PROGRAM forcesoil !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This program reads a forcing file for STOMATE's soil carbon routine ! which was created with STOMATE. ! It then integrates STOMATE's soil carbon parameterizations ! for a given number of years using this forcing. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !- IPSL (2006) !- This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC USE netcdf !- USE defprec USE constantes USE pft_parameters USE stomate_data USE ioipsl USE stomate_soilcarbon USE parallel !- IMPLICIT NONE !- CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: sto_restname_in,sto_restname_out,var_name INTEGER(i_std) :: iim,jjm INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER :: llm = 1 INTEGER(i_std) :: kjpindex INTEGER(i_std) :: itau_dep,itau_len CHARACTER(LEN=30) :: time_str INTEGER(i_std) :: ier,iret REAL(r_std) :: dt_files REAL(r_std) :: date0 INTEGER(i_std) :: rest_id_sto INTEGER(i_std) :: ncfid REAL(r_std) :: dt_force,dt_forcesoil INTEGER :: nparan INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nparanmax=36 REAL(r_std) :: xbid1,xbid2 INTEGER(i_std) :: ibid INTEGER(i_std),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: indices REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(llm) :: lev REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: soilcarbon_input REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: & & carbon,control_moist,control_temp REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: & & lon,lat,resp_hetero_soil,var_3d REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: & & x_indices REAL(r_std) :: time INTEGER :: i,j,m,iatt,iv CHARACTER(LEN=400) :: taboo_vars REAL(r_std),DIMENSION(1) :: xtmp INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER :: nbvarmax=300 INTEGER(i_std) :: nbvar CHARACTER(LEN=50),DIMENSION(nbvarmax) :: varnames INTEGER(i_std) :: varnbdim INTEGER(i_std),PARAMETER :: varnbdim_max=20 INTEGER,DIMENSION(varnbdim_max) :: vardims LOGICAL :: l1d REAL(r_std) :: x_tmp ! clay fraction REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE,SAVE,DIMENSION(:) :: clay !- ! string suffix indicating an index CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: part_str ! CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: Cforcing_name INTEGER :: Cforcing_id INTEGER :: v_id REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: clay_loc(:) REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: soilcarbon_input_loc(:,:,:,:) REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: control_temp_loc(:,:,:) REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: control_moist_loc(:,:,:) REAL(r_std),ALLOCATABLE :: carbon_loc(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ierr !>> DS add for externalization LOGICAL :: l_error ! >> DS CALL Init_para(.FALSE.) ! ! DS : For externalization cause we decoupled forcesoil from ORCHIDEE ! ! 1. Read the number of PFTs CALL getin('NVM',nvm) ! 2. Allocation l_error = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(pft_to_mtc(nvm),stat=ier) l_error = l_error .OR. (ier .NE. 0) IF (l_error) THEN STOP 'pft_to_mtc (forcesoil only) : error in memory allocation' ENDIF ! 3. Initialisation of the correspondance table pft_to_mtc (:) = undef_integer ! 4.Reading of the conrrespondance table in the .def file CALL getin('PFT_TO_MTC',pft_to_mtc) ! 4.1 if nothing is found, we use the standard configuration IF(nvm .EQ. 13 ) THEN IF(pft_to_mtc(1) .EQ. undef_integer) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'Note to the user : we will use ORCHIDEE to its standard configuration' pft_to_mtc(:) = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 /) ENDIF ELSE IF(pft_to_mtc(1) .EQ. undef_integer) THEN WRITE(numout,*)' The array PFT_TO_MTC is empty : we stop' ENDIF ENDIF ! 5. What happened if pft_to_mtc(j) > nvmc (if the mtc doesn't exist)? DO i = 1, nvm IF(pft_to_mtc(i) .GT. nvmc) THEN WRITE(numout,*) "the MTC you chose doesn't exist" STOP 'we stop reading pft_to_mtc' ENDIF ENDDO ! 6. Check if pft_to_mtc(1) = 1 IF(pft_to_mtc(1) .NE. 1) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'the first pft has to be the bare soil' STOP 'we stop reading next values of pft_to_mtc' ELSE DO i = 2,nvm IF(pft_to_mtc(i) .EQ.1) THEN WRITE(numout,*) 'only pft_to_mtc(1) has to be the bare soil' STOP 'we stop reading pft_to_mtc' ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! 