= '''Some statistics''''''' = Last edited [[Timestamp]] [[PageOutline]] [[TicketStats(title = Total tickets for 2009, height=250,daterange=12m,res_days=30,query=Type='Bug')]] [[TicketStats(title = Total tickets for 2008-2009, height=250,daterange=20m,res_days=30)]] ---- {{{ Usage :[[TicketStats(title = Error tickets by week last 3 months, daterange=3m,res_days=7, query=Type='error')]] }}} ----- [[WikiTicketCalendar(*,*,true)]] {{{ format: WikiTicketCalendar([year,month,[showbuttons,[wiki_page_format]]]) displays a calendar, the days link to: - milestones (day in bold) if there is one on that day - a wiki page that has wiki_page_format (if exist) - create that wiki page if it does not exist arguments: year, month = display calendar for month in year ('*' for current year/month) showbuttons = true/false, show prev/next buttons wiki_page_format = strftime format for wiki pages to display as link (if there is not a milestone placed on that day) (if exist, otherwise link to create page) default is "%Y-%m-%d", '*' for default examples: WikiTicketCalendar(2006,07) WikiTicketCalendar(2006,07,false) WikiTicketCalendar(*,*,true,Meeting-%Y-%m-%d) WikiTicketCalendar(2006,07,false,Meeting-%Y-%m-%d) }}}