
TRENDY MICT Simulations

Simulations are run at LSCE.

General forcing files

  • Meteorological fields CRUNCEP V7 2-degree


  • CO2 yearly atmospheric concentrations


Code release and version of libraries

September 6th, 2016

  1. Peng has delivered a third version of the TRENDY PFT maps (the second version was not used), which allows to temporarily get around the frac_nobio problem by having frac_nobio=0 for all pixels.

The spinup is run with:
ORCHIDEE r3696 + correction equivalent to r3699 / XIOS revision 858 / libIGCM revision 1333

August 4th, 2016

  • The solution to the problem with thermosoil_cond_pft was committed in r3699.
  • More on the negative soil carbon values

Albert has continued to track back the problem of negative carbon soil coming from unrealistic low temperatures. The problem is linked to the use of the veget_max_bg variable which is present in thermosoil(c).f90 and stomate_permafrost_soilcarbon.f90. There is no such variable in the TRUNK.

It is defined as:

    veget_max_bg(:,2:nvm) = veget_max(:,2:nvm)
    veget_max_bg(:,1) = MAX((un - SUM(veget_max(:,2:nvm), 2)), zero)

and used notably in thermosoil_coef where soilflx is computed.

The problem is that this variable basically get rid of frac_nobio, putting it into the bare soil fraction. So this is completely incoherent with all enerbil/explicisnow/... that use only veget_max.

We may not have seen this problem before because we had no pixels with frac_nobio, however the TRENDY maps have pixels with frac_nobio (Ye, you changed revision number when your problem appeared but you also used a new PFT map which maybe has pixels with frac_nobio?)

Does someone know where this veget_max_bg originates from?

My idea is that we have to remove it, use veget_max and treat pixels with frac_nobio properly.

Albert is doing such tests, to see if we can go on with the TRENDY spinup.

July 31th, 2016

Some problems are encountered with r3668:

  • in thermosoil_cond_pft
    xunfroz(:,:) = sh2o(:,:) / smc(:,:)   ! Unfrozen Fraction (From i.e., 100%Liquid, to 0. (100% Frozen))

    DO jv = 1,nvm
      DO jg = 1,ngrnd
        DO ji = 1,kjpindex
           xu(ji,jg,jv) = xunfroz(ji,jg) * porosnet(ji, jg, jv)  ! Unfrozen volume for saturation (porosity*xunfroz)
        END DO ! DO jg = 1,ngrnd
      END DO
    END DO

    first(:,:,:) = 1. - porosnet(:, :, :)
    second(:,:,:) = porosnet(:, :, :) - xu(:,:,:)

should be replaced with:

    DO jg = 1,ngrnd
       DO ji = 1,kjpindex
          IF ( smc(ji,jg) > min_sechiba ) THEN
             xunfroz(ji,jg) = sh2o(ji,jg) / smc(ji,jg)   ! Unfrozen Fraction (From i.e., 100%Liquid, to 0. (100% Frozen))

    DO jv = 1,nvm
      DO jg = 1,ngrnd
        DO ji = 1,kjpindex
           xu(ji,jg,jv) = xunfroz(ji,jg) * porosnet(ji, jg, jv)  ! Unfrozen volume for saturation (porosity*xunfroz)
        END DO ! DO jg = 1,ngrnd
      END DO
    END DO

    first(:,:,:) = 1. - porosnet(:, :, :)
    second(:,:,:) = porosnet(:, :, :) - xu(:,:,:)


similarly to what is done in thermosoil_cond because smc(ji,jg) can be equal to zero (problem seen in some points in Greenland).

  • negative soil carbon values

-> in cryoturbate: deepC_s(ip,:,iv) < 0 (iv=1 PFT bare soil)
-> in permafrost_decomp: cflux(iactive,islow) < 0, dC < 0, O2_soil(ip,iv,il) < 0
-> in soil_gasdiff_diff: O2_soil(:,1,:) < 0, O2sa(:,iv) < 0, tsurf(:) < 0
-> in stomate_main: temp_sol < 0
-> in sechiba_main: temp_sol_new < 0
-> in enerbil_surftemp: psnew(ji)= -995426.004042274, dtheta= -1258431.90959266
-> in thermosoil_coef: large negative values of soilflux, large negative values of snowflx
So the problem seems to be related to the explicit snow: check snowmelt, twbr.

July 28th, 2016

The problem with the interpolation of the PFT map was fixed by Albert, the spinup is run with:
ORCHIDEE r3668 / XIOS revision 858 / libIGCM revision 1333

July 26th, 2016

A problem was identified with the interpolation of the PFT map. While waiting for its resolution, the spinup is run with:
ORCHIDEE r3540 / IOIPSL v2.2.2 / libIGCM v2.7

July 25th, 2016

ORCHIDEE r3629 / XIOS 1.0 / libIGCM v2.8.1

Configurations with standard crops


PFT maps

Third release: /home/surface3/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_MICT_TRENDY/INPUTS/PFTmaps/PFTmaps.new2 Second release: /home/surface3/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_MICT_TRENDY/INPUTS/PFTmaps/ First release: /home/surface3/maignan/ORCHIDEE/TESTS/test_MICT_TRENDY/INPUTS/PFTmaps/PFTmaps


Spinup follows a protocol similar to the one written for the evaluation paper, see: spinup_MICT.pdf
The CO2 atmopsheric concentration is fixed at the 1860 value (286.42 ppm).
PFT map is fixed: (VEGET_UPDATE=0Y in sechiba.card)
Climate is cycling over 1901-1910.
Fires are activated.


Launched September 6th, 2016, on-going

Configurations with improved crops

PFT maps


Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 2016-09-12T17:22:00+02:00