= Procedure to gather NEMO-related publications [[PageOutline(2)]] == Open databases Reduced list to web libraries with an API in order to eventually implement a script || [X] | [ ] || Archives || API || Client || || [X] || ADS with a new [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu web interface] || [https://github.com/adsabs/adsabs-dev-api link] || [https://ads.readthedocs.io/en/latest 'ads' Python package] (unofficial) || || [ ] || arXiv (not many publications) || || || || [X] || CORE || [https://core.ac.uk/services#api link] || || || [X] || HAL || [https://api.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs link] || || == Searching consensus '''The aim here is not to produce the accurate list of publications''' generated by the use of NEMO (possible only after long work by hands) but at least a fair catalogue of references considered to be derived on way or another from a analysis of NEMO results.\\ After multiples tries, for now we have defined to search only for 2 words ''''nemo'''' and ''''ocean'''' but differently according to publications standard fields. Here is the query structure with the logical operators (`AND`|`OR`|`NOT`) {{{#!td __Title__ }}} {{{#!td rowspan=2 `OR` }}} {{{#!td __Abstract__ }}} {{{#!td rowspan=2 `OR` }}} {{{#!td __Full text__ `OR` __Body__ }}} |- {{{#!td 'nemo' `AND` 'ocean' }}} {{{#!td 'nemo' `AND` 'ocean' }}} {{{#!td 'nemo ocean' }}} These criteria are not final and could change in the future. In particular, a lexicographic analysis of the words contiguous to 'NEMO' in the already selected publications would be interesting in order to refine the query. == Direct links for online queries || ADS || https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#search/q=title%3A%22(nemo%20ocean)%22%20OR%20abstract%3A%22(nemo%20ocean)%22%20OR%20body%3A%22nemo%20ocean%22&sort=classic_factor%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc || || CORE || https://core.ac.uk/search?q=title%3A(nemo%20AND%20ocean)%20OR%20description%3A(nemo%20AND%20ocean)%20OR%20fullText%3A%22nemo%20ocean%22&fullTextOnly=false || || HAL || https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/search/index/?q=title_t%3A%28nemo+ocean%29+OR+abstract_t%3A%28nemo+ocean%29+OR+fulltext_t%3A%28%22nemo+ocean%22%29+NOT+halId_s%3A%22pastel-00956574%22&submitType_s=file+OR+notice || == References http://libraries.mit.edu/scholarly/publishing/apis-for-scholarly-resources