Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[PageOutline]] = NEMO Development process: preview and review page = '''Name and number of action as listed in workplan:''' [ Add name and number here ][[BR]]'''PI of the development:''' [ Add name here ][[BR]]'''Number and link to ticket opened for this development:''' [ Add ticket number and link here ][[BR]]'''Previewer(s) name(s):''' [ Enter your name here ]'''[[BR]]Reviewer'''(s) name(s)''':''' [ Enter your name here ] Starting date for preview:[[BR]]Ending date of preview:[[BR]]Starting date of review:[[BR]]Ending date of review: ---- == Section 1: Detailed description to be completed by the PI == This section should be completed by the PI of the development, before starting to develop the code, in order to find agreement on the method and the implementation beforehand. === Part 1: Detailed description === Describe the goal of development, and the methodology. Add reference documents or publications if relevant. === Part 2: Detailed implementation === ==== 2.1 Describe overview of the changes in the code.  ==== ==== 2.2 List the F90 files and modules to be changed ==== ==== 2.3 Detailed list of new variables (including namelists) to be defined. Give for each the chosen name (following coding rules), and description ==== ---- == Section 2: Preview to be completed by the previewer(s) == ---- == Section 3: Review to be completed by the reviewer(s) == === Ticket Details, Documentation and Code changes === || Do you understand the area of code being altered and the reasoning why it is being altered? || YES/NO || || Do the proposed code changes correspond with the stated reason for the change? || YES/NO || || Is the in-line documentation accurate and sufficient? || YES/NO || || Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards? || YES/NO || || Is the Ticket documented with sufficient detail for others to understand the impact of the change? || YES/NO || || Does any corresponding external documentation require updating? || YES/NO || || If yes, which docs and have the updates been drafted? || YES/NO || || Are namelist changes required for this change? || YES/NO || || If yes, have they been done? || YES/NO || || Has a completed Ticket Summary template been appended to the ticket to aid code reviews || YES/NO || || Does this summary correspond with your understanding of the full ticket? || YES/NO || Ticket, Documentation and Code comments Add specific Ticket, Documentation and code comments here === Testing === || Has the NVTK and other jobs been tested with this change? || YES/NO || || Have the required bit comparability tests been run? || YES/NO || || Can this change be shown to have a null impact? (if option not selected) || YES/NO || || If no, is reason for the change valid/understood? || YES/NO/NA || || If no, ensure that the ticket details the impact this change will have on model configurations . || YES/NO/NA || || Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics? || YES/NO || || If no, is reason for the change valid/understood? || YES/NO/NA || || Are there significant changes in run time/memory? || YES/NO || Testing Comments Add specific testing comments here Add specific testing comments here === Code Review === || Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards? || YES/NO || || Are code changes consistent with the design of NEMO? || YES/NO || || Is the code free of unwanted TABs? || YES/NO || || Has the code been wholly (100%) produced by NEMO developers working on NEMO? || YES/NO || || If no, ensure collaboration agreement has been added to the ticket keywords || Add specific code comments or suggested alterations here. === Review Summary === Add summary here === Approval for the trunk === YES/NO The code reviewer may approve the change for the NEMO trunk when: 1. their requests/comments have been addressed satisfactorily. 1. the above check-list has been completed. or the code reviewer may choose to reject & assign the change back to the code author.