


19:15 Changeset [65] by thauvin
- add status for each data files
13:07 Changeset [64] by thauvin
- optimize strftime in build_dest_filename()
12:33 Changeset [63] by thauvin
- fix s/sizeok/mtimeok/
08:30 Changeset [62] by thauvin
- allow to use strftime format for destination - fix test
07:57 Changeset [61] by thauvin
* empty log message *


00:34 Changeset [60] by thauvin
- match rules should be applies over data file, not the archive


17:49 Changeset [59] by thauvin
- add warning
13:42 Changeset [58] by thauvin
- add file_need_parse function
07:41 Changeset [57] by thauvin
- O::R die if O is undef - more parsing code
07:32 Changeset [56] by thauvin
- use ObsData::loglevel
07:30 Changeset [55] by thauvin
- add loglevel function
06:54 Changeset [54] by thauvin
- remove caller from callback, it show the wrong line
06:37 Changeset [53] by thauvin
- build_dest_filename return also


18:27 Changeset [52] by thauvin
- add function to generate dest string
11:39 Changeset [51] by thauvin
- match* function return data from regexp
08:10 Changeset [50] by thauvin
- write status file function - fix ObsData::Repository new()
07:19 Changeset [49] by thauvin
- add matching functions
06:35 Changeset [48] by thauvin
- make ObsData::repository parsing directory
06:20 Changeset [47] by thauvin
- add --debug


15:33 Changeset [46] by thauvin
- use object for init_repository - don't print to STDOUT anymore - improve …
15:31 Changeset [45] by thauvin
- add script


18:01 Changeset [44] by thauvin
- add date in log
17:39 Changeset [43] by thauvin
- move repository to ObsData? class
08:48 Changeset [42] by thauvin
- update doc


20:11 Changeset [41] by thauvin
- add signature in mail
19:44 Changeset [40] by thauvin
- put relative path to file for md5sum
19:04 Changeset [39] by thauvin
- rework transfert, create md5sum file


19:40 Changeset [38] by thauvin
- add postrun doc
19:29 Changeset [37] by thauvin
- add postrun function


19:40 Changeset [36] by thauvin
- add documentation
18:17 Changeset [35] by thauvin
- add logfile support
17:08 Changeset [34] by thauvin
- add script


19:03 Changeset [33] by thauvin
- add list_datatype()
18:29 Changeset [32] by thauvin
- add new files
17:47 Changeset [31] by thauvin
- adding loging functions
17:31 Changeset [30] by thauvin
- ensure an inifile object exists
17:30 Changeset [29] by thauvin
- allow to handle object if no config file is specified
17:16 Changeset [28] by thauvin
- add test for ObsData::Repository
15:23 Changeset [27] by thauvin
- add ObsData::Repository object


18:31 Changeset [26] by thauvin
- initial commit


19:52 Changeset [25] by thauvin
- document way of life (Michele Thetis) - doc about ObsData? module - …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.