# #******************************************************************************************* # Namelist for ORCHIDEE (version 1.9.6) #******************************************************************************************* # # For more details, see : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/wiki/OrchideeParameters # # Note : [m] : meters; [K] : Kelvin degrees; [C] : Celsius degrees # #******************************************************************************************* # ORCHIDEE driver parameters (read in Off-line mode only) #******************************************************************************************* # DEBUG_INFO ([FLAG] ) : Flag for debug information {[-]} DEBUG_INFO = n # FORCING_FILE ([FILE] ) : Name of file containing the forcing data {[-]} FORCING_FILE = forcing_file.nc # SPLIT_DT ([-]) : splits the timestep imposed by the forcing {NOT(WEATHERGEN)} SPLIT_DT = 12 # RESTART_FILEIN ([FILE]) : Name of restart to READ for initial conditions {[-]} RESTART_FILEIN = NONE # RESTART_FILEOUT ([FILE]) : Name of restart files to be created by the driver {[-]} RESTART_FILEOUT = driver_rest_out.nc # TIME_SKIP ([seconds, days, months, years]) : Time in the forcing file at which the model is started. {[-]} TIME_SKIP = 0 # TIME_LENGTH ([seconds, days, months, years]) : Length of the integration in time. {[-]} TIME_LENGTH = DEF # RELAXATION ([FLAG]) : method of forcing {[-]} RELAXATION = n # RELAX_A ([days?]) : Time constant of the relaxation layer {RELAXATION} RELAX_A = 1.0 # NO_INTER ([FLAG]) : No interpolation IF split is larger than 1 {[-]} NO_INTER = y # INTER_LIN ([FLAG]) : Interpolation IF split is larger than 1 {[-]} INTER_LIN = n # SPRED_PREC ([-]) : Spread the precipitation. {[-]} SPRED_PREC = 1 # NETRAD_CONS ([FLAG]) : Conserve net radiation in the forcing {INTER_LIN} NETRAD_CONS = y # ATM_CO2 ([ppm]) : Value for atm CO2 {[-]} ATM_CO2 = 350. # ALLOW_WEATHERGEN ([FLAG]) : Allow weather generator to create data {[-]} ALLOW_WEATHERGEN = n # DT_WEATHGEN ([seconds]) : Calling frequency of weather generator {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} DT_WEATHGEN = 1800. # LIMIT_WEST ([Degrees] ) : Western limit of region {[-]} LIMIT_WEST = -180. # LIMIT_EAST ([Degrees] ) : Eastern limit of region {[-]} LIMIT_EAST = 180. # LIMIT_NORTH ([Degrees]) : Northern limit of region {[-]} LIMIT_NORTH = 90. # LIMIT_SOUTH ([Degrees]) : Southern limit of region {[-]} LIMIT_SOUTH = -90. # MERID_RES ([Degrees]) : North-South Resolution {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} MERID_RES = 2. # ZONAL_RES ([Degrees] ) : East-West Resolution {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} ZONAL_RES = 2. # HEIGHT_LEV1 ([m]) : Height at which T and Q are given {[-]} HEIGHT_LEV1 = 2.0 # HEIGHT_LEVW ([m]) : Height at which the wind is given {[-]} HEIGHT_LEVW = 10.0 # IPPREC ([-] ) : Use prescribed values {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} IPPREC = 0 # WEATHGEN_PRECIP_EXACT ([FLAG]) : Exact monthly precipitation {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} WEATHGEN_PRECIP_EXACT = n # ECCENTRICITY ([-]) : Use prescribed values {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} ECCENTRICITY = 0.016724 # PERIHELIE ([-]) : Use prescribed values {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} PERIHELIE = 102.04 # OBLIQUITY ([Degrees]) : Use prescribed values {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN} OBLIQUITY = 23.446 # DUMP_WEATHER ([FLAG]) : Write weather from generator into a forcing file {ALLOW_WEATHERGEN } DUMP_WEATHER = n # DUMP_WEATHER_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of the file that contains the weather from generator {DUMP_WEATHER} DUMP_WEATHER_FILE = weather_dump.nc # DUMP_WEATHER_GATHERED ([FLAG]) : Dump weather data on gathered grid {DUMP_WEATHER} DUMP_WEATHER_GATHERED = y # HEIGHT_LEV1 ([m]) : {DUMP_WEATHER} HEIGHT_LEV1 = 10. #******************************************************************************************* # ORCHIDEE parameters #******************************************************************************************* # FORCE_CO2_VEG ([FLAG]) : Flag to force the value of atmospheric CO2 for vegetation. {[-]} FORCE_CO2_VEG = n # ATM_CO2 ([ppm]) : Value for atm CO2 {FORCE_CO2_VEG (in not forced mode)} ATM_CO2 = 350. # FORCE_CO2_VEG ([FLAG]) : Flag to force the value of atmospheric CO2 for vegetation. {[-]} FORCE_CO2_VEG = n # ATM_CO2 ([ppm]) : Value for atm CO2 {FORCE_CO2_VEG (in not forced mode)} ATM_CO2 = 350. # LONGPRINT ([FLAG]) : ORCHIDEE will print more messages {OK_SECHIBA} LONGPRINT = n # CHECKTIME ([FLAG]) : ORCHIDEE will print messages on time {OK_SECHIBA} CHECKTIME = n # ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT ([FLAG]) : ORCHIDEE will write out its forcing to a file {} ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT = n # DT_WATCHOUT ([seconds]) : ORCHIDEE will write out with this frequency {ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT} DT_WATCHOUT = dt # WATCHOUT_FILE ([FILE]) : Filenane for the ORCHIDEE forcing file {ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT} WATCHOUT_FILE = orchidee_watchout.nc # RIVER_ROUTING ([FLAG]) : Decides if we route the water or not {OK_SECHIBA} RIVER_ROUTING = n # HYDROL_CWRR ([FLAG]) : Allows to switch on the multilayer hydrology of CWRR {OK_SECHIBA} HYDROL_CWRR = n # STOMATE_OK_CO2 ([FLAG]) : Activate CO2? {OK_SECHIBA } STOMATE_OK_CO2 = n # STOMATE_OK_STOMATE ([FLAG]) : Activate STOMATE? {OK_SECHIBA and OK_CO2} STOMATE_OK_STOMATE = n # STOMATE_OK_DGVM ([FLAG]) : Activate DGVM? {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_OK_DGVM = n # STOMATE_WATCHOUT ([FLAG]) : STOMATE does minimum service {OK_SECHIBA } STOMATE_WATCHOUT = n # NVM ([-]) : number of PFTs {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} NVM = 13 # IMPOSE_PARAM ([FLAG]) : Do you impose the values of the parameters? {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} IMPOSE_PARAM = y # SECHIBA_restart_in ([FILE]) : Name of restart to READ for initial conditions {OK_SECHIBA } SECHIBA_restart_in = NONE # SECHIBA_rest_out ([FILE]) : Name of restart files to be created by SECHIBA {OK_SECHIBA} SECHIBA_rest_out = sechiba_rest_out.nc # SECHIBA_reset_time ([FLAG]) : Option to overrides the time of the restart {OK_SECHIBA} SECHIBA_reset_time = n # STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN ([FILE]) : Name of restart to READ for initial conditions of STOMATE {STOMATE_OK_STOMATE or STOMATE_WATCHOUT} STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN = NONE # STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT ([FILE]) : Name of restart files to be created by STOMATE {STOMATE_OK_STOMATE or STOMATE_WATCHOUT} STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT = stomate_restart.nc # ALMA_OUTPUT ([FLAG]) : Should the output follow the ALMA convention {OK_SECHIBA} ALMA_OUTPUT = n # OUTPUT_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file in which the output is going to be written {OK_SECHIBA} OUTPUT_FILE = sechiba_history.nc # WRITE_STEP ([seconds]) : Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output {OK_SECHIBA} WRITE_STEP = 86400. # SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL ([-]) : SECHIBA history output