New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_35 – NEMO

PHC_35 run

This run is based on the PHC_16 one except that:
bug correction found on sbcrnf.F90 with the missing MOD(kt-1,nn_fsbc) test.
nn_sssr = 1 to be able to compare it with PHC_16 one.
Few patterns list:

- first, an strong salinity increase in rivers mouths areas.
- salinity increase by more than 0.1 PSU at ~100 meters all around the Artic bassin 
and also along the east American coast following the Gulf-stream path starting from the equator.
- this trend is reverted further to 80°N where a decreasing arises reaching -0.3 PSU relatively 
to PHC16 experiment.
- Notice the strong biais compare to Levitus off the Siberian coast with differences about 1 PSU 
spreading along the east greenland coast.
- MXL is increased by more than 100 meters south of Greenland point & along Norway coast, & 
strongly (beyond 100 m) reduced south of Iceland. No impact in the south pole on sea-ice or MXL.
- the freshwater is not balanced at all with a stabilization around -2.2 Sv, this is partly due 
to both the increase by 10% of evaporation and the decrease by 9% of precipitation & runoffs.

Annual mean budget (Sv) after 10 years

Precip : 11.436063

NOT modif Runoff : 1.1624159

modif Runoff : 1.1365482

ErP : -0.042173453
EmPold? : -2.2160275
EmP : -0.0017982584

Evap based on Qla flux (not used) : Evap_Svqla = 14.221396 Sv
Evap based on EmP, precip, ErP, runoff & EmPold?: Evap_sv = 14.829014 Sv

Bilan gain .vs. loose:

Precip+Runoff_MOD : 12.572611 Sv
Evap+ErP+EmPold? : 12.570813 Sv

# Time series over 1000 years

AMOC, AABW cell, DRAKE transport

Sea-ice area

T&S horizontal drift relatively to Levitus [TS]n -[TS]Levitus

T&S horizontal stabilization [TS]n -[TS]final

Kz tides

EmPold? freshwater budget:

# Seasonal mean for the year 101

Antarctic MXL

Antarctic Sea-ice Thickness

Arctic MXL

Arctic Sea-ice Thickness

# Year 100

Temperature differences at z=105 m with Levitus and PHC_16:

Salinity differences at z=105 m with Levitus and PHC_16:

SST differences with Reynolds and PHC_16:

SSS differences with Levitus and PHC_16:

Temperature differences in zonal average with Levitus and PHC_16:

Salinity differences in zonal average with Levitus and PHC_16:

Equatorial differences with Levitus and PHC_16 of zonal velocity U:

No image "Eq_PHC35_PHC16_U_y100.png" attached to user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_35

Equatorial differences with Levitus and PHC_16 of temperature:

Equatorial differences with Levitus and PHC_16 of salinity:

Pacific equatorial differences with Levitus and PHC_16 of temperature:

Qnet differences with PHC_16 :


Global MOC:

Atlantic MOC:


Mediterranean water Lat: 40°N, depth 700 m:

Mediterranean water Lat: 38°N, depth 1000 m:

Erp & Mxl fields:

Temperature & Salinity horizontal mean :

Straits transport:

No image "bilan_STRAIT_EMP_PHC35.png" attached to user/ctlod/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_35

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 2009-03-03T11:24:09+01:00

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