= '''2009 Stream 3 : Developments & Implementation of new features'' = [[BR]] Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[PageOutline]] ---- == Substream 3.1 : new features from the community == [[BR]] === Description and participants === • Tidal mixing (Bessière 2007, Koch-Larrouy 2008, Koch-Larrouy et al 2008a,b,c)[[BR]] • 3 bands light penetration + ocean colour (Lengaigne et al CD07, GRL08)[[BR]] • Diurnal cycle on solar radiation (Bernie et al. 2007)[[BR]] • Ice-shelf melting parameterisation (Wang & Beckmann AG07, PhD of P. Mathiot)[[BR]] • Parameterisation of katabatic winds (PhD of P. Mathiot)[[BR]] • Conservative Leap-Frog + Asselin filter (Leclair & Madec OM08)[[BR]] • Observations operator code and increments application [[BR]] === Advancement === ---- == Substream 3.2 : short-term developments of new features by the consortium members == [[BR]] === Description and participants === • New forcing (Tidal potential, atmospheric pressure) and river input scheme (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Embedding sea-ice inside the ocean (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Revisit of mass and salt fluxes between ice, ocean and air (continuation & end) [[BR]] • New advection schemes (PPM, Quickest and Prather) [[BR]] • Lateral ocean physics (isoneutral operator, skew flux, Visbeck coefficients, slope limitation, Aiki formulation) (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Ice improvements (momentum forcing, snow-ice formation, EVP rheology in LIM2)[[BR]] • Improved s-coordinate option (hydrostatic pressure gradient computation, POLCOM-style s-coordinate) (continuation & end)[[BR]] • Vertical physics: improvements of TKE scheme, addition of a Generic length scale model[[BR]] === Advancement === ---- == Substream 3.3 : long-term developments of new features by the consortium members == [[BR]] === Description and participants === • Revisit of the time stepping in TOP (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Split-explicit + vvl conservative scheme (2 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • Inclusion of the effect of waves in the marginal ice zone (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Toward a generalisation of the split-explicit free surface (2 years, start in 2009)[[BR]] • Interface to the OASIS 4 coupler (2-3 years, ongoing, started in 2008)[[BR]] • AGRIF and sea-ice (from 0 order to LIM2 and 3 fully AGRIFed) (3 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • Development of TAM (ANR VODA), with a major contribution from the LJK team (3 years, started in 2008)[[BR]] • High parallelisation on new plateforms (GPU graphic cards, OpenMP etc …, start in 2009)[[BR]] === Advancement === ----