level (0..10) {OK_SECHIBA and HF} SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL = 5 # SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 ([FLAG]) : Flag to switch on histfile 2 for SECHIBA (hi-frequency ?) {OK_SECHIBA} SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 = n # SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 ([FILE]) : Name of file in which the output number 2 is going to be written {SECHIBA_HISTFILE2} SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 = sechiba_out_2.nc # WRITE_STEP2 ([seconds]) : Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output {SECHIBA_HISTFILE2} WRITE_STEP2 = 1800.0 # SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 ([-] ) : SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) {SECHIBA_HISTFILE2} SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL2 = 1 # STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE = stomate_history.nc # STOMATE_HIST_DT ([days]) : STOMATE history time step {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_HIST_DT = 10. # STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_IPCC_OUTPUT_FILE = stomate_ipcc_history.nc # STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT ([days]) : STOMATE IPCC history time step {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT = 0. # STOMATE_HISTLEVEL ([-]) : STOMATE history output level (0..10) {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_HISTLEVEL = 10 # PFT_TO_MTC ([-]) : correspondance array linking a PFT to MTC {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} PFT_TO_MTC = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 # PFT_NAME ([-]) : Name of a PFT {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} PFT_NAME = bare ground, tropical broad-leaved evergreen, tropical broad-leaved raingreen, temperate needleleaf evergreen, temperate broad-leaved evergreen, temperate broad-leaved summergreen, boreal needleleaf evergreen, boreal broad-leaved summergreen, boreal needleleaf summergreen, C3 grass, C4 grass, C3 agriculture, C4 agriculture # SECHIBA_LAI ([m^2/m^2]) : laimax for maximum lai(see also type of lai interpolation) {OK_SECHIBA or IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_LAI = 0., 8., 8., 4., 4.5, 4.5, 4., 4.5, 4., 2., 2., 2., 2. # LLAIMIN ([m^2/m^2]) : laimin for minimum lai(see also type of lai interpolation) {OK_SECHIBA or IMPOSE_VEG} LLAIMIN = 0., 8., 0., 4., 4.5, 0., 4., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. # SLOWPROC_HEIGHT ([m] ) : prescribed height of vegetation {OK_SECHIBA} SLOWPROC_HEIGHT = 0., 30., 30., 20., 20., 20., 15., 15., 15., .5, .6, 1., 1. # TYPE_OF_LAI ([-]) : Type of behaviour of the LAI evolution algorithm {OK_SECHIBA} TYPE_OF_LAI = inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter, inter # IS_TREE ([BOOLEAN]) : Is the vegetation type a tree ? {OK_SECHIBA} IS_TREE = n, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, n, n, n, n # NATURAL ([BOOLEAN]) : natural? {OK_SECHIBA, OK_STOMATE} NATURAL = y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y, n, n # IS_DECIDUOUS ([BOOLEAN] ) : is PFT deciduous ? {OK_STOMATE} IS_DECIDUOUS = n, n, y, n, n, y, n, y, y, n, n, n, n # IS_EVERGREEN ([BOOLEAN]) : is PFT evergreen ? {OK_STOMATE} IS_EVERGREEN = n, y, n, y, y, n, y, n, n, n, n, n, n # IS_C3 ([BOOLEAN]) : is PFT C3 ? {OK_STOMATE} IS_C3 = n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, y, n, y, n # IS_C4 ([BOOLEAN]) : flag for C4 vegetation types {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} IS_C4 = n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, y, n, y # GSSLOPE ([-]) : Slope of the gs/A relation (Ball & al.) {OK_CO2} GSSLOPE = 0., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 9., 3., 9., 3. # GSOFFSET ([-] ) : intercept of the gs/A relation (Ball & al.) {OK_CO2 or OK_STOMATE} GSOFFSET = 0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.01, 0.03 # VCMAX_FIX ([micromol/m^2/s] ) : values used for vcmax when STOMATE is not activated {OK_SECHIBA and NOT(OK_STOMATE)} VCMAX_FIX = 0., 40., 50., 30., 35., 40.,30., 40., 35., 60., 60., 70., 70. # VJMAX_FIX ([micromol/m^2/s]) : values used for vjmax when STOMATE is not activated {OK_SECHIBA and NOT(OK_STOMATE)} VJMAX_FIX = 0., 80., 100., 60., 70., 80., 60., 80., 70., 120., 120., 140., 140. # CO2_TMIN_FIX ([C] ) : values used for photosynthesis tmin when STOMATE is not activated {OK_SECHIBA and NOT(OK_STOMATE)} CO2_TMIN_FIX = 0., 2., 2., -4., -3., -2., -4., -4., -4., -5., 6., -5., 6. # CO2_TOPT_FIX ([C]) : values used for photosynthesis topt when STOMATE is not activated {OK_SECHIBA and NOT(OK_STOMATE)} CO2_TOPT_FIX = 0., 27.5, 27.5, 17.5, 25., 20.,17.5, 17.5, 17.5, 20., 32.5, 20., 32.5 # CO2_TMAX_FIX ([C]) : values used for photosynthesis tmax when STOMATE is not activated {OK_SECHIBA and NOT(OK_STOMATE)} CO2_TMAX_FIX = 0., 55., 55., 38., 48., 38.,38., 38., 38., 45., 55., 45., 55. # EXT_COEFF ([-]) : extinction coefficient of the Monsi&Seaki relationship (1953) {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} EXT_COEFF = .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5 # HYDROL_HUMCSTE ([m]) : Root profile {OK_SECHIBA} HYDROL_HUMCSTE = 5., .8, .8, 1., .8, .8, 1., 1., .8, 4., 4., 4., 4. # PREF_SOIL_VEG_SAND ([-]) : Table which contains the correlation between the soil types and vegetation type {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} PREF_SOIL_VEG_SAND = 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 # PREF_SOIL_VEG_LOAN ([-]) : Table which contains the correlation between the soil types and vegetation type {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} PREF_SOIL_VEG_LOAN = 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 # PREF_SOIL_VEG_CLAY ([-] ) : Table which contains the correlation between the soil types and vegetation type {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} PREF_SOIL_VEG_CLAY = 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1, 1 # RSTRUCT_CONST ([s/m]) : Structural resistance {OK_SECHIBA} RSTRUCT_CONST = 0.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0, 2.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 # KZERO ([kg/m^2/s]) : A vegetation dependent constant used in the calculation of the surface resistance. {OK_SECHIBA} KZERO = 0.0, 12.E-5, 12.E-5, 12.e-5, 12.e-5, 25.e-5, 12.e-5,25.e-5, 25.e-5, 30.e-5, 30.e-5, 30.e-5, 30.e-5 # RVEG_PFT ([-]) : Artificial parameter to increase or decrease canopy resistance. {OK_SECHIBA} RVEG_PFT = 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. # WMAX_VEG ([kg/m^3]) : Maximum field capacity for each of the vegetations (Temporary): max quantity of water {OK_SECHIBA} WMAX_VEG = 150., 150., 150., 150., 150., 150., 150.,150., 150., 150., 150., 150., 150. # PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT ([%]) : Percent by PFT of precip that is not intercepted by the canopy {OK_SECHIBA OR OK_CWRR} PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT = 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. # SNOWA_INI ([-]) : Initial snow albedo value for each vegetation type as it will be used in condveg_snow {OK_SECHIBA} SNOWA_INI = 0.35, 0., 0., 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18, 0.18 # SNOWA_DEC ([-]) : Decay rate of snow albedo value for each vegetation type as