#D-- Compatibility - [Compatibility] libIGCM=1.0 [UserChoices] # ## DEBUG mode for SPINUP # # This mode keep all SPINUP directory in ARCHIVE # If disable, all ARCHIVE is automaticly cleaned. # DEBUG_SPIN=n # If you don't want to keep old spinup steps, but last one CONSERVE=y # If you want to use the same forcing file DRIVER_NORESTART=n # ###-- STOMATE flag # ok_stomate=n # ###-- CO2 flag # ok_co2=n # ###-- LAI flag # lai_map=n # ###-- ROUTING flag # ok_routing=n # ###-- NEW HYDROL CWRR flag # ok_newhydrol=n # ##-- Output Levels # sechiba_LEVEL=6 stomate_LEVEL=7 # SPINUP configuration : # ---------------------- # Initialisation for spin-up : # orchidee with sechiba alone (!!! if ok_stomate == n !!!) duree_nostomate=1 # orchidee with stomate duree_inistomate=0 # teststomate (only if duree_nostomate or duree_inistomate > 0) duree_offlineini=0 # Loop configuration for spin-up : # The whole job is restarted n_iter times n_iter=10 # orchidee with sechiba (and stomate if ok_stomate=y below) duree_sechiba=1 # teststomate duree_stomate=1 # forcesoil duree_carbonsol=1 # Finalization for spin-up : # all orchidee duree_final=1 # This last parameter must be non-zero. RESOL=360x180 # For FLUXNET style jobs : we should erase LAND USE file ? # This flag will suppress all files in option ListNonDel of section BoundaryFiles in orchidee.card of Subjobs. BoundaryFilesListNonDel=n # Path for all skeleton SubJob scripts to SPINUP directory SubJobPath=${MODIPSL}/config/ORCHIDEE_OL [SubJobForcingFile] # Boundary Files for ORCHIDEE subjobs : List= (${R_BC}/OOL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/NCC/ncc_for_${year}.nc, forcing_file.nc) #List= (${R_BC}/OOL/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/CRU/force${year}.nc, .) ListNonDel= () [SubJobParams] # You can specify here any parameters to be modified in run.def for SpinUp Subjobs. DEBUG_INFO=n LONGPRINT=n [SubJobPost] # ##-- TimeSeries # sechiba_TimeSeriesVars2D=(nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage) sechiba_TimeSeriesVars3D=(lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, CO2FLUX) # ALMAOUTPUT #sechiba_TimeSeriesVars2D = (vegetfrac, maxvegetfrac, nobiofrac, SWnet, LWnet, Qh, Qle, Qg, Qf, DelSurfHeat, DelColdCont, Snowf, Rainf, Evap, \ # Qs, Qsb, Qsm, DelSoilMoist, DelSWE, DelIntercept, AvgSurfT, RadT, Albedo, SWE, SoilMoist, SoilWet, SoilTemp, PotEvap, \ # ECanop, TVeg, ESoil, RootMoist, SubSnow, ACond, SnowFrac, SAlbedo, SnowDepth, dis, GPP) stomate_TimeSeriesVars2D=(T2M_MONTH, CONTFRAC, RESOLUTION_X, RESOLUTION_Y, CONVFLUX, CFLUX_PROD10, CFLUX_PROD100,HARVEST_ABOVE) stomate_TimeSeriesVars3D=(CO2FLUX_MONTHLY, LAI, VEGET, VEGET_MAX, NPP, GPP, HET_RESP, MAINT_RESP, GROWTH_RESP, AGE, HEIGHT, TOTAL_SOIL_CARB, TOTAL_M, TOTAL_BM_LITTER) # !!! DO NOT MODIFY spinup.card AFTER THIS LINE !!! [InitialStateFiles] List= [BoundaryFiles] List= () ListNonDel= () [ParametersFiles] List= () [RestartFiles] # For SPINUP, we don't need a restart ! the we save the output.card List= (output_out.card, output.card, output_in.card) [OutputText] List= () [OutputFiles] List=