= Interpolation with CDO Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' '''You can find here an example of bash script to interpolate forcing core2 files.''' To interpolate files you need to do 3 steps: [[PageOutline(2,,inline)]] NOTE: This script works with cdo version == Prepare grid description file for the ORCA curvilinear grid You need to prepare a netCDF grid description file for the ORCA curvilinear grid.[[BR]] This file must contain: - a longitude variable with exactly 2 dimensions and the attribute: `units = "degrees_east"` - a latitude variable with exactly 2 dimensions and the attribute: `units = "degrees_north"` - a dummy variable with the attribute: `coordinates = "xxx yyy"` where `xxx` and `yyy` are the name of the longitude and latitude variables mentioned just above There is an example of a [http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/ netCDF] grid description file for the T grid of ORCA2: {{{ netcdf grid_ORCA2_T { dimensions: y = 149 ; x = 182 ; variables: byte dummy(y, x) ; dummy:coordinates = "glamt gphit" ; double glamt(y, x) ; glamt:units = "degrees_east" ; double gphit(y, x) ; gphit:units = "degrees_north" ;} }}} There is an example of nco commands to create this file from `coordinates.nc` (input file used by NEMO for its grid description) {{{#!sh # select glamt and gphit variables from the coordinates file ncks -O -C -a -v glamt,gphit coordinates_ORCA_R2.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc }}} make sure that coordinates variables contains only 2 dimension. Use ncwa -a to remove degenerated dimensions (with a size of 1) for example: {{{#!sh # remove degenerated dimention time (if existing) ncwa -O -a time grid_ORCA2_T.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc # remove degenerated dimention z (if existing) ncwa -O -a z grid_ORCA2_T.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc }}} {{{#!sh # add a dummy variable ncap2 -O -s 'dummy[y,x]=1b' grid_ORCA2_T.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc # add needed attributes ncatted -a coordinates,dummy,c,c,'glamt gphit' \ -a units,glamt,c,c,'degrees_east' \ -a units,gphit,c,c,'degrees_north' grid_ORCA2_T.nc }}} == Prepare file to be interpolated For a curvilinear grid: - you have to follow above specification For a regular lon/lat grid: - The coordinate variables must have the same name as the dimensions. You can chose any name. If you use the name x for the dimension then you have to use also x for the coordinate variable. - The coordinate variable must also have the attribute `units = "degrees_east"` or `"degrees_north"` to identify the lon/lat variables: {{{ netcdf etopo5 { dimensions: x = 4320 ; y = 2161 ; variables: float x(x) ; x:units = "degree_east" ; float y(y) ; y:units = "degree_north" ; float bath(y, x) ;} }}} == Remapping on ORCA2 '''Generate weights with bilinear interpolation, and then remapping for a scalar field:''' {{{#!sh cdo genbil,grid_ORCA2_T.nc $file bil_orca2_weights.nc cdo remap,grid_ORCA2_T.nc,bil_orca2_weights.nc $file_fill.nc $file_orca2.nc }}} where - `$file_fill.nc` is a file whose missing values is filled (see below `interpolation_loop.sh`) - `$file_orca2.nc` is the output - and `bil_orca2_weights.nc` is a weight file generated (see below) ''Generate weights with bilinear interpolation, and then remapping for a vectorial field:''' {{{#!sh cdo genbic,grid_ORCA2_T.nc $file bic_orca2_weights.nc cdo remap,grid_ORCA2_T.nc,bic_orca2_weights.nc $file_fill.nc $file_orca2.nc }}} where - `$file_fill.nc` is a file whose missing values is filled (see below `interpolation_loop.sh`) - `$file_orca2.nc` is the output - and `bic_orca2_weights.nc` is a weight file generated (see below) === Example of `interpolation_loop.sh` script This script needs to have input directory in your execution's directory to copy *.nc files and it calls 4 others sub-scripts: `create_orca2.sh`, `prepare_mask.sh`, `bilweights.sh` and `bicweights.sh` NOTE: Before running `interpolation_loop.sh`, you nedd to checks different things: 1. control latitude of your mask file. If it goes from north to south and latitude in your file goes from south to north you have to invert it: {{{ cdo invertlat ${file_mask_land}.nc ${file_mask_land}.SN.nc }}} 2. control format of land variable, if it is short and your file has float format you will have problems with cdo created