it will be used in condveg_snow {OK_SECHIBA} SNOWA_DEC = 0.45, 0., 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.11, 0.06, 0.11, 0.11, 0.52,0.52, 0.52, 0.52 # ALB_LEAF_VIS ([-]) : leaf albedo of vegetation type, visible albedo {OK_SECHIBA} ALB_LEAF_VIS = .00, .04, .06, .06, .06,.06, .06, .06, .06, .10, .10, .10, .10 # ALB_LEAF_NIR ([-]) : leaf albedo of vegetation type, near infrared albedo {OK_SECHIBA} ALB_LEAF_NIR = .00, .20, .22, .22, .22,.22, .22, .22, .22, .30, .30, .30, .30 # LEAF_TAB ([-] ) : leaf type : 1 {OK_STOMATE} LEAF_TAB = 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 # SLA ([m^2/gC]) : specif leaf area {OK_STOMATE} SLA = 1.5E-2, 1.53E-2, 2.6E-2, 9.26E-3, 2E-2, 2.6E-2, 9.26E-3, 2.6E-2, 1.9E-2, 2.6E-2, 2.6E-2, 2.6E-2, 2.6E-2 # VCMAX_OPT ([micromol/m^2/s]) : Maximum rate of carboxylation {OK_STOMATE} VCMAX_OPT = -9999., 65., 65., 35., 45., 55., 35., 45., 35., 70., 70., 70., 70. # VJMAX_OPT ([micromol/m^2/s]) : Maximum rate of RUbp regeneration {OK_STOMATE} VJMAX_OPT = -9999., 130., 130., 70., 80., 110., 70., 90., 70., 160., 160., 200., 200. # TPHOTO_MIN_A ([-]) : minimum photosynthesis temperature, constant a of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MIN_A = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0025, 0., 0., 0. # TPHOTO_MIN_B ([-]) : minimum photosynthesis temperature, constant b of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MIN_B = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1, 0.,0.,0. # TPHOTO_MIN_C ([-]) : minimum photosynthesis temperature, constant c of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MIN_C = -9999., 2., 2., -4., -3.,-2.,-4., -4.,-4.,-3.25, 13.,-5.,13. # TPHOTO_OPT_A ([-]) : optimum photosynthesis temperature, constant a of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_OPT_A = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.0025, 0., 0., 0. # TPHOTO_OPT_B ([-]) : optimum photosynthesis temperature, constant b of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_OPT_B = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.25, 0., 0., 0. # TPHOTO_OPT_C ([-]) : optimum photosynthesis temperature, constant c of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_OPT_C = -9999., 37., 37., 25., 32., 26., 25., 25., 25., 27.25, 36., 30., 36. # TPHOTO_MAX_A ([-]) : maximum photosynthesis temperature, constant a of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MAX_A = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.00375, 0., 0., 0. # TPHOTO_MAX_B ([-]) : maximum photosynthesis temperature, constant b of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MAX_B = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,0.35, 0., 0., 0. # TPHOTO_MAX_C ([-]) : maximum photosynthesis temperature, constant c of ax^2+bx+c (deg C), tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TPHOTO_MAX_C = -9999., 55., 55.,38., 48.,38.,38., 38., 38., 41.125, 55., 45., 55. # MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C ([-]) : slope of maintenance respiration coefficient (1/K), constant c of aT^2+bT+c , tabulated {OK_STOMATE} MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C = -9999., .12, .12, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .16, .12, .16, .12 # MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_B ([-]) : slope of maintenance respiration coefficient (1/K), constant b of aT^2+bT+c , tabulated {OK_STOMATE} MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_B = -9999., .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, -.00133, .0, -.00133, .0 # MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_A ([-]) : slope of maintenance respiration coefficient (1/K), constant a of aT^2+bT+c , tabulated {OK_STOMATE} MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_A = -9999., .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0 # CM_ZERO_LEAF ([g/g/day]) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for leaves, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_LEAF = -9999., 2.35E-3, 2.62E-3, 1.01E-3, 2.35E-3, 2.62E-3, 1.01E-3,2.62E-3, 2.05E-3, 2.62E-3, 2.62E-3, 2.62E-3, 2.62E-3 # CM_ZERO_SAPABOVE ([g/g/day]) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C,for sapwood above, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_SAPABOVE = -9999., 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4 # CM_ZERO_SAPBELOW ([g/g/day]) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for sapwood below, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_SAPBELOW = -9999., 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4 # CM_ZERO_HEARTABOVE ([g/g/day]) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for heartwood above, tabulated {OK_STOMATE } CM_ZERO_HEARTABOVE = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. # CM_ZERO_HEARTBELOW ([g/g/day] ) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C,for heartwood below, tabulated {OK_STOMATE } CM_ZERO_HEARTBELOW = -9999., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. # CM_ZERO_ROOT ([g/g/day] ) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for roots, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_ROOT = -9999.,1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3,1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3, 1.67E-3 # CM_ZERO_FRUIT ([g/g/day] ) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for fruits, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_FRUIT = -9999., 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4,1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4 # CM_ZERO_CARBRES ([g/g/day] ) : maintenance respiration coefficient at 0 deg C, for carbohydrate reserve, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} CM_ZERO_CARBRES = -9999., 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4,1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4, 1.19E-4 # FLAM ([-]) : flamability: critical fraction of water holding capacity {OK_STOMATE} FLAM = -9999., .15, .25, .25, .25, .25, .25, .25, .25, .25, .25, .35, .35 # RESIST ([-]) : fire resistance {OK_STOMATE} RESIST = -9999., .95, .90, .12, .50, .12, .12, .12, .12, .0, .0, .0, .0 # COEFF_LCCHANGE_1 ([-]) : Coeff of biomass export for the year {OK_STOMATE} COEFF_LCCHANGE_1 = -9999., 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597, 0.597 # COEFF_LCCHANGE_10 ([-]) : Coeff of biomass export for the decade {OK_STOMATE} COEFF_LCCHANGE_10 = -9999., 0.403, 0.403, 0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0.299, 0.403, 0.299, 0.403 # COEFF_LCCHANGE_100 ([-]) : Coeff of biomass export for the century {OK_STOMATE} COEFF_LCCHANGE_100 = -9999., 0., 0., 0.104, 0.104, 0.104, 0.104, 0.104, 0.104, 0.104, 0., 0.104, 0. # LAI_MAX ([m^2/m^2]) : maximum LAI, PFT-specific {OK_STOMATE} LAI_MAX = -9999., 7., 7., 5., 5., 5., 4.5, 4.