# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 1.0.1 # 2024-07-13T19:43:30+02:00 Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:55:05 GMT didier.solyga [270] Forgot to add constantes_mtc.f90 and pft_parameters in the last commi Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:52:26 GMT didier.solyga [269] Import of the version ORCHIDEE_OL files with externalization (tag 1.9.5) ... Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:51:58 GMT didier.solyga [268] Import of the version ORCHIDEE files with externalization (tag 1.9.5) ... Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:20:47 GMT didier.solyga [267] Copy ORCHIDEE_OL from tag 1_9_5 Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:19:43 GMT didier.solyga [266] Copy tag/ORCHIDEE_1_9_5 Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:05:51 GMT didier.solyga [265] Create the spinup analytic branche Mon, 20 Jun 2011 07:17:03 GMT didier.solyga [264] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/Job_ForceSo (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/PARAM/orchidee.def (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/run.card.init (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/orchidee.card (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/orchidee.driver (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/Job_SECHIBA (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/PARAM/orchidee.def (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/run.card.init (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/orchidee.card (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/orchidee.driver (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/Job_SECHSTOM (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/orchidee.def (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/POST/monitoring01_orchidee.cfg (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/POST/monitoring01_orchidee_LAND_USE_and_LAI_PFTs.cfg (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/run.card.init (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/Job_SpinUp (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/PARAM/orchidee.def (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/run.card.init (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/orchidee.card (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/orchidee.driver (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/Job_TestSTO (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/PARAM/orchidee.def (deleted) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/run.card.init (deleted) Delete some obsolet files in Jobs types folders Mon, 20 Jun 2011 07:02:27 GMT didier.solyga [263] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/COMP/stomate.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/COMP/stomate.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/PARAM/run.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/PARAM/stomate.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FORCESOIL/config.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/orchidee_ol.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/orchidee_ol.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/sechiba.card (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/COMP/sechiba.driver (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/PARAM/run.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/PARAM/sechiba.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/POST (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/POST/monitoring01_sechiba.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/POST/monitoring01_sechiba_LAND_USE_and_LAI_PFTs.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC/config.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/orchidee_ol.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/orchidee_ol.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/sechiba.card (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/sechiba.driver (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/stomate.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/COMP/stomate.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/run.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/sechiba.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/PARAM/stomate.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/POST/monitoring01_sechiba.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/POST/monitoring01_sechiba_LAND_USE_and_LAI_PFTs.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/POST/monitoring01_stomate.cfg (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO/config.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/COMP/spinup.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/COMP/spinup.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/PARAM/sechiba.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/PARAM/stomate.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/SPINUP/config.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/sechiba.card (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/sechiba.driver (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/stomate.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/COMP/stomate.driver (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/PARAM/run.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/PARAM/sechiba.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/PARAM/stomate.