{{{#!box type='configure' width='50em' = Todo list * Update generic computing architecture files for common compilers: GCC, Intel & PGI * Main NEMO bash scripts (makenemo, sette and trusting) * Analyse with https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck * Review and standardize the options between the scripts * Implement long and short options }}} {{{#!box type='note' width='50em' = Procedure likely to follow by newly developer for avoiding authentication As of now the repository is open so Subversion does no longer request an authentication for downloading (credentials are not stored locally) but, by the way the repository has been implemented with `svn+ssh` scheme, the developer has to copy his SSH key to his UNIX account on the Forge server for skipping the authentication step at each request. \\ It could be particularly boring with SVN externals. {{{#!console $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub "ID"@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr Password: ... }}} }}} {{{#!box type='error' Prefer disabling Trac plugin from the admin interface than deleting the egg file in the plugin folder to avoid a server issue. 'apache' and 'nemo' UNIX users must have read/write access to trac.log file: to create a new log file, stop logging by setting `log_file = none`, then {{{#!console $ touch trac.log $ chmod 666 trac.log }}} }}}