= Work Plan = [[PageOutline(2)]] Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' NEMO is a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art software for research and operational oceanography. Its development is defined in a yearly workplan.[[BR]]Since 2014, the long term evolution is designed in the [http://www.nemo-ocean.eu/About-NEMO/News/Development-Strategy-2014 NEMO Development Strategy document]. This page describes the 2017 workplan. * [[ExtractUrl(./Shared_Actions)]] contains the workplan's core: the development priorities for all NEMO consortium's institutions. They are expected to be directly related to the long term goals. * [[ExtractUrl(./Institutes_Actions)]] contains the other planned developments for the year, as agreed by all consortium members {{{#!comment Uncomment and set the following macros to include the sub-pages [[Include(20XXWP/Shared_Actions)]] [[Include(20XXWP/Institutes_Actions)]] }}}