''Editing Tips'' * '' 'textarea' view in the editing frame is highly recommended instead of 'wysiwyg' view (autocomplete feature for links, macros & processors with contextual help). See TracLinks, WikiMacros, WikiProcessors, TracSyntaxColoring for more...'' * ''Useful macros'' {{{#!table class="" {{{#!th ''Display an image'' }}} {{{#!td {{{ syntax: "[[Image(file, [width=], [align=], ...)]]" example: "[[Image(htdocs:NEMO_logo.png, 120px, right)]]" help in preview: "[[Image?]]" }}} }}} {{{#!th ''Highlight Fortran code block'' }}} {{{#!td {{{ {{{#!f Your fortran code }}} }}} }}} {{{#!th ''Better render a SVN diff display'' }}} {{{#!td {{{ {{{#!diff Paste `svn diff` output from command }}} }}} }}} }}} {{{#!table class="" {{{#!th ''Include totally or partially a repository file with syntax highlighting'' }}} {{{#!td {{{ syntax: "[[IncludeSource(path,[start=], [end=], [line_numbers=0|1], [mimetype=], [header=])]]" example: "[[IncludeSource(/branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/nemo.f90, start=2, end=20, line_numbers=0)]]" help in preview: "[[IncludeSource?]]" }}} }}} }}}