= '''Note on possible system simplification''' = Last edited [[Timestamp]] We need to simplify the code for both maintenance and future evolution. This means fewer options, and a consensus on the default (and thus well validated) set of numerics. The idea is to change the used choices from : linear filtered free surface ocean with TVD, "Madec" isoneutral diffusion, and standard equation of state ; levitating sea-ice with virtual salt fluxes to : Non linear (vvl) split-explicit (ts) free surface with 3rd order advection (UBS), "Griffies" isoneutral diffusion and TEOS10 ; embedded multi-category sea-ice (exact fluxes). == '''Environment :''' == • suppress most of the CPP keys, if not all of them • dynamical allocation: return back to standard allocation (no more ''' CALL ''' wrk_alloc and ''' CALL ''' wrk_dealloc) == '''Free surface & vertical coordinate :''' == • remove filtered free surface and all associated solvers • default : non-linear free surface • linear option set without optimization (i.e. starting from the non-linear case with minimal changes, not optimal changes), or linear case suppressed ?? • vertical coordinate : default option mixte zps/s-tilde coordinate (thus with variable volume level), with mixte zps*/s*, mixte z/s, zps, z and s coordinate system as sub-option (same code used) Needs : * split-explicit free surface adapted to AGRIF refinements and TAM * tracer solved systematically as thickness weighted tracer: D,,t,,(e,,3t,, T) * no more substitute (domzgr_substitute.h90): all e3 always defined at before, now and after time steps. * sea-ice : embedded sea-ice only, so management of land-fast ice and especially sea-ice approaching the ocean-bottom.[[BR]] == '''Equation of State (eos) :''' == • EOS10 as default + 1 simplified eos. Suppression of the now used EOS. • EOS provides systematically alpha and beta (used in ldf_iso, bbl, mld, npc…) • no more potential density (mixed layer depth computed from alpha & beta) • efficient transfer function from conservative temperature to potential temperature and vice versa. [[BR]] == '''Coupled interface to the atmosphere :''' == • OASIS-MCT only: remove OASIS 3 interface. • Multi-category sea-ice interface [[BR]] == '''Physics :''' == • avm defined at t-point ==> suppress avmu, avmv and ~10 lbc_lnk calls • LDF: remove 1D and 2D cases, keep only 3D ; laplacian and bilaplacian coefficients defined at the same points (T and F) ; time varying coefficients (Smagorinsky, function of growth rate of baroclinic instabilities): better integration rather than configuration dependent cases On going work see • TKE remove (use GLS instead?) • KPP remove unless if-less KPP is implemented (Lemarié et al 2012). Keeping a validated KPP scheme in the system make sense for comparison purposes. • Non-penetrative convection : either correct it (using alpha & beta) or remove it • remove the explicit vertical diffusion == '''Configurations :''' == • remove all hard coded specific alterations associated with configurations (ORCA,…) while introducing associated input files • same for the definition of coordinate system (s, mixed z-s): only a simple case hard coded. For more sophisticated cases, the required information should be read in an input file.[[BR]] == '''Obsolescent features : '''to be suppressed == • remove LIM2 : only LIM3 remains in the system • remove OBC : only BDY remains in the system ('''==>> done in v3.6''') • acceleration of convergence (in particular, rdttra function of k ==> unique rdt) • remove Neptune effect : ORCA1 run shows its inefficiency. • duplicate isoneutral operator: keep only the Griffies' one • Smagorinsky (?) : use 3^rd^ order operator (UBS) instead and remove it ? • tracer advection schemes: diminish their number. Typically one module for 2^nd^ /4^ th^ order and one for a 3^ rd^ order scheme, both associated with an optional flux limiter to ensure positivity.[[BR]] • suppress cross-land advection == '''Outputs :''' == • remove Dimg format ? (agreement needed from DRAKKAR group) • remove IOIPSL: the key issue here is do we believe XIOs is able to work on all existing and foreseen platform?