#!/bin/ksh ######################################################################## #D- Flag to determine if this job in a standalone mode #D- Default : value from AA_job if any StandAlone=${StandAlone:=true} #D- Increased verbosity (1, 2, 3) #D- Default : value from AA_job if any Verbosity=${Verbosity:=3} #D- Low level debug : to bypass lib test checks and stack construction #D- Default : value from AA_job if any DEBUG_debug=${DEBUG_debug:=false} #RUN_DIR_PATH=${RUN_DIR_PATH:=/tmp/tmp$$} ######################################################################## MODIPSL=$1 libIGCM=${libIGCM:=${MODIPSL}/libIGCM} . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh . ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh ######################################################################## #set -vx ######################################################################## # Script input parameters # Site name SiteArg=$2 Site=${SiteArg:=Gu} # Time in years in file for this site : DureeArg=$3 export DUREE=${DureeArg:=1} # First year in file for this site : FirstArg=$4 export FYEAR=${FirstArg:=1} (( LYEAR=FYEAR+DUREE-1 )) export LYEAR # Atlas Name : AtlasCfgArg=$5 AtlasCfg=${AtlasCfgArg:=atlas_FLUXNET.cfg} # observation_file observation_file_pathArg=$6 observation_file_path=${observation_file_pathArg:='${R_IN}/BC/OOL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/FLUXNET/OLD/${Site}.nc'} #/home/mancip/IGCM/BC/OOL/OL2/FLUXNET/OBS/${Site}_obs_gapfilled.nc # Modulo for SpinUp years ModuloArg=$9 #if [ ${DEBUG_debug} = true ] ; then IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR_PATH} echo "RUN_DIR_PATH ${RUN_DIR_PATH} ok." #fi IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR_PATH} if [ ${StandAlone} = true ] ; then CARD_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR} else CARD_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH}/$( basename ${SUBMIT_DIR} ) IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR} ${RUN_DIR_PATH} fi # # First of all # IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${CARD_DIR}/config.card UserChoices typeset option for option in ${config_UserChoices[*]} ; do IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/config.card UserChoices ${option} done # echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineArrayFromOption : config_UserChoices" IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_JobName if [ 3 -le ${Verbosity} ] ; then echo "--------------Debug3-->" "config_UserChoices_LongName=" echo "--------------Debug3-->" \"${config_UserChoices_LongName}\" fi IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_TagName IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_CalendarType IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_DateBegin IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_DateEnd IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_UserChoices_PeriodLength echo # FLAG = SECHIBA, OK_STOMATE IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/fluxnet.card UserChoices ok_stomate if [ X${fluxnet_UserChoices_ok_stomate} = Xn ] ; then export FLAG=SECHIBA else export FLAG=OK_STOMATE fi #================================== SpinUpJob=${Site}${config_UserChoices_JobName} R_BC=${R_IN}/BC R_SAVE=${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}/${SpinUpJob}/SPIN # look at files IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/fluxnet.card UserChoices DEBUG_SPIN if [ X${fluxnet_UserChoices_DEBUG_SPIN} = Xn ] ; then set -A liste_fichiers_with_path -- $( \ls -rt ${R_SAVE}/Output/${SpinUpJob}*/SRF/Output/MO/*_sechiba_history.nc ${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}/${SpinUpJob}HIST/SRF/Output/MO/*_sechiba_history.nc ) else set -A liste_fichiers_with_path -- $( \ls -rt ${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}/${SpinUpJob}*/SRF/Output/MO/*_sechiba_history.nc ) fi ii=0 for file in ${liste_fichiers_with_path[@]} ; do liste_fichiers[$ii]=$( echo ${file} | xargs basename ) (( ii = ii + 1 )) done echo ${liste_fichiers[*]} # Get and sed atlas IGCM_sys_Cp ${CARD_DIR}/${AtlasCfg} ./atlas.cfg # Set default Modulo parameter to the last file eval NbFiles=${#liste_fichiers[@]} echo "NbFiles=" $NbFiles Modulo=${ModuloArg:=$(( NbFiles - 1 ))} # Get last time_axis patch Last_Patch_File=$( ls -t ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_post/IGCM_Patch_*_histcom_time_axis.ksh | tail -1 ) #echo "source patch file : ${Last_Patch_File}" # . ${Last_Patch_File} # Last_Patch=$( echo ${Last_Patch_File} | sed -e "s&${libIGCM}/libIGCM_post/\(.*\)\.ksh&\1&" ) #echo "We will apply the patch on all sechiba files : " ${Last_Patch} # Apply atlas ii=0 for file in ${liste_fichiers[*]} ; do DirFile=$( dirname ${liste_fichiers_with_path[$ii]} ) echo ${DirFile} # First apply the last time_axis patch # IGCM_sys_Cd ${DirFile} # ${Last_Patch} ${file} # # clean dir # rm out_rsync # # Then return to RUN_DIR_PATH # IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR_PATH} if [ $ii -eq 0 ] ; then file_=${file} # copy files we need for ATLAS IGCM_sys_Cp -p ${liste_fichiers_with_path[$ii]} . fi echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" echo ${file} export F_FILE=${Site} echo $ii "Modulo : " $( expr $ii \% $Modulo ) if [ $ii -gt 0 ] && [ X$( expr $ii \% $Modulo ) = X0 ] ; then # copy files we need for ATLAS IGCM_sys_Cp -Rp ${liste_fichiers_with_path[$ii]} . reference_file=${file_} eval observation_file=${observation_file_path} echo "ATLAS DIFF for files : " ${file} ${reference_file} ${observation_file} #cat atlas.cfg sed -e "s,RRRRRRR,${reference_file},g" -e "s,VVVVVVV,${observation_file},g" atlas.cfg > atlas_.cfg #cat atlas_.cfg AtlasPath=$( echo ${file} | sed -e 's/_1M_sechiba_history.nc//' ) atlas -o ATLAS_DIFF_${AtlasPath} atlas_.cfg ${file} # Save files IGCM_sys_Put_Dir ATLAS_DIFF_${AtlasPath} ${R_SAVE} # IGCM_sys_Rm -Rf ATLAS_DIFF_${AtlasPath} echo "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&!" file_=${file} fi (( ii=ii+1 )) done # old history file reference_file_pathArg=$7 reference_file_path=${reference_file_pathArg:=${file}} echo ${reference_file_path} eval reference_file=${reference_file_path} sed -e "s,RRRRRRR,${reference_file},g" -e "s,VVVVVVV,${observation_file},g" atlas.cfg > atlas_.cfg echo "REFERENCE ATLAS for file : " ${file} ${reference_file} ${observation_file} reference_config=$8 atlas -o ATLAS_DIFF_${SpinUpJob}_${reference_config} atlas_.cfg ${file} # Save files IGCM_sys_Put_Dir ATLAS_DIFF_${SpinUpJob}_${reference_config} ${R_SAVE} IGCM_sys_Rm -Rf ATLAS_DIFF_${SpinUpJob}_${reference_config} # # Get and Apply Patch # . ${MODIPSL}/libIGCM/libIGCM_post/IGCM_Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis.ksh # for file in ${liste_fichiers[*]} ; do # IGCM_Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis ${file} # done # # look at files # echo "after Patch" IGCM_Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis # \ls -lrt *_sechiba_history.nc # Concat files #IGCM_sys_ncrcat -o ${SpinUpJob}_1M_sechiba_history.nc ${liste_fichiers[*]} IGCM_sys_Rm -Rf ${liste_fichiers[*]} IGCM_sys_RmRunDir -Rf ${RUN_DIR_PATH}