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/POST (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/POST/monitoring01_sechiba.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/POST/monitoring01_sechiba_LAND_USE_and_LAI_PFTs.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/POST/monitoring01_stomate.cfg (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/TESTSTOMATE/config.card (modified) Update the jobs FORCESOIL,OOL_SEC, OOL_SEC_STO, SPINUP and TESTSTOMATE. ... Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:08:34 GMT didier.solyga [262] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/Job_ENSEMBLE (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/PARAM (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/PARAM/driver.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/PARAM/sechiba.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/PARAM/stomate.def (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/config.card (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/ensemble.card (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/ensemble.ksh (added) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/ENSEMBLE/install (added) Add ENSEMBLE from the trunk version in ORCHIDEE_OL (the previous ... Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:03:31 GMT didier.solyga [261] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/Utilitaire/Cabauw.cfg (modified) Update Cabauw.cfg from the trunk Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:01:36 GMT didier.solyga [260] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/EXP00/AA_job (modified) Forget to update EXP00 job Fri, 17 Jun 2011 14:55:45 GMT didier.solyga [259] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/Job_FLUXNET_validation (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/atlas_FLUXNET.cfg (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/atlas_FLUXNET_LATHUILE.cfg (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/atlas_FLUXNET_soenke.cfg (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/config.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/fluxnet.card (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/FLUXNET/fluxnet.ksh (modified) Forget to add ENSEMBLE from the trunk version to the merge Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:02:59 GMT didier.solyga [258] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/dim2_driver.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/forcesoil.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/getprec.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/readdim2.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/teststomate.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE_OL/weather.f90 (modified) Externalized version of ORCHIDEE_OL files merged with the trunk Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:02:17 GMT didier.solyga [257] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_global/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_global/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_global/grid.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_global/interpol_help.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_global/solar.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/data_para.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/ioipsl_para.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/orch_write_field.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/timer.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/tools_para.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parallel/transfert_para.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/constantes.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/constantes_mtc.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/pft_parameters.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/condveg.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/diffuco.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/enerbil.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/hydrol.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/hydrolc.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/intersurf.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/sechiba.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/sechiba_io.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/sechiba_io_p.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/slowproc.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/thermosoil.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_sechiba/watchout.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/AA_make (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/AA_make.ldef (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_constraints.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_cover.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_crown.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_establish.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_fire.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_gap.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_kill.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_light.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/lpj_pftinout.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_alloc.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_data.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_io.