


15:33 Changeset [251] by nanardon
- avoid undefined value


16:20 Changeset [250] by thetis
hack: return early if name does not match to avoid useless noise
15:54 Changeset [249] by nanardon
- fix: return all values, include data from plugin, in match_data_type()


19:51 Changeset [248] by thetis
- nommer les fichiers sonde OHP a partir de l heure [GMT] et non plus l …
19:26 Changeset [247] by nanardon
- don't try to extract any files if no file is specified
18:52 Changeset [246] by nanardon
- run all test to see if a data match rules, not only the regexp on …


14:31 Changeset [245] by nanardon
- log config file used and the current path
13:56 Changeset [244] by nanardon
- lha list files differently if he archive come from DOS/Windows or unix, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.