Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[BR]] [[PageOutline]] == ''' Sensitivity experiments performed with LIM 2.0''' == [[BR]] Abstract for the simulations performed over 10/500 or 1000 years (last ones are the first presented):[[BR]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_40 PHC_40] based on tag nemo_v3_1 :[[BR]] {{{ - nn_sssr=2 - alpha_precip=alpha_runoff=1. & no more +10% applied on evaporation - bug on sbcrnf.90 corrected }}} ---- [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_70 PHC_70] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - use EVP rheology instead VP one with LIM 2.0 }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_69 PHC_69] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - correct a bug in the way the wind stress over Sea-Ice is computed in sbcblk_core.F90 }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_68 PHC_68] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - special treatment of Cdrag over ocean & ice, it depends on the ice thickness }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_67 PHC_67] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - decrease P* parameter to: 0.5e+4 }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_66 PHC_66] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - increase P* parameter to: 2.e+4 }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_65 PHC_65] based on '''PHC_57''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - remove the sea-ice dynamics: ln_limdyn = .FALSE. }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_64 PHC_64] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - based on the new World Ocean Data 2005, it's the only difference }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_63 PHC_63] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING )]][[BR]] {{{ - remove the SSS restoring term, nn_sssr = 0 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_62 PHC_62] based on '''PHC_49''' but : {{{ - balance the erp term every nn_fwbc so it's mean is zero nn_fwb = 4 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_61 PHC_61] based on '''PHC_49''' but : {{{ - apply a correction of empold the first year, this experience is similar to PHC_56 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_60 PHC_60] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - reduce the runoffs by 15% beyond 60°N until North Pole }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_59 PHC_59] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - change straits topography around Denmark straits and North to Scotland }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_58 PHC_58] based on '''PHC_49''' but : [[BR]] {{{ - balance the emp term every nn_fwbc using the emp mean of the previous year, this time we use the true annual emp mean not the instantaneous one as in experience PHC_55 which was a mistake. }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_57 PHC_57] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING beyond 100 years (till 1000 years))]][[BR]] {{{ - balance the emp term every nn_fwbc so it's mean is zero nn_fwb = 4 }}} [[Image(NEMO-Website.png,7%)]] * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_56 PHC_56] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[Color(white, red, ON GOING beyond 100 years (till 1000 years))]][[BR]] {{{ - correction of the empold of the previous year every nn_fsbc time step nn_fwb = 2 - this trend is redistributed only over erp(:,:) area of same sign }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_55 PHC_55] based on '''PHC_49''' but : [[Color(white, green, This exp. is bugged wrong empmean computation)]][[BR]] {{{ - correction of the empmean of the previous year every nn_fsbc time step nn_fwb = 3 - this trend is redistributed only over erp(:,:) area of opposite sign }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_54 PHC_54] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - First 10 years performed in "robust diag" state, i.e. ndmp = 20, no damping in ML. the following 10 years are done in switching off this option }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_50 PHC_50] based on '''PHC_49''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - reduce the SSS damping erp term along coast over 400 km wide }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_49 PHC_49] based on '''PHC_37''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - set nn_fwb = 0 - SSS damping term erp tapered to -4 or +4 mm/day in sbcssr.F90 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_48 PHC_48] based on '''PHC_46''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - set nn_fwb = 0 no more cvolume control }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_47 PHC_47] based on '''PHC_45''' but :[[BR]] {{{ - reduce precipitation & runoffs by a factor of 0.006 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_46 PHC_46] based on PHC_37 but :[[BR]] {{{ - nn_fwb = 2, still volume control - increase linearly the SSS damping term from 0 at the coast to 1 at 400 km off coast - correct concentration/dilution term in Batltic Sea in limsbc_2.F90 - add the Bering strait transport computation in diafwb.F90 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_45 PHC_45] based on PHC_37 but :[[BR]] {{{ - nn_fwb = 0, i.e. no more volume control }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_44 PHC_44] based on PHC_37 but :[[BR]] {{{ - TKE penetration increased to 10% instead 5% && nn_fwb = 0, i.e. no more volume control }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_43 