= '''NERC-noC 2017''' [[PageOutline()]] Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' || '''Link''' || '''[[ExtractUrl(.)]]''' || == Additional NEMO ST members involved || Name || Institution || % || Position || || George Nurser ||noC ||10%|| System team|| || James Harle ||noC || 10% || System team || || Gurvan Madec ||noC/CNRS || 5% || NEMO Lead || ---- == Summaries from Actions forms {{{#!comment Configure and insert in corresponding table cells the following Trac macro to include the summary of each shared action you have created }}} ||''[[Include(2017WP/NOC-1_Nurser-OSMOSIS#summary)]]'' ||''[[Include(2017WP/ENHANCE-08_AndrewC-Wetting_and_drying#summary)]]'' || ||''[[Include(2017WP/ROBUST-08_AndrewC-MPP_no_ghost#summary)]]'' ||''[[Include(2017WP/NOC-2_JamesH-SCO_ISF#summary)]]'' ||