7. Allocate and initialize natural ans is_c4 ! 7.1 Memory allocation l_error = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(natural(nvm),stat=ier) l_error = l_error .OR. (ier .NE. 0) ALLOCATE(is_c4(nvm),stat=ier) IF (l_error) THEN STOP 'natural or is_c4 (forcesoil only) : error in memory allocation' ENDIF ! 7.2 Initialisation DO j= 1, nvm natural(j) = natural_mtc(pft_to_mtc(j)) is_c4(j) = is_c4_mtc(pft_to_mtc(j)) ENDDO !- ! Stomate's restart files !- IF (is_root_prc) THEN sto_restname_in = '' CALL getin ('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN',sto_restname_in) WRITE(*,*) 'STOMATE INPUT RESTART_FILE: ',TRIM(sto_restname_in) sto_restname_out = '' CALL getin ('STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT',sto_restname_out) WRITE(*,*) 'STOMATE OUTPUT RESTART_FILE: ',TRIM(sto_restname_out) !- ! We need to know iim, jjm. ! Get them from the restart files themselves. !- iret = NF90_OPEN (sto_restname_in, NF90_NOWRITE, ncfid) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncfid,1,len=iim) iret = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncfid,2,len=jjm) iret = NF90_CLOSE (ncfid) !- ! Allocate longitudes and latitudes !- ALLOCATE (lon(iim,jjm)) ALLOCATE (lat(iim,jjm)) lon(:,:) = 0.0 lat(:,:) = 0.0 lev(1) = 0.0 !- CALL restini & & (sto_restname_in, iim, jjm, lon, lat, llm, lev, & & sto_restname_out, itau_dep, date0, dt_files, rest_id_sto) ENDIF !- ! calendar !- CALL bcast(date0) !!! MM : à revoir : choix du calendrier dans forcesoil ?? Il est dans le restart de stomate ! ! CALL ioconf_calendar ('noleap') CALL ioget_calendar (one_year,one_day) CALL ioconf_startdate(date0) IF (is_root_prc) THEN !- ! open FORCESOIL's forcing file to read some basic info !- Cforcing_name = '' CALL getin ('STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME',Cforcing_name) !- ier = NF90_OPEN (TRIM(Cforcing_name),NF90_NOWRITE,Cforcing_id) !- ier = NF90_GET_ATT (Cforcing_id,NF90_GLOBAL,'kjpindex',x_tmp) kjpindex = NINT(x_tmp) ier = NF90_GET_ATT (Cforcing_id,NF90_GLOBAL,'nparan',x_tmp) nparan = NINT(x_tmp) !- ALLOCATE (indices(kjpindex)) ALLOCATE (clay(kjpindex)) !- ALLOCATE (x_indices(kjpindex),stat=ier) ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'index',v_id) ier = NF90_GET_VAR (Cforcing_id,v_id,x_indices) indices(:) = NINT(x_indices(:)) DEALLOCATE (x_indices) !- ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'clay',v_id) ier = NF90_GET_VAR (Cforcing_id,v_id,clay) !- ! time step of forcesoil !- dt_forcesoil = one_year / FLOAT(nparan) WRITE(*,*) 'time step (d): ',dt_forcesoil !- ! read (and partially write) the restart file !- ! read and write the variables we do not need !- taboo_vars = '$lon$ $lat$ $lev$ $nav_lon$ $nav_lat$ $nav_lev$ $time$ $time_steps$ '// & & '$day_counter$ $dt_days$ $date$ '// & & '$carbon_01$ $carbon_02$ $carbon_03$ $carbon_04$ $carbon_05$'// & & '$carbon_06$ $carbon_07$ $carbon_08$ $carbon_09$ $carbon_10$'// & & '$carbon_11$ $carbon_12$ $carbon_13$' !- CALL ioget_vname(rest_id_sto, nbvar, varnames) !- ! read and write some special variables (1D or variables that we need) !- var_name = 'day_counter' CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp) CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp) !- var_name = 'dt_days' CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp) CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp) !- var_name = 'date' CALL restget (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp) CALL restput (rest_id_sto, var_name, 1, 1, 1, itau_dep, xtmp) !- DO iv=1,nbvar !-- check if the variable is to be written here IF (INDEX(taboo_vars,'$'//TRIM(varnames(iv))//'$') == 0 ) THEN !---- get variable dimensions, especially 3rd dimension CALL ioget_vdim & & (rest_id_sto, varnames(iv), varnbdim_max, varnbdim, vardims) l1d = ALL(vardims(1:varnbdim) == 1) !---- ALLOCATE( var_3d(kjpindex,vardims(3)), stat=ier) IF (ier /= 0) STOP 'ALLOCATION PROBLEM' !---- read it IF (l1d) THEN CALL restget & & (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), 1, vardims(3), & & 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., xtmp) ELSE CALL restget & & (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), kjpindex, vardims(3), & & 1, itau_dep, .TRUE., var_3d, "gather", kjpindex, indices) ENDIF !