missing values, and filling missing values {{{#!sh #convert in float (from short) land variable ncap -O -s "land=float(land)" ${file_mask_land}.SN.nc ${file_mask_land}.SN.float.nc }}} 3. control values of your land variable, if it is 1 on earth and 0 on ocean is not good if you are interpolating files for ocean forcing {{{#!sh #convert land=0 on earth, 1 on ocean ncap -O -s 'land=1-land' mask.nc mask.nc }}} {{{#!sh #rename "land" in "mask" ncrename -v land,mask mask.nc }}} 4. control values of calendar's attribute in your file, if it is "NOLEAP" it is better to convert it in a recognized format by nccated (ex. 365_day) {{{#!sh ncatted -a calendar,${variable},m,c,365_day ${file}.nc ${file}_365.nc }}} '''main programm: `interpolation_loop.sh` ''' {{{#!sh #!/bin/bash #script to interpolate files on ORCA2 grids set -u LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL type cdo status_cdo=${?} if [ ${status_cdo} != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR: cdo not found in your PATH" exit 1 fi file_orca2="grid_ORCA2_T.nc" #build ORCA2_grid if necessary if [ ! -f ${file_orca2} ] ; then /bin/sh create_orca2.sh fi #preparing mask file if necessary if [ ! -f mask.nc ] ; then /bin/sh prepare_mask.sh fi dir=/PATH/FILES/TO/BE/INTERPOLATED `cp ${dir}/*.nc input/.` cd input for file in $(echo `ls *.nc | sed -e "s/\.nc//"`) ; do # create missing values over land with e.g. 'ifthen': echo "create missing values ifthen mask" cdo ifthen ../mask.nc ${file}_365.nc ${file}_mask.nc status_ifthen=${?} if [ ${status_ifthen} != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR ifthen mask" exit 1 fi # fill missing value (here over land): echo "fill missing values" cdo fillmiss ${file}_mask.nc ${file}_fill.nc status_fillmiss=${?} if [ ${status_fillmiss} != 0 ] ; then echo "ERRORE cdo fillmiss" exit 1 fi #remapping on ORCA2 grid echo "remapping " cd .. # looking for first part of filename, to see if it is vectorial field, for interannual files name=$(echo $file | awk -F \_ {'print $1'} ) if [ ${name} = "u" -o ${name} = "v" ] ; then echo "vectorial field" /bin/sh bicweights.sh input/${file}_fill.nc cdo remap,grid_ORCA2_T.nc,bic_orca2_weights.nc input/${file}_fill.nc input/${file}_orca2.nc else echo "scalar field" /bin/sh bilweights.sh input/${file}_fill.nc cdo remap,grid_ORCA2_T.nc,bil_orca2_weights.nc input/${file}_fill.nc input/${file}_orca2.nc fi status_remap=${?} if [ ${status_remap} != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR cdo remap" exit 1 fi echo "status remap: ${status_remap}" cd input done }}} '''first sub-programm: `file create_orca2.sh`''' {{{#!sh #!/bin/bash #script to create ORCA2 grid set -u LC_ALL=C ; export LC_ALL echo "create orca2 grid" ncks -O -C -a -v glamt,gphit coordinates.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc #remove not necessar axes: ncwa -O -a time,z grid_ORCA2_T.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc #add dummy variable: ncap -O -s 'dummy[y,x]=1b' grid_ORCA2_T.nc grid_ORCA2_T.nc #add needed attributes ncatted -a coordinates,dummy,c,c,'glamt gphit' \ -a units,glamt,c,c,'degrees_east' \ -a units,gphit,c,c,'degrees_north' grid_ORCA2_T.nc }}} '''Second sub-programm: `prepare_mask.sh`''' {{{#!sh #!/bin/bash #preparing mask file set -u LC_ALL=C ; export LC_ALL file_mask_land="land.sfc.gauss" # invert latitude (from SOUTH to NORTH) cdo invertlat ${file_mask_land}.nc ${file_mask_land}.SN.nc #convert in float (from short) land variable ncap -O -s "land=float(land)" ${file_mask_land}.SN.nc ${file_mask_land}.SN.float.nc # remove all attribute to land ncatted -a ,land,d,, ${file_mask_land}.SN.float.nc ${file_mask_land}.SN.float.miss.nc # extract land #ncks -O -v land land.sfc.gauss.SN.float.nc mask.nc ncks -O -v land ${file_mask_land}.SN.float.miss.nc mask.nc ncwa -O -a time mask.nc mask.nc #convert land=0 on earth, 1 on ocean ncap -O -s 'land=1-land' mask.nc mask.nc #rename "land" in "mask" ncrename -v land,mask mask.nc chmod 755 mask.nc }}} '''Third sub-programm: `bicweights.sh`''' {{{#!sh #!/bin/bash #remapping on ORCA2 grid echo "gen bicubic WEIGHTS" export REMAP_EXTRAPOLATE=on cdo genbic,grid_ORCA2_T.nc $1 bic_orca2_weights.nc }}} '''Forth sub-programm: `bilweights.sh`''' {{{#!sh #!/bin/bash #remapping on ORCA2 grid echo "gen bilinear WEIGHTS" export REMAP_EXTRAPOLATE=on cdo genbil,grid_ORCA2_T.nc $1 bil_orca2_weights.nc }}}