== '''Integrating IOM_PUT ''' == [[BR]] [[PageOutline]] === Integrating IOM_PUT === [[BR]] * Done: Add in modispl/util/mod.def in NEMO_IGCM: #-H- NEMO_IGCM NEMO trunk [[BR]] #-H- NEMO_IGCM IOIPSL/src tag v2_1_8 [[BR]] #-H- NEMO_IGCM libIGCM tag libIGCM_v1_3 [[BR]] #-H- NEMO_IGCM NEMO_XMLIO_SERVER svn !r37 [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_IGCM XMLF90 HEAD 12 XMLF90 modeles [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_IGCM XMLIO_SERVER/trunk 37 12 XMLIO_SERVER modeles [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_IGCM trunk/EXTERNAL/XMLF90 HEAD 7 XMLF90/external modeles [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_IGCM trunk/EXTERNAL/XMLIO_SERVER HEAD 7 XMLIO_SERVER/external modeles [[BR]] changes: [[BR]] * '''lim2.card''' [[BR]] 1. changed PREFIX name for output .nc file [[BR]] [OutputFiles] [[BR]] List= ('''${PREFIX}_${WF1}'''_icemod.nc, ${R_OUT_ICE_NWRITE}/${PREFIX}_${WF1}_icemod.nc, Post_1M_icemod) 2. removed deptht in ncrcat (for monitoring, no good to do ncrcat in 3 dimensions for ice) [[BR]] [Post_1M_icemod] [[BR]] GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter) 3. removed ileadfra '''for the moment''' [[BR]] TimeSeriesVars = (iicethic, isnowthi, iicevelu, iicevelv) NOTE: for this moment ileadfra removed because in iomdef.xml there are new variables' names (like IPPC requested) and ileadfra there is no more in output from nemo's code, waiting for that nemo put in output 1-soicecov (=ileadfra) * '''opa9.card''' 1. changed PREFIX name for output .nc file [[BR]] [OutputFiles] [[BR]] List= ('''${PREFIX}_${WF1}''''_grid_T.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE}/${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_T.nc, Post_1M_grid_T),\ [[BR]] ('''${PREFIX}_${WF1}'''_grid_U.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE}/${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_U.nc, Post_1M_grid_U),\ [BR]] ('''${PREFIX}_${WF1}'''_grid_V.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE}/${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_V.nc, Post_1M_grid_V),\ [[BR]] ('''${PREFIX}_${WF1}'''_grid_W.nc, ${R_OUT_OCE_NWRITE}/${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_W.nc, Post_1M_grid_W),\ [[BR]] * '''opa9.driver''' 1. possibility to use io_server (but not testing now) [[BR]] ##--Variables used for XMLIO_SERVER configuration file [[BR]] # using_server: .TRUE.(.FALSE.) to use(bypass) the io_server [[BR]] PAT_SERVER=$( supergrep using_server ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/xmlio_server.def ) [[BR]] ##--Variables used for iodef xml configuration file [[BR]] # file_name_grid_T : name of output file on grid T [[BR]] # file_name_grid_U : name of output file on grid U [[BR]] # file_name_grid_V : name of output file on grid V [[BR]] # file_name_grid_W : name of output file on grid W [[BR]] # file_name_icemod : name of output file for ice [[BR]] # output_frequency_oce : output frequency of ocean output files [[BR]] # output_frequency_ice : output frequency of ice output files [[BR]] (( output_frequency_oce = $WriteFrequencyInDays * 86400 )) [[BR]] (( output_frequency_ice = $WriteFrequencyInDays * 86400 )) [[BR]] sed -e "s// \"${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_T.nc\"/" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_U.nc\"/" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_V.nc\"/" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${PREFIX}_${WF1}_grid_W.nc\"/" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${PREFIX}_${WF1}_icemod.nc\"/" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${output_frequency_oce}\"/g" \ [[BR]] -e "s// \"${output_frequency_ice}\"/g" \ [[BR]] iodef.xml > iodef.xml.tmp IGCM_sys_Mv iodef.xml.tmp iodef.xml [[BR]]