New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
user/flavoni/report_simona – NEMO

Version 14 (modified by flavoni, 15 years ago) (diff)


Report of activity between 15/12/2008 and 15/05/2009


Tested till :

  • Tested 10 years
  • NEMO trunk version revision 1407
  • libIGCM trunk version revision 110
  • calendar type 360 : we can do restart every year or every month, and we can have output data every year or every month
  • calendar type noleap : we can do restart every year or every month, but we can have output data only every month ( because ioipsl need to have in input number of days per month ).

( I'm waiting for a tag of libIGCM )

Modifications at the code :

  1. "Dynamic monitoring"

We can say "dynamic monitoring" monitoring of variables choosen by user (see : )

changed files :


( in which, coherently whit I want to do I put same variables of timeseries that I put in opa9.card )


( in which I can't use ${FER_ATLAS} path, but I put monitoring01_opa9.cfg and monitoring01_lim2.cfg in directory of submission of the job )



( in which I put timeseries of variable that I want to monitoring * ( NOTA : also because if I want to use monitoring.job by default I can't, because in monitoring.job there is an "exit if timeseries does not exists", so I'm obliged to have same timeseries if I want to use monitoring!) * )

( NOTA : tested with libiGCM tag version libIGCM_v1_2, revision 50.

now monitoring is changed a lot, I tested almost all but when there is a new tag I'll do another test)

  1. "common accounts"

To store boundary conditions and forcing files we can use common account of ipsl ( see : )

changed files :

add ~comptecommun/dmf/IGCM/BC/OCE/

all configurations : ORCA2_LIM2

and ORCA2_LIM2/v3
and ORCA2_LIM2/v3_1

to separate different boundary conditions, linked to NEMO version ( versions differ only for bathymetry now )



waiting for arnaud caubel test ( then it will be named only ORCA2 )

  1. "new cards"

To use common accounts and to be coherent with old version of opa we changed in

changed files :

in config.card "Tag_Name"

  1. "like coupled"

After a meeting of engenieers and researcher to point out direction for IPCC we decided that "NEMO forced" has to have same output data, monitoring and atlas of coupled. So I add same variables of coupled used in monitoring and in ZNL atlas. ( NOTA : also because if I want to use monitoring.job by default I can't, because in monitoring.job there is an "exit if timeseries does not exists", so I'm obliged to have same timeseries if I want to use monitoring!)

  1. "new diaptr"

changed mpi version, was no good with atlas

  1. "interannual"

working in progress

  1. "monitoring comparison"

is no still ok!

  1. "monitoring & atlas"

decide if we have to customize it for a more "readable" version

Open points

  • we have to point out interannual runs :

what works : opa can find surface boundary conditions' files for december of previous year in jannuary of current year, and for jannuary of next year in december of current year. This is means that opa can do a correct interpolation.

what does not work : at firts timestep opa is stopped because abs(U) is greather then 20 we have still to understand why

  • to test with calendar type : leap ( not having priority now )

See also