!$Header: /home/ssipsl/CVSREP/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/constantes.f90,v 1.16 2007/08/01 15:19:05 ssipsl Exp $ !IPSL (2006) ! This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see ORCHIDEE/ORCHIDEE_CeCILL.LIC !- MODULE constantes !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- !! "constantes" module contains some public technical constants !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- USE defprec USE parallel !- IMPLICIT NONE !- ! To set for more printing LOGICAL,SAVE :: long_print = .FALSE. !- ! One of the most frequent problems is a temperature out of range ! we provide here a way to catch that in the calling procedure. (JP) LOGICAL,PARAMETER :: diag_qsat = .TRUE. !- ! Selects the type of output for the model. ! Value is read from run.def in intersurf_history. LOGICAL :: almaoutput !- ! One day in seconds REAL(r_std),SAVE :: one_day ! One year in seconds REAL(r_std),SAVE :: one_year ! Earth radius ~= Equatorial radius ! The Earth's equatorial radius a, or semi-major axis, is the distance from its center to the equator and equals 6,378.1370 km. ! The equatorial radius is often used to compare Earth with other planets. REAL(r_std), PARAMETER :: R_Earth = 6378000. !The meridional mean is well approximated by the semicubic mean of the two axe yielding 6367.4491 km ! or less accurately by the quadratic mean of the two axes about 6,367.454 km ! or even just the mean of the two axes about 6,367.445 km. !- ! No comment REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: pi=3.141592653589793238 !- ! 0 degre Celsius in degre Kelvin REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: tp_00=273.15 !- ! Specific value if no restart value REAL(r_std),SAVE :: val_exp = 999999. !- ! Epsilon to detect a near zero floating point REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: min_sechiba = 1.E-8_r_std ! The undef value used in SECHIBA REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: undef_sechiba = 1.E+20_r_std !- ! Numerical constant set to 0 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: zero = 0._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 1/2 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: undemi = 0.5_r_std ! Numerical constant set to 1 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: un = 1._r_std ! Numerical constant set to -1 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: moins_un = -1._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 2 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: deux = 2._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 3 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: trois = 3._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 4 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: quatre = 4._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 5 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: cinq = 5._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 6 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: six = 6._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 8 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: huit = 8._r_std ! Numerical constant set to 1000 REAL(r_std),PARAMETER :: mille = 1000._r_std !- TYPE control_type LOGICAL :: river_routing LOGICAL :: hydrol_cwrr LOGICAL :: ok_sechiba LOGICAL :: ok_co2 LOGICAL :: ok_stomate LOGICAL :: ok_dgvm LOGICAL :: stomate_watchout LOGICAL :: ok_pheno END TYPE control_type !-------------------- END MODULE constantes