Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[PageOutline]] == For completion by the Sci/Tech/Code reviewer == '''Reviewer: Rachel Furner''' === Ticket Details, Documentation and Code changes === ||Do you understand the area of code being altered and the reasoning why it is being altered?||YES|| ||Do the proposed code changes correspond with the stated reason for the change?||YES|| ||Is the in-line documentation accurate and sufficient?||YES|| ||Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards?||NO|| ||Is the Ticket documented with sufficient detail for others to understand the impact of the change?||YES|| ||Does any corresponding external documentation require updating?||YES|| ||If yes, which docs and have the updates been drafted?||YES|| ||Are namelist changes required for this change?||YES|| ||If yes, have they been done?||YES|| ||Has a completed Ticket Summary template been appended to the ticket to aid code reviews||YES|| ||Does this summary correspond with your understanding of the full ticket?||YES|| Ticket, Documentation and Code comments Note that the changes are not fully in keeping with the Coding standards, this is due to use of the GOTO function in TOOLS/SECTIONS_DIADCT/src/sections_tools.f90 As this piece of code is outside of the NEMO src code itself it is felt that the code can be accepted into the trunk, with the aim of removing use of the GOTO function at a later date. === Testing === ||Has the NVTK and other jobs been tested with this change?||YES|| ||Have the required bit comparability tests been run?||YES|| ||Can this change be shown to have a null impact? (if option not selected)||YES|| ||If no, is reason for the change valid/understood?||NA|| ||If no, ensure that the ticket details the impact this change will have on model configurations .||NA|| ||Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics?||YES|| ||If no, is reason for the change valid/understood?||NA|| ||Are there significant changes in run time/memory?||NO|| Testing Comments The code was also tested to ensure specification of the section as being from point a to point b, or from point b to point a had no effect on results. === Code Review === ||Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards?||NO|| ||Are code changes consistent with the design of NEMO?||YES|| ||Is the code free of unwanted TABs?||YES|| ||Has the code been wholly (100%) produced by NEMO developers working on NEMO?||YES|| ||If no, ensure collaboration agreement has been added to the ticket keywords|||| See above comment regarding coding standards. === Review Summary === The code is well documented, with useful and clear comments throughout the code. It has been thoroughly tested and is a stand alone piece of code which not only has no impact on the code when switched off, but as it affects diagnostics only it also has no impact on model results when the option is activated. As such it seems suitable for inclusion in the next release. === Approval for the trunk === YES The code reviewer may approve the change for the NEMO trunk when: 1. their requests/comments have been addressed satisfactorily. 1. the above check-list has been completed. or the code reviewer may choose to reject & assign the change back to the code author.