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_lcchange.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_litter.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_lpj.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_npp.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_phenology.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_prescribe.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_resp.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_season.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_soilcarbon.f90 (modified) * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_turnover.f90 (modified) Externalized version merged with the trunk Tue, 14 Jun 2011 14:47:31 GMT nicolas.vuichard [256] correct bug on VPD calculation Wed, 08 Jun 2011 11:37:20 GMT martial.mancip [255] Rename flag_omp for proc_synchro_omp. Test with 8MPIx4OMP procs LMDz and ... Wed, 01 Jun 2011 08:03:53 GMT martial.mancip [254] Correct default value for TIME_LENGTH in the driver. The number of time ... Wed, 01 Jun 2011 07:55:44 GMT martial.mancip [253] suppress libIGCM run.card initialization. Fri, 27 May 2011 10:15:48 GMT didier.solyga [252] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_stomate/stomate_data.f90 (modified) Forgot to initialize lai_initmin with lai_initmin_grass or ... Fri, 27 May 2011 10:12:50 GMT didier.solyga [251] * branches/ORCHIDEE_EXT/ORCHIDEE/src_parameters/constantes.f90 (modified) Move pipe_tune_exp_coeff in getin_stomate_parameters (this parameter is ... Thu, 26 May 2011 09:12:24 GMT martial.mancip [250] Suppress all old intersurf_gathered interfaces because with new OpenMP ... Thu, 26 May 2011 08:53:39 GMT martial.mancip [249] Suppress double call of Init_synchro_omp with off-line driver version. Wed, 25 May 2011 15:14:09 GMT martial.mancip [248] Nicolas Viovy : Correction of 2 problems 1. the test on minimum annual ... Mon, 23 May 2011 21:54:31 GMT martial.mancip [247] Correct some double allocations and calls Mon, 23 May 2011 21:53:28 GMT martial.mancip [246] Correct history files for OpenMP. Mon, 23 May 2011 21:51:13 GMT martial.mancip [245] Protect all OpenMP debug function with check_all_transfert parameter. ... Sun, 22 May 2011 15:58:11 GMT ernest.koffi [244] stomate.f90 was not update in ORCHIDEE Fri, 20 May 2011 16:24:38 GMT ernest.koffi [243] Run ORCHIDEE with several loops on model fixed Fri, 20 May 2011 16:24:21 GMT ernest.koffi [242] Run ORCHIDEE with several loops on model fixed Fri, 20 May 2011 16:24:07 GMT ernest.koffi [241] Run ORCHIDEE with several loops on model fixed Fri, 20 May 2011 16:23:53 GMT ernest.koffi [240] Run ORCHIDEE with several loops on model fixed Fri, 20 May 2011 16:20:54 GMT ernest.koffi [239] Run ORCHIDEE with several loops on model fixed Wed, 18 May 2011 09:35:02 GMT bertrand.guenet [238] bug correction:elimintation of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 09:33:20 GMT bertrand.guenet [237] bug correction:elimintation of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 09:32:31 GMT bertrand.guenet [236] bug correction:elimintation of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 09:30:34 GMT bertrand.guenet [235] bug correction:elimintation of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 09:29:35 GMT bertrand.guenet [234] bug correction:elimintation of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 09:27:08 GMT bertrand.guenet [233] Reduce the impact of temperature on photostress Wed, 18 May 2011 09:22:13 GMT bertrand.guenet [232] bug correction for crop establishment Wed, 18 May 2011 08:50:54 GMT bertrand.guenet [231] bug correction:elimination of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 08:47:41 GMT bertrand.guenet [230] bug correction:elimination of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 08:39:40 GMT bertrand.guenet [229] bug correction:elimination of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 08:33:39 GMT bertrand.guenet [228] bug correction:elimination of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 08:33:22 GMT bertrand.guenet [227] bug correction:elimination of artificial and non existing soil pools Wed, 18 May 2011 07:25:24 GMT bertrand.guenet [226] bug correction for crop establishment Wed, 18 May 2011 07:24:16 GMT bertrand.guenet [225] Limitation of the photostress due to temperature Tue, 17 May 2011 15:29:19 GMT martial.mancip [224] local copy of orchidee_FM for C13 and hydric stress tests. Tue, 17 May 2011 08:49:42 GMT martial.mancip [223] Add OpenMP stack to see OpenMP basic function calls when ... Mon, 16 May 2011 15:29:44 GMT martial.mancip [222] NVui, NVio, MM : DGVM corrections. lpj_establish : Add necessary ... Mon, 16 May 2011 15:26:17 GMT martial.mancip [221] NVui : DGVM avaible for tests only. Mon, 16 May 2011 14:30:00 GMT martial.mancip [220] NV, MM : delete minmoi_avail argument in constraints call. Sun, 15 May 2011 17:29:06 GMT martial.mancip [219] Suppress explicit BARRIER before histsync calls. Sun, 15 May 2011 17:28:26 GMT martial.mancip [218] Slightly change the algorithm of Synchro_omp. Sun, 15 May 2011 17:26:58 GMT martial.mancip [217] suppress print for debugging OpenMP in orch_gather_omp_rgen. Fri, 13 May 2011 15:22:45 GMT martial.mancip [216] Two correction for routing in parallel. Fri, 13 May 2011 09:31:44 GMT martial.mancip [215] In Synchro_Omp - use for debugging OpenMP parallelization - we stop ... Fri, 13 May 2011 09:29:40 GMT martial.mancip [214] Always stop after a big error. Fri, 13 May 2011 