= NEMO Developers Committee meeting - Part 2 * [attachment:Minutes_NEMO_NDC_Meeting_Part_2_2021_July.pdf Draft minutes] == Proposed agenda * Summaries from ASI, dynamics and kernel WGs (15 mins max) * Discuss writing of new NDS (Development Strategy) a. [attachment:NDS_structure_June_2021.pdf Proposed structure] (Mike) (30 mins) b. Plan for writing and timetable (in same presentation as a) (Mike) (10 mins) c. Main issues by WG (up to 1 slide from each WGL) (some were already presented on Weds) (45 mins) d. Other sections and cross-cutting issues (15 mins) Order of WGs: HPC, AGRIF, kernel, dynamics, ASI, sea-ice, TOP, obs interface, V&V Participants * External experts: * Consortium member's experts: * NEMO Officers: * NDC Preparatory Team: == Connection details Topic: NEMO Developers Committee (session #2) Time: Jul 2, 2021 02:30 PM Paris Join Zoom Meeting https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/95555933547?pwd=dmVIOHl1WDhXRSsvTmN0WGxOdERuZz09 Meeting ID: 955 5593 3547 Passcode: 638352