! $Header: /home/ssipsl/CVSREP/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_crown.f90,v 1.12 2009/01/06 15:01:25 ssipsl Exp $ ! IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC !- MODULE lpj_crown !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- calculate individual crown area from stem mass. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ioipsl USE stomate_data USE constantes USE pft_parameters !- IMPLICIT NONE !- ! private & public routines !- PRIVATE PUBLIC crown !- CONTAINS !- !=== !- SUBROUTINE crown & & (npts, PFTpresent, ind, biomass, veget_max, cn_ind, height) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 0 declarations !- ! 0.1 input !- ! Domain size INTEGER(i_std),INTENT(in) :: npts ! Is pft there LOGICAL,DIMENSION(npts,nvm),INTENT(in) :: PFTpresent ! density of individuals (1/(m**2 of ground)) REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm),INTENT(in) :: ind ! biomass (gC/(m**2 of ground)) REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm,nparts),INTENT(in) :: biomass !- ! 0.2 modified fields !- ! "maximal" coverage fraction of a PFT (LAI -> infinity) on ground !- REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm),INTENT(inout) :: veget_max !- ! 0.3 output !- ! crown area (m**2) per ind. !- REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm),INTENT(out) :: cn_ind !- ! height of vegetation (m) !- REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts,nvm),INTENT(inout) :: height !- ! 0.4 local !- ! wood mass of an individual !- REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts) :: woodmass !- ! index !- INTEGER(i_std) :: j !- ! stem diameter !- REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(npts) :: dia REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(nvm) :: height_presc_12 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- ! 1 initializations !- ! 1.1 check if DGVM activated !- IF (.NOT.control%ok_dgvm) THEN STOP 'crown: not to be called with static vegetation.' ENDIF !- ! 1.2 initialize output to zero !- cn_ind(:,:) = 0.0 ! no convertion, just cop height_presc_12(1:nvm) = height_presc(1:nvm) !- ! 2 calculate (or prescribe) crown area !- DO j = 2,nvm IF (tree(j)) THEN !----- !---- 2.1 trees !----- IF (natural(j)) THEN !------ 2.1.1 natural WHERE (PFTpresent(:,j) .AND.ind(:,j).GT.min_stomate) !-------- calculate individual wood mass woodmass(:) = & & (biomass(:,j,isapabove)+biomass(:,j,isapbelow) & & +biomass(:,j,iheartabove)+biomass(:,j,iheartbelow))/ind(:,j) !-------- stem diameter (pipe model) dia(:) = (woodmass(:)/(pipe_density*pi/4.*pipe_tune2)) & & **(1./(2.+pipe_tune3)) !-------- height height(:,j) = pipe_tune2*(dia(:)**pipe_tune3) WHERE (height(:,j) > height_presc_12(j)) dia(:) = (height_presc_12(j)/pipe_tune2)**(1./pipe_tune3) height(:,j) = height_presc_12(j) ENDWHERE !-------- crown area: for large truncs, crown area cannot !-------- exceed a certain value, prescribed through maxdia. cn_ind(:,j) = pipe_tune1*MIN(dia(:),maxdia(j))**pipe_tune_exp_coeff ENDWHERE ELSE !------ 2.1.2 tree is agricultural - stop STOP 'crown: cannot treat agricultural trees.' ENDIF ELSE !----- !---- 2.2 grasses !----- WHERE (PFTpresent(:,j)) !------ 2.2.1 an "individual" is 1 m**2 of grass cn_ind(:,j) = 1. ENDWHERE ENDIF !--- !-- 2.3 recalculate vegetation cover if natural ! ind and cn_ind are 0 if not present !--- !SZ isn't this physically inconsistent with the assumptions of sechiba?? ! the actual LPJ formulation calculates fpc from maximum LAI, and fpar from actual LAI=veget IF (natural(j).AND.control%ok_dgvm) THEN veget_max(:,j) = ind(:,j) * cn_ind(:,j) ENDIF ENDDO !------------------- END SUBROUTINE crown !- !=== !- END MODULE lpj_crown