07:23:51 GMT martial.mancip [213] Bug correction on initialization of lake_reservoir (and probably the ... Thu, 12 May 2011 14:05:23 GMT nicolas.vuichard [212] account for missing datasets and fix bug for precip frequency Thu, 12 May 2011 13:00:56 GMT martial.mancip [211] Suppression of global definition of route_togrid_glo and bcast call for ... Thu, 12 May 2011 11:22:12 GMT martial.mancip [210] Correct a bug for parallelization : stom_define_history was called only ... Thu, 12 May 2011 11:18:09 GMT martial.mancip [209] Suppression of OpenMP BARRIER because it is not necessary. Use of ... Thu, 12 May 2011 11:16:32 GMT martial.mancip [208] In ioipsl_para, we have new parallel IOIPSL functions : 1. ipslnlf_p : ... Thu, 12 May 2011 11:00:10 GMT martial.mancip [207] Correct OpenMP outputs and add debug prints for OpenMP transferts In ... Tue, 10 May 2011 08:06:41 GMT martial.mancip [206] Add a magic script to download your own version. Fri, 06 May 2011 12:44:06 GMT martial.mancip [205] Upgrade with trunk version for basin interpolation. Suppress all pointer ... Fri, 06 May 2011 12:41:12 GMT martial.mancip [204] Add a check_size parameter to print changes in size of OpenMP transfer ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 15:45:40 GMT martial.mancip [203] Suppression of no more use tools_para.f90 Thu, 21 Apr 2011 15:43:31 GMT martial.mancip [202] BUG correction : date was not initialized correctly after the bcast ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 14:06:50 GMT martial.mancip [201] 1. Replace constant vector for landpoints by a variable in histwrite ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:20:59 GMT martial.mancip [200] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. [[BR]] For non ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:10:39 GMT martial.mancip [199] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. [[BR]] ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:06:07 GMT martial.mancip [198] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. 1. Variables ... Thu, 21 Apr 2011 12:57:22 GMT martial.mancip [197] Correction some comments indentation. Thu, 21 Apr 2011 12:53:31 GMT martial.mancip [196] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. 1. ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:35:06 GMT martial.mancip [195] YM, MM : Change from fix to variable size for OpenMP transfer buffers. Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:32:21 GMT martial.mancip [194] Force IOIPSL prints split by process output file "out_orchidee_000?" ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:13:13 GMT martial.mancip [193] Move init_ioipsl_para from intersurf to get IOIPSL prints split by ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:06:05 GMT martial.mancip [192] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. * In parallel ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 12:00:20 GMT martial.mancip [191] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. * In parallel ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 10:52:29 GMT martial.mancip [190] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. * The variable ... Wed, 20 Apr 2011 10:51:50 GMT martial.mancip [189] Commit for conformance with strict f90 norm, lf95 errors. * The variable ... Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:58:17 GMT nicolas.vuichard [188] debug calls to histsync function in intersurf Mon, 11 Apr 2011 07:59:14 GMT bertrand.guenet [187] Explicit representation of soil microorganisms Fri, 08 Apr 2011 17:03:23 GMT martial.mancip [186] First steps to DGVM for Merge version. This won't compile. I lock the ... Fri, 08 Apr 2011 17:02:03 GMT martial.mancip [185] Update Nicolas Viovy orc_solvar version. Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:08:22 GMT martial.mancip [184] Add wiki logins for personal directories of all permanents. We can ... Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:13:39 GMT martial.mancip [183] correct authorizations in personnal directories for commit. Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:09:43 GMT bertrand.guenet [182] Merge orchidee-N branch in my personnal directory. Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:03:50 GMT bertrand.guenet [181] Merge orchidee-N branch in my personnal directory. Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:31:40 GMT bertrand.guenet [180] Correction to avoid empty labile carbon pool, because it is not physical ... Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:27:48 GMT bertrand.guenet [179] Correct orchidee-N individual number for agricultural PFTs. Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:03:20 GMT bertrand.guenet [178] Backup to 1_9_5 version for calculating solar noon. Wed, 06 Apr 2011 09:58:42 GMT bertrand.guenet [177] I had problems with swdown values that was too low. I try the Spitters ... Tue, 05 Apr 2011 08:18:49 GMT martial.mancip [176] Problem access rw source with this simplification. Tue, 05 Apr 2011 08:17:11 GMT martial.mancip [175] Simplify rules. Tue, 05 Apr 2011 08:01:42 GMT martial.mancip [174] All people should see bug corrections into trunk repository. Mon, 04 Apr 2011 14:59:07 GMT nicolas.vuichard [173] debug variables exchanged between ORCHIDEE and STICS Mon, 04 Apr 2011 13:11:07 GMT martial.mancip [172] When is_root_prc is tested, we musn't use ioconf_setatt_p, but IOIPSL ... Mon, 04 Apr 2011 10:54:06 GMT martial.mancip [171] No flush for portability.