= ${High Performance Diagnostics Online - 1st Phase} Subject Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected. [[PageOutline(2, , inline)]] == Summary ||=Action || High Performance Diagnostics Online - 1st Phase || ||=PI(S) || Miguel Castrillo || {{{#!th style='text-align: left' Digest }}} {{{#!td Sketch of the implementation of high performance online diagnostics for NEMO in GPUs}}} |- ||=Dependencies || || ||=Expected for || || ||=Ticket || || ||=Branch || [source:/NEMO/branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME}] || ||=Previewer(s) || || ||=Reviewer(s) || || ||=Link || [[ExtractUrl(.)]] || == Abstract {{{#!box warn This section should be completed before starting to develop the code, in order to find agreement with the previewer(s) on the method beforehand. }}} {{{#!TracForm #!subcontext abstract #!submit_label 'Save Abstract' #!keep_history yes === Description [tf.textarea:description -id=piform -class=taform 'Describe the goal of development, and the methodology.\n\nAdd reference documents or publications if relevant.' 0 20] === Implementation [tf.textarea:implementation -id=piform -class=taform 'Describe flow chart of the changes in the code.\n\nList the .F90 files and modules to be changed.\n\nDetailed list of new variables (including namelists) to be defined. Give for each the chosen name (following coding rules) and definition.' 0 20] === Reference manual and web pages updates [tf.textarea:manual -id=piform -class=taform 'Using part 1 and 2, define the summary of changes to be done in the NEMO reference manual (tex files), and in the content of web pages.' 0 20] '''''Updated on [tf.form_updated_on:] by [tf.form_updater:]''''' }}} Once the PI has completed this section, he should send a mail to the previewer(s) asking them to preview the work within two weeks. {{{#!Fold title=Preview tag=h2 Since the preview step must be completed before the PI starts the coding, the previewer(s) answers are expected to be completed within the two weeks after the PI has sent his request. \\ For each question, an iterative process should take place between PI and previewer(s) in order to reach a "YES" answer for each of the following questions. {{{#!TracForm #!subcontext preview_ #!submit_label 'Save Preview' ||= Questions =||= Answer =||= Comment =|| || Does the previewer agree with the proposed methodology? || [tf.select:2.1 -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.1c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || || Does the previewer agree with the proposed flowchart and list of routines to be changed? || [tf.select:2.2 -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.2c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || || Does the previewer agree with the proposed new list of variables, including agreement with coding rules? || [tf.select:2.3 -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.3c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || || Does the previewer agree with the proposed summary of updates in reference manual? || [tf.select:2.4 -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.4c -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || || ... ... ... || [tf.select:2.X -id=preform '' Yes No NR] || [tf.textarea:2.Xc -id=preform 'Add a comment?' 50 10] || }}} == Preview {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#preview_)]] }}} == Tests {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] }}} == Review {{{#!box help [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#review)]] }}}