Changeset 4493

2017-07-06T17:47:19+02:00 (7 years ago)

Modifications :

  • routing_reg has now a minimal initialisation process which allows to build/read the routing network so we know on which processors the river outflow (estuaries) are. This allows to define an OASIS partition for the rivers.
  • The routing now also stores the outflow of the largest rivers to the ocean internaly.
  • A function exists in order to transfer this information into the OASIS interface routine (orchideeoasis).
  • There a oasis_put is made to send off the information to the ocean model. The flow values as well as the lon/lat of the estuaries are sent.
  • An attempt is implemented in driver2oasis to put some data into XIOS. It does not work yet !
  • Correction of some variables in file_def_orchidee.xml

Remaining issues :

  • Synchronise of driver2oasis and orchidee before the xios_orchidee_finalize or oasis_terminate.
(No files)

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