= ORCA2_SAS_LIM Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' == Configuration Description ORCA2_SAS_LIM is a demonstrator of the SAS ( Stand-alone Surface module ) based on ORCA2_LIM configuration. It is available only since nemo_v3.5. The standalone surface module allows surface elements such as sea-ice, iceberg drift and surface fluxes to be run using prescribed model state fields. For example, it can be used to inter-compare different bulk formulae or adjust the parameters of a given bulk formula A general description of [../ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES ORCA2_LIM] configuration is given here. == Configuration Inputs - Same input files as [../ORCA2_LIM3_PISCES ORCA2] are needed (`ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v*` and `INPUTS_PISCES_v*`) - Fields from a previous ORCA2_LIM run: [http://prodn.idris.fr/thredds/catalog/ipsl_public/romr005/Online_forcing_archives/catalog.html?dataset=DatasetScanipsl_public/romr005/Online_forcing_archives/INPUTS_SAS_v3.5.tar INPUTS_SAS_v3.5.tar] More informations on input and configuration files in [/doxygen/index.html?doc=NEMO NEMO Reference manual].