---- write it IF (l1d) THEN CALL restput & & (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), 1, vardims(3), & & 1, itau_dep, xtmp) ELSE CALL restput & & (rest_id_sto, TRIM(varnames(iv)), kjpindex, vardims(3), & & 1, itau_dep, var_3d, 'scatter', kjpindex, indices) ENDIF !---- DEALLOCATE(var_3d) ENDIF ENDDO !- ! read soil carbon !- ALLOCATE(carbon(kjpindex,ncarb,nvm)) carbon(:,:,:) = val_exp DO m = 1, nvm WRITE (part_str, '(I2)') m IF (m<10) part_str(1:1)='0' var_name = 'carbon_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)) CALL restget_p & & (rest_id_sto, var_name, kjpindex, ncarb , 1, itau_dep, & & .TRUE., carbon(:,:,m), 'gather', kjpindex, indices) IF (ALL(carbon(:,:,m) == val_exp)) carbon(:,:,m) = zero !-- do not write this variable: it will be modified. ENDDO !- ! Length of run !- WRITE(time_str,'(a)') '10000Y' CALL getin('TIME_LENGTH', time_str) ! transform into itau CALL tlen2itau(time_str, dt_forcesoil*one_year, date0, itau_len) write(*,*) 'Number of time steps to do: ',itau_len !- ! read the rest of the forcing file and store forcing in an array. ! We read an average year. !- ALLOCATE(soilcarbon_input(kjpindex,ncarb,nvm,nparan)) ALLOCATE(control_temp(kjpindex,nlevs,nparan)) ALLOCATE(control_moist(kjpindex,nlevs,nparan)) !- ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id,'soilcarbon_input',v_id) ier = NF90_GET_VAR (Cforcing_id,v_id,soilcarbon_input) ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id, 'control_moist',v_id) ier = NF90_GET_VAR (Cforcing_id,v_id,control_moist) ier = NF90_INQ_VARID (Cforcing_id, 'control_temp',v_id) ier = NF90_GET_VAR (Cforcing_id,v_id,control_temp) !- ier = NF90_CLOSE (Cforcing_id) !- !MM Problem here with dpu which depends on soil type DO iv = 1, nbdl-1 ! first 2.0 is dpu ! second 2.0 is average diaglev(iv) = 2.0/(2**(nbdl-1) -1) * ( ( 2**(iv-1) -1) + ( 2**(iv) -1) ) / 2.0 ENDDO diaglev(nbdl) = 2.0 !- ! For sequential use only, we must initialize data_para : ! ! ENDIF CALL bcast(iim) CALL bcast(jjm) call bcast(kjpindex) CALL init_data_para(iim,jjm,kjpindex,indices) !- !- ! there we go: time loop !- CALL bcast(nparan) ALLOCATE(clay_loc(nbp_loc)) ALLOCATE(soilcarbon_input_loc(nbp_loc,ncarb,nvm,nparan)) ALLOCATE(control_temp_loc(nbp_loc,nlevs,nparan)) ALLOCATE(control_moist_loc(nbp_loc,nlevs,nparan)) ALLOCATE(carbon_loc(nbp_loc,ncarb,nvm)) ALLOCATE(resp_hetero_soil(nbp_loc,nvm)) iatt = 0 CALL bcast(itau_len) CALL bcast(nparan) CALL bcast(dt_forcesoil) CALL Scatter(clay,clay_loc) CALL Scatter(soilcarbon_input,soilcarbon_input_loc) CALL Scatter(control_temp,control_temp_loc) CALL Scatter(control_moist,control_moist_loc) CALL Scatter(carbon,carbon_loc) !!$ DS 16/06/2011 : calling the new_values of soilcarbon parameters before loop ! CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_AA',frac_carb_aa) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_AP',frac_carb_ap) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SS',frac_carb_ss) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SA',frac_carb_sa) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_SP',frac_carb_sp) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PP',frac_carb_pp) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PA',frac_carb_pa) CALL getin_p('FRAC_CARB_PS',frac_carb_ps) ! CALL getin_p('ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC',active_to_pass_clay_frac) CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE',carbon_tau_iactive) CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_ISLOW',carbon_tau_islow) CALL getin_p('CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE',carbon_tau_ipassive) CALL getin_p('FLUX_TOT_COEFF',flux_tot_coeff) DO i=1,itau_len iatt = iatt+1 IF (iatt > nparan) iatt = 1 CALL soilcarbon & & (nbp_loc, dt_forcesoil, clay_loc, & & soilcarbon_input_loc(:,:,:,iatt), & & control_temp_loc(:,:,iatt), control_moist_loc(:,:,iatt), & & carbon_loc, resp_hetero_soil) ENDDO CALL Gather(carbon_loc,carbon) !- ! write new carbon into restart file !- IF (is_root_prc) THEN DO m=1,nvm WRITE (part_str, '(I2)') m IF (m<10) part_str(1:1)='0' var_name = 'carbon_'//part_str(1:LEN_TRIM(part_str)) CALL restput_p & & (rest_id_sto, var_name, kjpindex, ncarb , 1, itau_dep, & & carbon(:,:,m), 'scatter', kjpindex, indices) ENDDO !- CALL getin_dump CALL restclo ENDIF #ifdef CPP_PARA CALL MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) #endif !-------------------- END PROGRAM forcesoil