= Working Groups Last edition: '''[[Wikinfo(changed_ts)]]''' by '''[[Wikinfo(changed_by)]]''' == Status of past & present WG {{{#!rbox note = Update To change the WG status, simply move the card by drag-and-drop to the desired stack. \\ To edit the WG card, just click on it, modify the textarea and click on "Edit". '''Be careful, the WG whiteboard is not recorded (no history or undo).''' = Add a new WG? Create the wiki page under WorkingGroups and then add a card for the WG with the link List of current pages: [[TitleIndex(WorkingGroups/, hideprefix, depth=0, format=compact)]] }}} [[Cards(stack=wg_on|wg_stby|wg_off, label=Active|Standby|Ended, width=800)]]