[[TOC(heading=Using libIGCM library with ORCA2_LIM ,depth=2, private/libIGCM/setupsimupage, private/libIGCM/change_BC, private/libIGCM/common_account, private/libIGCM/postprocessingpage, private/libIGCM/postalreadyrunpage, private/libIGCM/parallelpage, private/libIGCM/common_account, private/libIGCM/tree_IGCM00, private/libIGCM/errorpage, private/libIGCM/suggestpage, private/libIGCM/resol_ORCA2, private/libIGCM/donepage, private/libIGCM/todolistpage, private/libIGCM/iom_put, private/libIGCM/changepage, private/libIGCM/appendixpage )]] = '''Using libIGCM library with ORCA2_LIM''' = [[BR]] == Purposes: == [[BR]] * Document the using of libIGCM for NEMO, in configuration ORCA2_LIM * Official documentation of libIGCM is : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/libigcm/wiki/WikiStart [[BR]] [[BR]] == Quick start guide: == 30/10/2009 at this moment when downloading NEMO_IGCM default configuration is: [[BR]] climatological run, with bulk clio forcing, with calendar type 360d and output frequency 1Y, without iom_put, with MONITORING, and ATLAS. At the bottom of this page informations to switch 1. interannual run, with bulk core forcing, with calendar type noleap and output frequency 1M, without iom_put, with MONITORING, and ATLAS. 2. activate iom_put [[BR]] * Define the following alias to use SVN : [[BR]] {{{ alias svn_ano='svn co http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/svn/modipsl/trunk modipsl' }}} * Create and go into working directory : [[BR]] {{{ mkdir TRY ; cd TRY }}} * Extract modipsl : [[BR]] {{{ svn_ano }}} * Extract NEMO : [[BR]] {{{ cd modipsl/util ./model NEMO_IGCM }}} * Choosing ORCA2_LIM configuration : [[BR]] {{{ cd ../modeles/UTIL ./fait_config ORCA2_LIM }}} '''NOTE: in this moment NEMO_IGCM is downloading trunk NEMO (ongoing test on iom_put)''' but there is a bug on bottom friction. [[BR]] To evoid this bug it is necessary to: [[BR]] 1. comment lines in modipsl/modeles/NEMO/WORK/dommsk.F90: [[BR]] ij0 = 115 ; ij1 = 115 [[BR]] ii0 = 145 ; ii1 = 146 ; fmask( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) , 1:jpk ) = 4.0e0 [[BR]] ij0 = 116 ; ij1 = 116 [[BR]] ii0 = 145 ; ii1 = 146 ; fmask( mi0(ii0):mi1(ii1) , mj0(ij0):mj1(ij1) , 1:jpk ) = 4.0e0 [[BR]] 2. put in namelist rn_bfri1 = 0.e-4 [[BR]] * Install the makefiles : [[BR]] {{{ cd ../../util ./ins_make }}} * Compile : [[BR]] {{{ cd ../config/ORCA2_LIM gmake }}} * Submit Job : [[BR]] {{{ ( Editing at this point modipsl/config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00/config.card Editing at this point modipsl/config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00/COMP/opa9.card ) ../../util/ins_job cd IGCM00 qsub Job_Name }}} '''[[Color( red, IMPORTANT REMARK: )]] [[BR]] To reduce computing time, if you don't use the ATLAS, you can put in namelist : '''ln_mskland=.false.''', because it is very expensive in term of computational time.''' And also see useful remarks: [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/wiki/private/libIGCM/suggestpage] If you want to switch from climatological to interannual see: [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/wiki/private/libIGCM/change_BC] To activate iom_put see: [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/wiki/private/libIGCM/iom_put] [[BR]] [[BR]] Simona Flavoni last update: [[Timestamp]]