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.5, 5.,5. # PHENO_MODEL ([-] ) : which phenology model is used? (tabulated) {OK_STOMATE} PHENO_MODEL = none, none, moi, none, none, ncdgdd, none, ncdgdd, ngd, moigdd, moigdd, moigdd, moigdd # PHENO_TYPE ([-]) : type of phenology, 0 {OK_STOMATE} PHENO_TYPE = 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3 # PHENO_GDD_CRIT_C ([-]) : critical gdd, tabulated (C), constant c of aT^2+bT+c {OK_STOMATE} PHENO_GDD_CRIT_C = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 270., 400., 125., 400. # PHENO_GDD_CRIT_B ([-]) : critical gdd, tabulated (C), constant b of aT^2+bT+c {OK_STOMATE} PHENO_GDD_CRIT_B = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.,-9999., -9999., 6.25, 0., 0., 0. # PHENO_GDD_CRIT_A ([-]) : critical gdd, tabulated (C), constant a of aT^2+bT+c {OK_STOMATE} PHENO_GDD_CRIT_A = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 0.03125, 0., 0., 0. # NGD_CRIT ([days]) : critical ngd, tabulated. Threshold -5 degrees {OK_STOMATE} NGD_CRIT = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 0., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # NCDGDD_TEMP ([C] ) : critical temperature for the ncd vs. gdd function in phenology {OK_STOMATE} NCDGDD_TEMP = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 5., -9999., 0., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # HUM_FRAC ([%]) : critical humidity (relative to min/max) for phenology {OK_STOMATE} HUM_FRAC = -9999., -9999., .5, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., .5, .5, .5,.5 # LOWGPP_TIME ([days]) : minimum duration of dormance for phenology {OK_STOMATE} LOWGPP_TIME = -9999., -9999., 30., -9999., -9999., 30., -9999., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30. # HUM_MIN_TIME ([days]) : minimum time elapsed since moisture minimum {OK_STOMATE} HUM_MIN_TIME = -9999., -9999., 50., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 35., 35., 75., 75. # TAU_SAP ([days]) : sapwood -> heartwood conversion time {OK_STOMATE} TAU_SAP = -9999., 730., 730., 730., 730., 730., 730., 730., 730., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # TAU_FRUIT ([days]) : fruit lifetime {OK_STOMATE} TAU_FRUIT = -9999., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., 90., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # ECUREUIL ([-]) : fraction of primary leaf and root allocation put into reserve {OK_STOMATE} ECUREUIL = -9999., .0, 1., .0, .0, 1., .0, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1. # ALLOC_MIN ([-]) : minimum allocation above/below {OK_STOMATE} ALLOC_MIN = -9999., 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # ALLOC_MAX ([-]) : maximum allocation above/below {OK_STOMATE} ALLOC_MAX = -9999., 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # DEMI_ALLOC ([-]) : mean allocation above/below {OK_STOMATE} DEMI_ALLOC = -9999., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., 5., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # LEAFLIFE_TAB ([years]) : leaf longevity {OK_STOMATE} LEAFLIFE_TAB = -9999., .5, 2., .33, 1., 2., .33, 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2. # LEAFFALL ([days]) : length of death of leaves, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} LEAFFALL = -9999., -9999., 10., -9999., -9999., 10., -9999., 10., 10., 10., 10., 10., 10. # LEAFAGECRIT ([days]) : critical leaf age, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} LEAFAGECRIT = -9999., 730., 180., 910., 730., 180., 910., 180., 180., 120., 120., 90., 90. # SENESCENCE_TYPE ([-]) : type of senescence, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} SENESCENCE_TYPE = none, none, dry, none, none, cold, none, cold, cold, mixed, mixed, mixed, mixed # SENESCENCE_HUM ([-] ) : critical relative moisture availability for senescence {OK_STOMATE} SENESCENCE_HUM = -9999., -9999., .3, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., .2, .2, .3, .2 # NOSENESCENCE_HUM ([-]) : relative moisture availability above which there is no humidity-related senescence {OK_STOMATE} NOSENESCENCE_HUM = -9999., -9999., .8, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., .3, .3, .3, .3 # MAX_TURNOVER_TIME ([days]) : maximum turnover time for grasse {OK_STOMATE} MAX_TURNOVER_TIME = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 80., 80., 80., 80. # MIN_TURNOVER_TIME ([days]) : minimum turnover time for grasse {OK_STOMATE} MIN_TURNOVER_TIME = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 10., 10., 10., 10. # MIN_LEAF_AGE_FOR_SENESCENCE ([days] ) : minimum leaf age to allow senescence g {OK_STOMATE} MIN_LEAF_AGE_FOR_SENESCENCE = -9999., -9999., 90., -9999., -9999., 90., -9999., 60., 60., 30., 30., 30., 30. # SENESCENCE_TEMP_C ([-]) : critical temperature for senescence (C), constant c of aT^2+bT+c, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} SENESCENCE_TEMP_C = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 12., -9999., 7., 2., -1.375, 5., 5., 10. # SENESCENCE_TEMP_B ([-]) : critical temperature for senescence (C), constant b of aT^2+bT+c ,tabulated {OK_STOMATE } SENESCENCE_TEMP_B = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 0., -9999., 0., 0., .1, 0., 0., 0. # SENESCENCE_TEMP_A ([-] ) : critical temperature for senescence (C), constant a of aT^2+bT+c , tabulated {OK_STOMATE} SENESCENCE_TEMP_A = -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., 0., -9999., 0., 0.,.00375, 0., 0., 0. # RESIDENCE_TIME ([years]) : residence time of trees {OK_DGVM and NOT(LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT)} RESIDENCE_TIME = -9999., 30.0, 30.0, 40.0, 40.0, 40.0, 80.0, 80.0, 80.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # TMIN_CRIT ([C]) : critical tmin, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TMIN_CRIT = -9999., 0.0, 0.0, -30.0, -14.0, -30.0, -45.0, -45.0, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # TCM_CRIT ([C]) : critical tcm, tabulated {OK_STOMATE} TCM_CRIT = -9999., -9999., -9999., 5.0, 15.5, 15.5, -8.0, -8.0, -8.0, -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999. # DO_IRRIGATION ([FLAG]) : Should we compute an irrigation flux {RIVER_ROUTING } DO_IRRIGATION = n # DO_FLOODPLAINS ([FLAG]) : Should we include floodplains {RIVER_ROUTING } DO_FLOODPLAINS = n # HERBIVORES ([FLAG]) : herbivores allowed? {OK_STOMATE } HERBIVORES = n # TREAT_EXPANSION ([FLAG]) : treat expansion of PFTs across a grid cell? {OK_STOMATE } TREAT_EXPANSION = n # LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT ([FLAG]) : prescribe mortality if not using DGVM? {OK_STOMATE} LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT = y # HARVEST_AGRI ([FLAG]) : Harvest model for agricultural PFTs. {OK_STOMATE } HARVEST_AGRI = y # FIRE_DISABLE ([FLAG]) : no fire allowed {OK_STOMATE } FIRE_DISABLE = n # AGRICULTURE ([FLAG]) : agriculture allowed? {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} AGRICULTURE = y # IMPOSE_VEG ([FLAG]) : Should the vegetation be prescribed ? {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} IMPOSE_VEG = n # IMPOSE_SOILT ([FLAG]) : Should the soil type be prescribed ? {IMPOSE_VEG} IMPOSE_SOILT = n # LAI_MAP ([FLAG]) : Read the LAI map {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} LAI_MAP = n # SLOWPROC_LAI_OLD_INTERPOL ([FLAG]) : Flag to use old "interpolation" of LAI {LAI_MAP} SLOWPROC_LAI_OLD_INTERPOL = n # LAND_USE ([FLAG]) : Read a land_use vegetation map {OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE} LAND_USE = y # VEGET_REINIT ([FLAG] ) : booleen to indicate that a new LAND USE file will be used. {LAND_USE} VEGET_REINIT = y # LAND_COVER_CHANGE ([FLAG] ) : treat land use modifications {LAND_USE} LAND_COVER_CHANGE = n # VEGET_YEAR ([FLAG] ) : Year of the land_use vegetation map to be read {LAND_USE} VEGET_YEAR = 1 # SLOWPROC_VEGET_OLD_INTERPOL ([FLAG] ) : Flag to use old "interpolation" of vegetation map. {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG) and NOT(LAND_USE)} SLOWPROC_VEGET_OLD_INTERPOL = n # MAXMASS_GLACIER ([kg/m^2] ) : The maximum mass of a glacier {OK_SECHIBA or OK_CWRR} MAXMASS_GLACIER = 3000. # SNOWCRI ([kg/m^2] ) : Sets the amount above which only sublimation occures {OK_SECHIBA or OK_CWRR} SNOWCRI = 1.5 # SECHIBA_QSINT ([m]) : Interception reservoir coefficient {OK_SECHIBA } SECHIBA_QSINT = 0.1 # HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH ([m]) : Total depth of soil reservoir {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH = 4. # MIN_WIND ([m/s]) : Minimum wind speed {OK_SECHIBA} MIN_WIND = 0.1 # MAX_SNOW_AGE ([days?]) : Maximum period of snow aging {OK_SECHIBA} MAX_SNOW_AGE = 50. # SNOW_TRANS ([m] ) : Transformation time constant for snow {OK_SECHIBA} SNOW_TRANS = 0.3 # MX_EAU_EAU ([kg/m^3] ) : Maximum quantity of water {OK_SECHIBA } MX_EAU_EAU = 150. # Z0_OVER_HEIGHT ([-] ) : to get z0 from height {OK_SECHIBA } Z0_OVER_HEIGHT = 1/16. # HEIGHT_DISPLACEMENT ([m] ) : Magic number which relates the height to the displacement height. {OK_SECHIBA } HEIGHT_DISPLACEMENT = 0.75 # Z0_BARE ([m] ) : bare soil roughness length {OK_SECHIBA } Z0_BARE = 0.01 # Z0_ICE ([m] ) : ice roughness length {OK_SECHIBA } Z0_ICE = 0.001 # TCST_SNOWA ([days]) : Time constant of the albedo decay of snow {OK_SECHIBA } TCST_SNOWA = 5.0 # SNOWCRI_ALB ([kg/m^2] ) : Critical value for computation of snow albedo {OK_SECHIBA} SNOWCRI_ALB = 10. # VIS_DRY ([-] ) : The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo {OK_SECHIBA } VIS_DRY = 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.27 # NIR_DRY ([-] ) : The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo {OK_SECHIBA } NIR_DRY = 0.48, 0.44, 0.40, 0.36, 0.32, 0.28, 0.24, 0.20, 0.55 # VIS_WET ([-] ) : The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo {OK_SECHIBA } VIS_WET = 0.12, 0.11, 0.10, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.15 # NIR_WET ([-] ) : The correspondance table for the soil color numbers and their albedo {OK_SECHIBA } NIR_WET = 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.31 # ALBSOIL_VIS ([-] ) : {OK_SECHIBA } ALBSOIL_VIS = 0.18, 0.16, 0.16, 0.15, 0.12, 0.105, 0.09, 0.075, 0.25 # ALBSOIL_NIR ([-] ) : {OK_SECHIBA } ALBSOIL_NIR = 0.36, 0.34, 0.34, 0.33, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.45 # ALB_DEADLEAF ([-] ) : albedo of dead leaves, VIS+NIR {OK_SECHIBA } ALB_DEADLEAF = 0.12, 0.35 # ALB_ICE ([-] ) : albedo of ice, VIS+NIR {OK_SECHIBA} ALB_ICE = 0.60, 0.20 # CONDVEG_SNOWA ([-]) : The snow albedo used by SECHIBA {OK_SECHIBA} CONDVEG_SNOWA = 1.E+20 # ALB_BARE_MODEL ([FLAG]) : Switch bare soil albedo dependent (if TRUE) on soil wetness {OK_SECHIBA} ALB_BARE_MODEL = n # Z0CDRAG_AVE ([FLAG]) : Average method for z0 {OK_SECHIBA} Z0CDRAG_AVE = y # IMPOSE_AZE ([FLAG]) : Should the surface parameters be prescribed {OK_SECHIBA} IMPOSE_AZE = n # CONDVEG_Z0 ([m]) : Surface roughness {IMPOSE_AZE} CONDVEG_Z0 = 0.15 # ROUGHHEIGHT ([m] ) : Height to be added to the height of the first level {IMPOSE_AZE} ROUGHHEIGHT = 0.0 # CONDVEG_ALBVIS ([-]) : SW visible albedo for the surface {IMPOSE_AZE} CONDVEG_ALBVIS = 0.25 # CONDVEG_ALBNIR ([-] ) : SW near infrared albedo for the surface {IMPOSE_AZE} CONDVEG_ALBNIR = 0.25 # CONDVEG_EMIS ([-] ) : Emissivity of the surface for LW radiation {IMPOSE_AZE} CONDVEG_EMIS = 1.0 # NLAI ([-] ) : Number of LAI levels {OK_SECHIBA} NLAI = 20 # LAIMAX ([m^2/m^2] ) : Maximum LAI {OK_SECHIBA} LAIMAX = # XC4_1 ([-] ) : Factor in the first Collatz equation for C4 plants {OK_SECHIBA } XC4_1 = 0.83 # XC4_2 ([-] ) : Factor in the second Collatz equation for C4 plants {OK_SECHIBA } XC4_2 = 0.93 # DEW_VEG_POLY_COEFF ([-] ) : coefficients of the polynome of degree 5 for the dew {OK_SECHIBA} DEW_VEG_POLY_COEFF = 0.887773, 0.205673, 0.110112, 0.014843, 0.000824, 0.000017 # CLAYFRACTION_DEFAULT ([-] ) : default fraction of clay {OK_SECHIBA } CLAYFRACTION_DEFAULT = 0.2 # MIN_VEGFRAC ([-] ) : Minimal fraction of mesh a vegetation type can occupy {OK_SECHIBA } MIN_VEGFRAC = 0.001 # STEMPDIAG_BID ([K]) : only needed for an initial LAI if there is no restart file {OK_SECHIBA } STEMPDIAG_BID = 280. # SOILTYPE_DEFAULT ([-] ) : Default soil texture distribution in the following order : sand, loam and clay {OK_SECHIBA } SOILTYPE_DEFAULT = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 # LAI_LEVEL_DEPTH ([-] ) : {OK_CO2} LAI_LEVEL_DEPTH = 0.15 # X1_COEF ([-] ) : Multiplicative factor in the equation defining kt {OK_CO2} X1_COEF = 0.177 # X1_Q10 ([-] ) : Exponential factor in the equation defining kt {OK_CO2} X1_Q10 = 0.069 # QUANTUM_YIELD ([-] ) : {OK_CO2} QUANTUM_YIELD = 0.092 # KT_COEF ([-] ) : Multiplicative factor in the equation defining kt {OK_CO2} KT_COEF = 0.7 # KC_COEF ([-] ) : Multiplicative factor for calculating Kc {OK_CO2} KC_COEF = 39.09 # KO_Q10 ([-] ) : Exponential factor for calculating Kc and Ko {OK_CO2 } KO_Q10 = 0.085 # OA ([ppm] ) : Intercellular concentration of O2 {OK_CO2} OA = 210000. # KO_COEF ([-] ) : Multiplicative factor for calculating Ko {OK_CO2} KO_COEF = 2.412 # CP_0 ([-] ) : Multiplicative factor for calculating the CO2 compensation point {OK_CO2} CP_0 = 42. # CP_TEMP_COEF ([-] ) : Exponential factor for calculating the CO2 compensation point {OK_CO2} CP_TEMP_COEF = 9.46 # CP_TEMP_REF ([C] ) : Reference temperature for the CO2 compensation point CP {OK_CO2} CP_TEMP_REF = 25. # RT_COEF ([-] ) : {OK_CO2} RT_COEF = 0.8, 1.3 # VC_COEF ([-] ) : {OK_CO2} VC_COEF = 0.39, 0.3 # QWILT ([-]) : Wilting point {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} QWILT = 5.0 # MIN_RESDIS ([m]) : The minimal size we allow for the upper reservoir {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} MIN_RESDIS = 2.e-5 # MIN_DRAIN ([kg/m^2/dt]) : Diffusion constant for the slow regime {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} MIN_DRAIN = 0.001 # MAX_DRAIN ([kg/m^2/dt]) : Diffusion constant for the fast regime {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} MAX_DRAIN = 0.1 # EXP_DRAIN ([-]) : The exponential in the diffusion law {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} EXP_DRAIN = 1.5 # RSOL_CSTE ([s/m^2]) : Constant in the computation of resistance for bare soil evaporation {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR)} RSOL_CSTE = 33.E3 # HCRIT_LITTER ([m]) : Scaling depth for litter humidity {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR) } HCRIT_LITTER = 0.08 # HYDROL_OK_HDIFF ([FLAG]) : do horizontal diffusion? {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(OK_CWRR) } HYDROL_OK_HDIFF = n # W_TIME ([-]) : Time weighting for discretisation {OK_CWRR} W_TIME = 1. # NVAN ([-]) : Van genuchten coefficient n {OK_CWRR} NVAN = 1.89, 1.56, 1.31 # AVAN ([1/mm] ) : Van genuchten coefficient a {OK_CWRR} AVAN = 0.0075, 0.0036, 0.0019 # MCR ([mm] ) : Residual soil water content {OK_CWRR} MCR = 0.065, 0.078, 0.095 # MCS ([-] ) : Saturated soil water content {OK_CWRR} MCS = 0.41, 0.43, 0.41 # KS ([mm/d] ) : Hydraulic conductivity Saturation {OK_CWRR } KS = 1060.8, 249.6, 62.4 # PCENT ([-] ) : Soil moisture above which transpir is max {OK_CWRR} PCENT = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 # FREE_DRAIN_MAX ([-] ) : Max value of the permeability coeff at the bottom of the soil {OK_CWRR} FREE_DRAIN_MAX = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 # MCF ([-] ) : Volumetric water content field capacity {OK_CWRR} MCF = 0.32, 0.32, 0.32 # MCW ([-] ) : Volumetric water content Wilting pt {OK_CWRR} MCW = 0.10, 0.10, 0.10 # MC_AWET ([-] ) : Vol. wat. cont. above which albedo is cst {OK_CWRR} MC_AWET = 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 # MC_ADRY ([-] ) : Vol. wat. cont. below which albedo is cst {OK_CWRR} MC_ADRY = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 # CROP_COEF ([-] ) : Parameter for the Kassel irrigation parametrization linked to the crops {OK_ROUTING} CROP_COEF = 1.5 # TOO_LONG ([days] ) : longest sustainable time without regeneration (vernalization) {OK_STOMATE} TOO_LONG = 5. # TAU_FIRE ([days] ) : Time scale for memory of the fire index (days). Validated for one year in the DGVM. {OK_STOMATE } TAU_FIRE = 30. # LITTER_CRIT ([gC/m^2] ) : Critical litter quantity for fire {OK_STOMATE } LITTER_CRIT = 200. # FIRE_RESIST_STRUCT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } FIRE_RESIST_STRUCT = 0.5 # CO2FRAC ([-] ) : What fraction of a burned plant compartment goes into the atmosphere {OK_STOMATE } CO2FRAC = 0.95, 0.95, 0., 0.3, 0., 0., 0.95, 0.95 # BCFRAC_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BCFRAC_COEFF = 0.3, 1.3, 88.2 # FIREFRAC_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } FIREFRAC_COEFF = 0.45, 0.8, 0.6, 0.13 # AVAILABILITY_FACT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } AVAILABILITY_FACT = 0.1 # REF_GREFF ([1/year] ) : {OK_STOMATE } REF_GREFF = 0.035 # OK_MINRES ([FLAG]) : Do we try to reach a minimum reservoir even if we are severely stressed? {OK_STOMATE } OK_MINRES = y # TAU_LEAFINIT ([days] ) : time to attain the initial foliage using the carbohydrate reserve {OK_STOMATE } TAU_LEAFINIT = 10. # RESERVE_TIME_TREE ([days] ) : maximum time during which reserve is used (trees) {OK_STOMATE } RESERVE_TIME_TREE = 30. # RESERVE_TIME_GRASS ([days] ) : maximum time during which reserve is used (grasses) {OK_STOMATE } RESERVE_TIME_GRASS = 20. # R0 ([-] ) : Standard root allocation {OK_STOMATE } R0 = 0.3 # S0 ([-] ) : Standard sapwood allocation {OK_STOMATE } S0 = 0.3 # F_FRUIT ([-] ) : Standard fruit allocation {OK_STOMATE } F_FRUIT = 0.1 # ALLOC_SAP_ABOVE_GRASS ([-] ) : fraction of sapwood allocation above ground {OK_STOMATE } ALLOC_SAP_ABOVE_GRASS = 1.0 # MIN_LTOLSR ([-] ) : extrema of leaf allocation fraction {OK_STOMATE } MIN_LTOLSR = 0.2 # MAX_LTOLSR ([-] ) : extrema of leaf allocation fraction {OK_STOMATE } MAX_LTOLSR = 0.5 # Z_NITROGEN ([m] ) : scaling depth for nitrogen limitation {OK_STOMATE} Z_NITROGEN = 0.2 # LAI_MAX_TO_HAPPY ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LAI_MAX_TO_HAPPY = 0.5 # NLIM_TREF ([C] ) : {OK_STOMATE } NLIM_TREF = 25. # PIPE_TUNE1 ([-] ) : crown area {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_TUNE1 = 100.0 # PIPE_TUNE2 ([-] ) : height {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_TUNE2 = 40.0 # PIPE_TUNE3 ([-] ) : height {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_TUNE3 = 0.5 # PIPE_TUNE4 ([-] ) : needed for stem diameter {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_TUNE4 = 0.3 # PIPE_DENSITY ([-] ) : Density {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_DENSITY = 2.e5 # PIPE_K1 ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_K1 = 8.e3 # PIPE_TUNE_EXP_COEFF ([-] ) : pipe tune exponential coeff {OK_STOMATE } PIPE_TUNE_EXP_COEFF = 1.6 # PRECIP_CRIT ([mm/year] ) : minimum precip {OK_STOMATE } PRECIP_CRIT = 100. # GDD_CRIT_ESTAB ([-] ) : minimum gdd for establishment of saplings {OK_STOMATE } GDD_CRIT_ESTAB = 150. # FPC_CRIT ([-] ) : critical fpc, needed for light competition and establishment {OK_STOMATE } FPC_CRIT = 0.95 # ALPHA_GRASS ([-] ) : sapling characteristics : alpha's {OK_STOMATE } ALPHA_GRASS = 0.5 # ALPHA_TREE ([-] ) : sapling characteristics : alpha's {OK_STOMATE } ALPHA_TREE = 1. # MASS_RATIO_HEART_SAP ([-] ) : mass ratio (heartwood+sapwood)/sapwood {OK_STOMATE } MASS_RATIO_HEART_SAP = 3. # FRAC_GROWTHRESP ([-]) : fraction of GPP which is lost as growth respiration {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_GROWTHRESP = 0.28 # TAU_HUM_MONTH ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_HUM_MONTH = 20. # TAU_HUM_WEEK ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_HUM_WEEK = 7. # TAU_T2M_MONTH ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_T2M_MONTH = 20. # TAU_T2M_WEEK ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_T2M_WEEK = 7. # TAU_TSOIL_MONTH ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_TSOIL_MONTH = 20. # TAU_SOILHUM_MONTH ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_SOILHUM_MONTH = 20. # TAU_GPP_WEEK ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_GPP_WEEK = 7. # TAU_GDD ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_GDD = 40. # TAU_NGD ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } TAU_NGD = 50. # COEFF_TAU_LONGTERM ([days] ) : time scales for phenology and other processes {OK_STOMATE } COEFF_TAU_LONGTERM = 3. # BM_SAPL_CARBRES ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BM_SAPL_CARBRES = 5. # BM_SAPL_SAPABOVE ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE} BM_SAPL_SAPABOVE = 0.5 # BM_SAPL_HEARTABOVE ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BM_SAPL_HEARTABOVE = 2. # BM_SAPL_HEARTBELOW ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BM_SAPL_HEARTBELOW = 2. # INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_NAT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_NAT = 0.1 # INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_AGRI ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } INIT_SAPL_MASS_LEAF_AGRI = 1. # INIT_SAPL_MASS_CARBRES ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } INIT_SAPL_MASS_CARBRES = 5. # INIT_SAPL_MASS_ROOT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } INIT_SAPL_MASS_ROOT = 0.1 # INIT_SAPL_MASS_FRUIT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } INIT_SAPL_MASS_FRUIT = 0.3 # CN_SAPL_INIT ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } CN_SAPL_INIT = 0.5 # MIGRATE_TREE ([m/year] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MIGRATE_TREE = 10000. # MIGRATE_GRASS ([m/year] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MIGRATE_GRASS = 10000. # LAI_INITMIN_TREE ([m^2/m^2] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LAI_INITMIN_TREE = 0.3 # LAI_INITMIN_GRASS ([m^2/m^2] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LAI_INITMIN_GRASS = 0.1 # DIA_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } DIA_COEFF = 4., 0.5 # MAXDIA_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MAXDIA_COEFF = 100., 0.01 # BM_SAPL_LEAF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BM_SAPL_LEAF = 4., 4., 0.8, 5. # METABOLIC_REF_FRAC ([-]) : {OK_STOMATE } METABOLIC_REF_FRAC = 0.85 # Z_DECOMP ([m] ) : scaling depth for soil activity {OK_STOMATE } Z_DECOMP = 0.2 # CN ([-] ) : C/N ratio {OK_STOMATE } CN = 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40., 40. # LC ([-] ) : Lignine/C ratio of the different plant parts {OK_STOMATE } LC = 