ticket #1774 (Bug in PISCES carbon chemistry and when using vvl) closed by cetlod
12:31 Changeset [6945] by cetlod
trunk: bugfixes on PISCES carbon chemistry, see ticket #1774
12:21 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
12:09 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps edited by clevy
12:05 2017UpdateNEMOStrategy/FirstSteps created by clevy
12:00 Changeset [6944] by cetlod
v3.6stable: update namelist PISCES, see ticket #1774
11:57 Changeset [6943] by cetlod
v3.6stable: bugfixes on PISCES carbon chemistry, see ticket #1774
11:44 Changeset [6942] by cetlod
trunk: bugfix on TOP restartability with vvl and/or with diurnal cycle, …
11:43 Changeset [6941] by cetlod
v3.6stable: bugfix on TOP restartability with vvl and/or with diurnal …
11:09 Ticket #1774 (Bug in PISCES carbon chemistry and when using vvl) created by cetlod
- The coastal supply of iron must be computed once at the initialization, …
10:51 Ticket #1773 (Restartabilty issues in TOP with vvl and/or diurnal cycle) created by cetlod
- The horizontal gradient of passive tracers ( gtru/gtrv ) are computed …
08:55 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod


10:50 Documentation edited by nicolasmartin
09:20 Changeset [6940] by mikebell
Finite volume partial cells code


14:39 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
11:26 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
11:26 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
11:24 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
09:55 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl edited by cetlod
09:50 ticket/1775_TOP_Offline_vvl created by cetlod


15:52 Ticket #1088 (CORE sbc modifies public variable wind speed changing it to relative wind) closed by lovato
fixed: The code of NEMO v3.6 (and trunk) was fixed in MERGE2013 by introducing …


16:36 Changeset [6939] by deazer
Updated to include bug bix restart date label with respect to truncation …
12:40 Changeset [6938] by deazer
Duplicated work in another branch
12:35 Ticket #1772 (restart date bug fix for 3.6 stable) closed by deazer
11:30 Changeset [6937] by deazer
remove svn keywords for fcm merging.
11:17 Changeset [6936] by deazer
Branch of 36 stable that includes restart date labelling bug fix requried …
11:13 Ticket #1772 (restart date bug fix for 3.6 stable) created by deazer
= Context = small bug in relation to truncation error for restart file …


19:04 Changeset [6935] by csanchez
Added Id line to prevent conflics
18:09 Changeset [6934] by csanchez
Added Enda O'Dea changes for SINGV
18:04 Changeset [6933] by csanchez
Add changes svn-related (no science)
17:16 Changeset [6932] by csanchez
Branch created
16:51 Ticket #1771 (bug nesting tools / double tanh) created by julienjouanno
In order to have agrif_create_bathy.exe to work properly with doubletanh : …
09:32 Changeset [6931] by aumont
various bug fixes on carbon chemistry


15:19 Changeset [6930] by timgraham
Modified interpun as discussed in Grenoble avoiding need for interpscales.


11:58 Changeset [6929] by timgraham
Extended update changes to updateU and updateV


17:52 Changeset [6928] by jgraham
Clear svn keywords
17:45 Changeset [6927] by jgraham
AMM15 branch at v3_6_STABLE. Contains changes required for AMM15 test …
16:20 Ticket #1770 (AMM15 branch of VN3.6 Stable) created by jgraham
Branch to contain changes specific for AMM15 configuration. Updating …


15:50 Changeset [6926] by dford
Clear svn keywords.
15:47 Changeset [6925] by dford
Branch for ASM changes to apply biogeochemical assimilation increments to …
14:49 Ticket #1769 (cmip diagnostics) created by clem
To complete diagnostics of volume conservation in coupled systems (like …
11:25 Ticket #1768 (zdfric: momentum background viscosity propagates into tracer diffusivity) created by mclaus
= Context = I think, the following code of zdfric.F90 (line 158, …
10:58 Ticket #1767 (Closed seas in eORCA025) created by fmasson
Dear colleagues, Apologies if this issue has already been raised …
09:18 Changeset [6924] by timgraham
Committing fixes for lbclnk when running without key_mpp_mpi (as developed …


13:19 2016WP/CMCC_2016 edited by lovato
13:17 2016WP/2016SharedActions edited by lovato
11:09 Changeset [6923] by gm
#1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: update comments in usrdef modules


15:34 Changeset [6922] by flavoni
#1692 and ROBUST-3 : add declaration variable


22:07 Changeset [6921] by antsia
from v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics@6550
18:12 Changeset [6920] by malcolmroberts
Added fix from UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package@6912 to temporarily fix bug in …
17:56 Changeset [6919] by malcolmroberts
Updated to mirror v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics@6910 revisions
15:02 Changeset [6918] by flavoni
#1763, commit in trunk, same of 3_6_STABLE, line over 132 chars
14:51 Ticket #1763 (line over 132 in lib_mpp) closed by flavoni
14:50 Changeset [6917] by flavoni
#1763, commit fix for: line over 132 in lib_mpp
14:35 Changeset [6916] by flavoni
#1692 and ROBUST-3 : Update and some cleaning
14:06 Changeset [6915] by kuniko
Branch that incorporates delta TOA to flux_adjust branch
13:27 Changeset [6914] by gm
#1692 - branch SIMPLIF_2_usrdef: final adjustment of OVERFLOW and …
13:00 Changeset [6913] by kuniko
Made identical twin to dev_r5518_haney_arctic_mask and commited
12:42 Changeset [6912] by timgraham
Temporary fix in this branch for first bug in ticket #1766
12:12 Changeset [6911] by kuniko
Branch to test haney_arctic_mask


17:56 Changeset [6910] by timgraham
Bug fixes ofr diagnostics in traadv_tvd and traadv_eiv Modified method for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.