= Reference publications and Documentation on-line [[PageOutline(2-3)]] Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' == Reference publications {{{#!div class="important" '''''List of references to be quoted in all publications using NEMO''''' }}} === For latest release 3.6 {{{#!th '''[[span(NEMO-OPA , style=color: blue;)]]''' }}} {{{#!th '''[[span(NEMO-TOP / PISCES, style=color: green;)]]''' }}} {{{#!th '''[[span(NEMO-LIM , style=color: grey;)]]''' }}} {{{#!th '''[[span(NEMO-TAM , style=color: black;)]]''' }}} |- {{{#!td NEMO Reference Manual [[BibCite(Madec_Bk08)]]\\ * [https://www.nemo-ocean.eu/wp-content/uploads/NEMO_book.pdf PDF] * [/doxygen/index.html?doc=NEMO HTML] }}} {{{#!td [[BibAdd(attachment:WebDoc/gmd-8-2465-2015.bib)]] ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(gmd-8-2465-2015)]] }}} {{{#!td * ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(Vancoppenolle_al_OM09a)]] * ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(Rousset_GMD2015)]] }}} {{{#!td [[BibAdd(attachment:WebDoc/gmd-8-1245-2015.bib)]] ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(gmd-8-1245-2015)]] }}} === Previous releases {{{#!th NEMO dynamics }}} {{{#!th LIM3 sea-ice model }}} {{{#!th LIM2 sea-ice model }}} |- {{{#!td - [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_book_3_4.pdf NEMO Reference Manual v3.4 ] - [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_book_v3_3.pdf NEMO Reference Manual v3.3 - Jan. 2011] - [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_book_v3_2.pdf NEMO Reference Manual v3.2 - Jul. 2010] - [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_book3_1.pdf NEMO Reference Manual v3.1 - Nov. 2008] - OPA Reference manual [[BibCite(Madec1998)]]\\ [attachment:Doc_OPA8.1.pdf PDF] {{{#!comment Prefer replace pdf included in Trac by link to ESGF node path with all versions inside }}} }}} {{{#!td - Vancoppenolle M., Bouillon S., Fichefet T., Goosse H., Lecomte O., Morales Maqueda M.A., and Madec G., 2012 :" LIM The Louvain-la-Neuve sea Ice Model", Note du Pole de modélisation, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), France, No 31 ISSN No 1288-1619.\\ [http://icmc.ipsl.fr/images/publications/scientific_notes/lim3_book.pdf PDF] - Estublier, A., et M. Lévy, 2000: "Quel schéma numérique pour le transport d'organismes biologiques par la circulation océanique", Note Techniques du Pôle de modélisation, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), 81pp.\\ [http://icmc.ipsl.fr/images/publications/technical_notes/estublier_levy_npm00.pdf PDF]. }}} {{{#!td [[BibAdd(attachment:WebDoc/10.1029%2F97JC00480.bib)]] * ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(JGRC:JGRC7013)]] [[BibAdd(attachment:WebDoc/10.1029%2F1999JC900215.bib)]] * ''Reference paper'' [[BibCite(JGRC:JGRC7849)]] }}} == GMD Special Issue Find all the papers published on [http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/special_issue40.html NEMO Special Issue page in Geoscientific Model Development] == Reference Manuals on-line (HTML) * [doxygen:NEMO/] * [doxygen:] == Other NEMO documentations * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_coding.conv_v3.pdf NEMO coding conventions v3 - March 2011] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:trdvor.pdf Vorticity diagnostics documentation] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:doc_lobster_co2.pdf The LOBSTER biogeochemical model documentation] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:eq_pisces.pdf The PISCES biogeochemical model equations] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:Technical_report_NEMO_1D.pdf The 1D vertical option documentation] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:prtctl_NEMO_doc_v2.pdf The control print option documentation] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:iom_v2.2.pdf The IOM package] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:CEthe_NEMO_um_2006.pdf The grid degradation for speed-up passive tracers simulation] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:extra_halo.pdf The SOR solver with extra outer halo] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:NEMO_vvl_report.pdf The free surface and variable volume in the NEMO code] * [attachment:wiki:WebDoc:opa_sas_tr.pdf The OASIS coupling between OPA and SAS (LIM3)] [[BibRef()]]