0.22, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.22, 0.22, 0.22 # FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_AA ([-]) : frac_soil(istructural,iactive,iabove) {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_AA = 0.55 # FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_A ([-]) : frac_soil(istructural,iactive,ibelow) {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_A = 0.45 # FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SA ([-] ) : frac_soil(istructural,islow,iabove) {OK_STOMATE} FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SA = 0.7 # FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SB ([-] ) : frac_soil(istructural,islow,ibelow) {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_SOIL_STRUCT_SB = 0.7 # FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AA ([-] ) : frac_soil(imetabolic,iactive,iabove) {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AA = 0.45 # FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AB ([-] ) : frac_soil(imetabolic,iactive,ibelow) {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_SOIL_METAB_AB = 0.45 # METABOLIC_LN_RATIO ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } METABOLIC_LN_RATIO = 0.018 # TAU_METABOLIC ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } TAU_METABOLIC = 0.066 # TAU_STRUCT ([days]) : {OK_STOMATE } TAU_STRUCT = 0.245 # SOIL_Q10 ([-]) : {OK_STOMATE } SOIL_Q10 = 0.69 ( # TSOIL_REF ([C] ) : {OK_STOMATE } TSOIL_REF = 30. # LITTER_STRUCT_COEF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LITTER_STRUCT_COEF = 3. # MOIST_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MOIST_COEFF = 1.1, 2.4, 0.29 # FRAC_TURNOVER_DAILY ([-]) : {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_TURNOVER_DAILY = 0.55 # TAX_MAX ([-] ) : maximum fraction of allocatable biomass used for maintenance respiration {OK_STOMATE } TAX_MAX = 0.8 # ALWAYS_INIT ([-] ) : take carbon from atmosphere if carbohydrate reserve too small? {OK_STOMATE } ALWAYS_INIT = n # MIN_GROWTHINIT_TIME ([days] ) : minimum time since last beginning of a growing season {OK_STOMATE } MIN_GROWTHINIT_TIME = 300. # MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_TREE ([-] ) : moisture availability above which moisture tendency doesn't matter {OK_STOMATE } MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_TREE = 1.0 # MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_GRASS ([-] ) : moisture availability above which moisture tendency doesn't matter {OK_STOMATE } MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_GRASS = 0.6 # T_ALWAYS_ADD ([C] ) : monthly temp. above which temp. tendency doesn't matter {OK_STOMATE } T_ALWAYS_ADD = 10. # GDDNCD_REF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GDDNCD_REF = 603. # GDDNCD_CURVE ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GDDNCD_CURVE = 0.0091 # GDDNCD_OFFSET ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GDDNCD_OFFSET = 64. # BM_SAPL_RESCALE ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } BM_SAPL_RESCALE = 40. # MAINT_RESP_MIN_VMAX ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MAINT_RESP_MIN_VMAX = 0.3 # MAINT_RESP_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } MAINT_RESP_COEFF = 1.4 # FRAC_CARB_AP ([-]) : frac carb coefficients from active pool: depends on clay content {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_CARB_AP = 0.004 # FRAC_CARB_SA ([-]) : frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_CARB_SA = 0.42 # FRAC_CARB_SP ([-] ) : frac_carb_coefficients from slow pool {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_CARB_SP = 0.03 # FRAC_CARB_PA ([-]) : frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_CARB_PA = 0.45 # FRAC_CARB_PS ([-]) : frac_carb_coefficients from passive pool {OK_STOMATE } FRAC_CARB_PS = 0.0 # ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } ACTIVE_TO_PASS_CLAY_FRAC = 0.68 # CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE ( [days] ) : residence times in carbon pools {OK_STOMATE } CARBON_TAU_IACTIVE = 0.149 # CARBON_TAU_ISLOW ([days]) : residence times in carbon pools {OK_STOMATE } CARBON_TAU_ISLOW = 5.48 # CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE ([days] ) : residence times in carbon pools {OK_STOMATE } CARBON_TAU_IPASSIVE = 241. # FLUX_TOT_COEFF ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } FLUX_TOT_COEFF = 1.2, 1.4,.75 # NEW_TURNOVER_TIME_REF ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } NEW_TURNOVER_TIME_REF = 20. # DT_TURNOVER_TIME ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } DT_TURNOVER_TIME = 10. # LEAF_AGE_CRIT_TREF ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LEAF_AGE_CRIT_TREF = 20. # LEAF_AGE_CRIT_COEFF ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } LEAF_AGE_CRIT_COEFF = 1.5, 0.75, 10. # VMAX_OFFSET ([-] ) : offset (minimum relative vcmax) {OK_STOMATE } VMAX_OFFSET = 0.3 # LEAFAGE_FIRSTMAX ([-] ) : leaf age at which vmax attains vcmax_opt (in fraction of critical leaf age) {OK_STOMATE } LEAFAGE_FIRSTMAX = 0.03 # LEAFAGE_LASTMAX ([-] ) : leaf age at which vmax falls below vcmax_opt (in fraction of critical leaf age) {OK_STOMATE } LEAFAGE_LASTMAX = 0.5 # LEAFAGE_OLD ([-] ) : leaf age at which vmax attains its minimum (in fraction of critical leaf age) {OK_STOMATE } LEAFAGE_OLD = 1. # GPPFRAC_DORMANCE ([-]) : rapport maximal GPP/GGP_max pour dormance {OK_STOMATE } GPPFRAC_DORMANCE = 0.2 # MIN_GPP_ALLOWED ([gC/m^2/year] ) : minimum gpp considered as not "lowgpp" {OK_STOMATE } MIN_GPP_ALLOWED = 0.3 # TAU_CLIMATOLOGY ([days]) : tau for "climatologic variables {OK_STOMATE } TAU_CLIMATOLOGY = 20 # HVC1 ([-] ) : parameters for herbivore activity {OK_STOMATE } HVC1 = 0.019 # HVC2 ([-] ) : parameters for herbivore activity {OK_STOMATE } HVC2 = 1.38 # LEAF_FRAC_HVC ([-] ) : parameters for herbivore activity {OK_STOMATE } LEAF_FRAC_HVC = 0.33 # TLONG_REF_MAX ([K] ) : maximum reference long term temperature {OK_STOMATE } TLONG_REF_MAX = 303.1 # TLONG_REF_MIN ([K] ) : minimum reference long term temperature {OK_STOMATE } TLONG_REF_MIN = 253.1 # NCD_MAX_YEAR ([days]) : {OK_STOMATE } NCD_MAX_YEAR = 3. # GDD_THRESHOLD ([days] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GDD_THRESHOLD = 5. # GREEN_AGE_EVER ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GREEN_AGE_EVER = 2. # GREEN_AGE_DEC ([-] ) : {OK_STOMATE } GREEN_AGE_DEC = 0.5 # ESTAB_MAX_TREE ([-] ) : Maximum tree establishment rate {OK_DGVM} ESTAB_MAX_TREE = 0.12 # ESTAB_MAX_GRASS ([-] ) : Maximum grass establishment rate {OK_DGVM} ESTAB_MAX_GRASS = 0.12 # ESTABLISH_SCAL_FACT ([-] ) : {OK_DGVM } ESTABLISH_SCAL_FACT = 5. # MAX_TREE_COVERAGE ([-] ) : {OK_DGVM } MAX_TREE_COVERAGE = 0.98 # IND_0_ESTAB ([-] ) : {OK_DGVM } IND_0_ESTAB = 0.2 # ANNUAL_INCREASE ([FLAG]) : for diagnosis of fpc increase, compare today's fpc to last year's maximum (T) or to fpc of last time step (F)? {OK_DGVM} ANNUAL_INCREASE = y # MIN_COVER ([-] ) : For trees, minimum fraction of crown area occupied {OK_DGVM} MIN_COVER = 0.05 # IND_0 ([-] ) : initial density of individuals {OK_DGVM} IND_0 = 0.02 # MIN_AVAIL ([-] ) : minimum availability {OK_DGVM} MIN_AVAIL = 0.01 # RIP_TIME_MIN ([year] ) : {OK_DGVM} RIP_TIME_MIN = 1.25 # NPP_LONGTERM_INIT ([gC/m^2/year]) : {OK_DGVM} NPP_LONGTERM_INIT = 10. # EVERYWHERE_INIT ([-] ) : {OK_DGVM} EVERYWHERE_INIT = 0.05 # SECHIBA_DAY ([days]) : Time within the day simulated {OK_SECHIBA} SECHIBA_DAY = 0.0 # VEGET_UPDATE ([years]) : Update vegetation frequency {LAND_USE} VEGET_UPDATE = 0Y # SECHIBA_ZCANOP ([m]) : Soil level used for canopy development (if STOMATE disactivated) {OK_SECHIBA and .NOT. OK_STOMATE } SECHIBA_ZCANOP = 0.5 # DT_SLOW ([seconds]) : Time step of STOMATE and other slow processes {OK_STOMATE} DT_SLOW = 86400. # SECHIBA_VEG ([-]) : Vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_VEG = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # SECHIBA_VEGMAX ([-]) : Maximum vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_VEGMAX = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # SECHIBA_FRAC_NOBIO ([-]) : Fraction of other surface types within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_FRAC_NOBIO = 0.0 # SECHIBA_LAI ([-]) : LAI for all vegetation types (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_LAI = 0., 8., 8., 4., 4.5, 4.5, 4., 4.5, 4., 2., 2., 2., 2. # SOIL_FRACTIONS ([-]) : Fraction of the 3 soil types (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOILT} SOIL_FRACTIONS = 0.28, 0.52, 0.20 # CLAY_FRACTION ([-] ) : Fraction of the clay fraction (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOIL} CLAY_FRACTION = 0.2 # SLOWPROC_HEIGHT ([m]) : Height for all vegetation types {OK_SECHIBA} SLOWPROC_HEIGHT = 0., 30., 30., 20., 20., 20., 15., 15., 15., .5, .6, 1.0, 1.0 # LAI_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(LAI_MAP)} LAI_FILE = lai2D.nc # LAI_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {LAI_MAP} LAI_FILE = lai2D.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {LAND_USE} VEGETATION_FILE = PFTmap.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG) and NOT(LAND_USE)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG) and NOT(LAND_USE)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # SOILTYPE_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which soil types are read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} SOILTYPE_FILE = soils_param.nc # SECHIBA_DAY ([days]) : Time within the day simulated {OK_SECHIBA} SECHIBA_DAY = 0.0 # VEGET_UPDATE ([years]) : Update vegetation frequency {LAND_USE} VEGET_UPDATE = 0Y # DT_SLOW ([seconds]) : Time step of STOMATE and other slow processes {OK_STOMATE} DT_SLOW = 86400. # SECHIBA_VEG ([-]) : Vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_VEG = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # SECHIBA_VEGMAX ([-]) : Maximum vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_VEGMAX = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # SECHIBA_FRAC_NOBIO ([-]) : Fraction of other surface types within the mesh (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_FRAC_NOBIO = 0.0 # SECHIBA_LAI ([-]) : LAI for all vegetation types (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG} SECHIBA_LAI = 0., 8., 8., 4., 4.5, 4.5, 4., 4.5, 4., 2., 2., 2., 2. # SOIL_FRACTIONS ([-]) : Fraction of the 3 soil types (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOILT} SOIL_FRACTIONS = 0.28, 0.52, 0.20 # CLAY_FRACTION ([-] ) : Fraction of the clay fraction (0-dim mode) {IMPOSE_VEG and IMPOSE_SOIL} CLAY_FRACTION = 0.2 # SLOWPROC_HEIGHT ([m]) : Height for all vegetation types {OK_SECHIBA} SLOWPROC_HEIGHT = 0., 30., 30., 20., 20., 20., 15., 15., 15., .5, .6, 1.0, 1.0 # LAI_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(LAI_MAP)} LAI_FILE = lai2D.nc # LAI_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {LAI_MAP} LAI_FILE = lai2D.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {LAND_USE} VEGETATION_FILE = PFTmap.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG) and NOT(LAND_USE)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # VEGETATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG) and NOT(LAND_USE)} VEGETATION_FILE = carteveg5km.nc # SOILTYPE_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which soil types are read {NOT(IMPOSE_VEG)} SOILTYPE_FILE = soils_param.nc # SOILALB_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the bare soil albedo {NOT(IMPOSE_AZE)} SOILALB_FILE = soils_param.nc # CDRAG_FROM_GCM ([FLAG]) : Keep cdrag coefficient from gcm. {OK_SECHIBA} CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y # DIFFUCO_LEAFCI () : Initial leaf CO2 level if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA} DIFFUCO_LEAFCI = 233. # HYDROL_SNOW ([kg/m^2]) : Initial snow mass if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA} HYDROL_SNOW = 0.0 # HYDROL_SNOWAGE ([days]) : Initial snow age if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_SNOWAGE = 0.0 # HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO ([m]) : Initial snow amount on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO = 0.0 # HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO_AGE ([days]) : Initial snow age on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO_AGE = 0.0 # HYDROL_HUMR ([-]) : Initial soil moisture stress if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_HUMR = 1.0 # HYDROL_BQSB ([kg/m^2]) : Initial restart deep soil moisture if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_BQSB = 999999. # HYDROL_GQSB ([kg/m^2]) : Initial upper soil moisture if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_GQSB = 0.0 # HYDROL_DSG ([m]) : Initial upper reservoir depth if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_DSG = 0.0 # HYDROL_DSP ([m]) : Initial dry soil above upper reservoir if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_DSP = 999999. # HYDROL_QSV ([kg/m^2]) : Initial water on canopy if not found in restart {OK_SECHIBA } HYDROL_QSV = 0.0 # HYDROL_TAU_HDIFF ([seconds]) : time scale (s) for horizontal diffusion of water {HYDROL_OK_HDIFF} HYDROL_TAU_HDIFF = 86400. # ROUTING_TIMESTEP ([seconds]) : Time step of the routing scheme {RIVER_ROUTING} ROUTING_TIMESTEP = 86400. # ROUTING_RIVERS ([-]) : Number of rivers {RIVER_ROUTING} ROUTING_RIVERS = 50 # ROUTING_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file which contains the routing information {RIVER_ROUTING} ROUTING_FILE = routing.nc # IRRIGATION_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file which contains the map of irrigated areas {IRRIGATE} IRRIGATION_FILE = irrigated.nc # STOMATE_FORCING_NAME ([FILE]) : Name of STOMATE's forcing file {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_FORCING_NAME = NONE # STOMATE_FORCING_MEMSIZE ([MegaBytes]) : Size of STOMATE forcing data in memory {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_FORCING_MEMSIZE = 50 # STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME ([FILE]) : Name of STOMATE's carbon forcing file {OK_STOMATE} STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME = NONE # FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR ([days, months, year]) : Number of time steps per year for carbon spinup. {OK_STOMATE} FORCESOIL_STEP_PER_YEAR = 365 # FORCESOIL_NB_YEAR ([years]) : Number of years saved for carbon spinup. {OK_STOMATE} FORCESOIL_NB_YEAR = 1 # BAVARD ([-]) : level of online diagnostics in STOMATE (0-4) {OK_STOMATE} BAVARD = 1 # REFTEMP_FILE ([FILE]) : Name of file from which the reference temperature is read {OK_STOMATE} REFTEMP_FILE = reftemp.nc