


21:42 Changeset [211] by thauvin
- add function to genrated mail report
16:11 Changeset [210] by thauvin
- notify obsdata when extraction is done, move related logging function
15:49 Changeset [209] by thauvin
- collect datafile name also
15:40 Changeset [208] by thauvin
- add function to collect real result


14:22 Changeset [207] by thauvin
- log destroy event everywhere
14:20 Changeset [206] by thauvin
- backport from HEAD the lazy mode for status file
14:11 Changeset [205] by thauvin
- add a lazy behaviour about index, write it for data/archive only if data …


18:02 Changeset [204] by thauvin
- fix mkpath call (from HEAD)
17:59 Changeset [203] by thauvin
- Fix mkpath call
17:39 Changeset [202] by thauvin
- port from HEAD: avoid die if mkpath failed
17:28 Changeset [201] by thauvin
- start 0.2.1
17:26 Changeset [200] by thauvin
- avoid die() if mkpath failed, add reason into log
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.