PHC_43] based on PHC_37 but :[[BR]] {{{ - damping term coefficient deds = -166mm/day instead -864mm/day }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_41 PHC_41] based on PHC_37 but :[[BR]] {{{ - tapering the damping term erp o -6 or 6 mm/day }}} ---- * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_42 PHC_42] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - sea-ice albedo is set to 0.53 instead 0.50 }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_39 PHC_39] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - Reduce the SSS damping parameter from 864mm/day to 166 mm/day }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_38 PHC_38] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - Remove the SSS damping under Sea-ice area using frld field in sbcssr.F90 }}} ---- * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_37 PHC_37] based on PHC_36 but :[[BR]] {{{ - set nn_sssr = 2 instead 1 to take into account concentration/dilution effect through emps array. }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_36 PHC_36] based on PHC_35 but :[[BR]] {{{ - remove the -9% on precipitation & runoff and +10% on evaporation field since the bug on sbcrnf.F90 is corrected }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_35 PHC_35] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - bug correction in sbcrnf.F90 module concerning missing test MOD(kt-1,nn_fsbc). }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_34 PHC_34] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - set now nn_sssr = 2 instead 1 and correct bu into sbcssr.F90 using (nn_sssr >= 1) instead (nn_sssr == 1) }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_32 PHC_32] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - apply air temperature correction on DFS4 data between 65°S & 80°S following differences with CLIO data. - The PHC_33 experience has a lower correction on air temperature than PHC_32. }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/LIM2/PHC_31 PHC_31] based on PHC_16 but :[[BR]] {{{ - set minimum of leads (acrit variable) to 2% in both hemispheres in the sea-ice namelist instead default value of 1.1O^-6 }}} ---- ---- * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/PHC16 PHC_16] based on PHC_15 but :[[BR]] {{{ - apply -9% on precipitation & runoff instead of -8% in PHC_15 experiment }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/PHC15 PHC_15]: based on PHC_11 but :[[BR]] {{{ just use "good" input fields for K1 and M2 waves }}} * for PHC_12 based on PHC_11 but :[[BR]] {{{ few tests to improve transport of few straits: - fmask = 4.0 at the output of the Baltic sea - fmask = 0.5 at Gibraltar - fmask = 1.0 at Bab El Mandeb & add an identical value at one corner of the strait - one specificity of the Sound strait is an annual mean output flow, so to catch it in outputs, few modifications have been done in the diafwb.F90 module. further more an error on the location of the Sound strait has been also corrected - }}} * for PHC_11: based on PHC_10 but includes both:[[BR]] {{{ it seems that input fields were not the good ones - global Kz tides - increased Kz tides in the ITF area }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/PHC10 PHC_10]: based on PHC_9 but includes both:[[BR]] {{{ - 3 waves lenghts penetration (RGB) through the traqsr.F90 module - ocean color: climatology of a 2D chlorophyll field }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/PHC9 PHC_9]: based on the PHC_8 experiment[[BR]] {{{ change the way to compute wind stress & wind module: - wind module is now read and corresponds to ||U||clim, i.e. the one computed using 6hourly components not the one using climatological components Uclim/Vclim - wind stress: (||U||.u)clim & (||U||.v)clim fields are directly read instead computed. the drag coefficient is the one computed using on the wind module read just above. - in doing this we don't substract anymore relative velocity of the ocean/sea-ice in the computation of the wind module and the wind stress }}} * for [wiki:private/ORCA2Runs/PHC4 PHC_4]: based on the PHC_3 experiment[[BR]] {{{ just remove the TKE penetration in setting nn_etau= 0 in namelist: }}} * from PHC_1 to PHC_8 : {{{ all these runs have been used for: - freshwater budget adjustement in playing with new namelist parameters alpha_precip, alpha_runoff - Gibraltar, Bab El Mandeb & Sound sraits transports adjustement ( based on scale factors or/and bondary condition fmask ) - they all used the following computation for the wind module: we add the wind module variance difference (||U||clim)^2 - (Uclim^2 + Vclim^2) to the computation of the wind module where ||U||clim is the climatological wind module and Uclim/Vclim are the climatological wind component }}} [[BR]] Results from the 10th year:[[BR]] ||'''Runs''' || '''PHC_1''' || '''PHC_2''' || '''PHC_3''' || '''PHC_5''' || '''PHC_6''' || '''PHC_7''' || '''PHC_8''' || '''PHC_9''' || '''PHC_10''' || '''PHC_11''' || '''PHC_15''' || '''PHC_16''' || || '''Precip''' || / || -10% || -12% || / || -8% || -10% || -8% || -8% || -8% || -8% || -8% || -9% || || '''Evap''' || / || / || / || +10% || +5% || +10% || +10% || +10% || +10% || +10% || +10% || +10% || || '''Empold''' (Sv) ||+1.88 || +0.26 || -0.06 || +1.37 || +0.31 || -0.25 || +0.07 || +0.13 || +0.1 || +0.12 || +0.13 || -0.02 || || '''SST/rt PHC3''' || / || / || / || ++ || + || ++ || ++ || ?? || ?? || ?? || ?? || ?? || || '''SSH drift''' (m) || / || / || -0.006 || +0.12 || +0.028 || -0.022 || +0.006 || +0.01 || +0.008 || +0.01 || +0.01 || -0.002 || [[BR]]